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Everything posted by ltorres

  1. I know personally a lot of Joe's select players. Two of them are actually related to me and 3 or 4 other ones are close friends of mine. It's true that they are talented now, however when he picked them up they were no better than your run of the mill teenage player. He worked with them and helped them develop their potential. Everyone has potential (or at least I like to think so) it's just a matter of the player's desire to reveal it and also the coach's ability to see it. He saw it and the kid's wanted to show the people who called them and I quote "...nothing but trouble..." that they were in fact a force to be reconned with. There are a few coaches in the area who have been blessed with ODP players as well as other talented players and haven't really put them in their program effectively enough to where they can make a difference. Joe has, thats why I have to go with him on this one.
  2. I know exactly why Kelly is doing so good. I'm just not telling anyone because if I did, Id have to kill them. : :-[
  3. Well it's not exactly Beaumont gettin it, Lamar is. I dont think theyll have a problem with non students using it though.
  4. Teams who are dedicated to the sport will practice under any condition. Wether it be clear sunny skies to storms hellbent on flooding the earth with freezing rain again as they once did in the time of Noah. I suggest that kids find a place to practice indoors though, we dont want anyone gettin sick:) Like the school gym or something of that nature. Just a thought
  5. It's true, us mexicans aren't really good at "school" so once report cards come out, half of central's strength is gonna go the way of the dinosaurs.
  6. I knew St. Thomas would be scared. They dont want none.
  7. Indoor soccer is the honing stone everyone should sharpen their skill with. I myself can't wait to set my feet within the doors of an indoor soccer complex in Beaumont. It's as if I died and went to heaven and there was an indoor court for me to play heavenly indoor soccer on with angels. ;D
  8. Joe Fontana is probably the greatest coach to ever live or will live until the end of the world. And you can quote me on that. In his late teens and early twenties he has accomplished more (soccer wise) than most coaches accomplish in a lifetime. 2 titles and a shot at state in high school level and hes not even 25 yet. He turned the Kelly program around and I'm very confident he can take his squad and bring home the ring. Cheers to you Joe Fontana.
  9. ooooooooooooooooooooooh got em coach. No, but seriously cut the crap. This is a sports forum not a name calling contest.
  10. Lamar is going to open their recreational center pretty soon. I heard its going to be pretty sweet. Anyway im excited about their indoor court. If any of you guys go to Lamar I encourage you to go the first day it opens and try it out, I know I will.
  11. I havent really worn very many nicer cleats because I dont have the kind of money to spend on them. I have worn vapors, predators and puma celerators and I liked the predators by far the best (world cup edition) Too bad I lost them after partying with the mexican league players :'(
  12. West Brook's jerseys do look a lot like the old USA ones, which were pretty damn good looking if you ask me. Kelly's new home varsity uniform is also very nice, their away is kind of bland though.
  13. Im going to have to go with Matt Kirby on this one. He has sensational control, blinding speed and he can put the ball in the net 90% of the time. He watches the whole field and has the tactical capacity of a world class Chess master. Waldrup and Deavers do have speed and very developed skill, but they don't have the vision and resolve that Kirby has.
  14. It's true that Kelly did not have their full capacity last time they played St. Thomas, they were missing key players. Another factor is that St. Thomas is coming into DAWG COUNTRY!! the field here isn't lush uniform turf, it's actually a combination of grass, mud, blood, sweat and tears. All I have to say to St. Thomas is bring your creme of the crop A game, because Kelly is definetely going to bring theirs.
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