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Everything posted by twobag

  1. Splendora has no talent at all.
  2. 35 to 7 Huffman
  3. Cleveland played good D but not good offense at all they got a good QB they should think bout using him some more and try using your best running back marcus mallot who had positive yards every time he touched the ball and not have him on the side line.
  4. Cleveland has a very very good basketball team they have 4 juniors that are outstanding and if they had the other one that moved away i would have picked them to win it this year. They will go pretty far this year but i think next year they will make it to state.
  5. mallot is the best LB in 22 3a hands down and one of the best runnin backs in the district if not the best.
  6. D line is cedric reed and the best defensive player is marcus mallot hands down in 22 3a
  7. Cleveland should be pretty strong this year
  8. 56 to 0 thats being very nice if cleveland wanted to they could score as many as they want but prob wont play there starters after first half maybe sooner.
  9. Them kids you watched in the playoffs two years ago were fresmen and sophmores now there juniors and seniors and way better of a team and no they cant win first in 21 3a but promise you they would be fightin for number 2 or 3.
  10. ibip come on coldsprings wont beat cleveland i have watched both of them and i also have watched yal get smashed bye cleveland but i have watched liberty and there a much better team so you can go ahead and give them playoff hopes up........... Cleveland 34 Coldspring21
  11. Enjoy the win while you can cause next friday will not be very pretty
  12. Football fan your not real smart are you.
  13. cleveland 40 to 7 cleveland is to strong and to fast.
  14. Is there a league in the fall to enter teams in or do they just play tournament? If so when does this start?
  15. So Liberty and Huffman are the best two? What about Tarkington?
  16. Like i said... you shouldn't say below avg. Have you watched them play? They lost to HF, they tied Crosby. Crosby was alot better than HF. They were just scrimmages... Tarkington lost alot last year, but they have alot of young kids working very hard. Only 2 or 3 seniors, about 4 juniors, 2 or 3 sophmores and 1 freshman.
  17. There are alot of kids working hard to get better and they are improving everyday! YOU shouldn't say below avg.
  18. If Tarkington can find some pitching from the youngsters they have they can play with Huffman. Wiggons is a good coach and will have them well prepared.
  19. K Park will be better than alot of you think. Pitching wont be that strong nobody will blow by you, but they will pitch very smart. They have a great coaching staff. They may not win the district, but they will compete in every district game.
  20. Tarkington lost good pitching. Going to be hard to replace Brewer, Smelley and Joel. They will have to fill those spots with a senior, couple of sophmores and maybe a freshman. Very, very young.
  21. They will be young this year, but they will be very scrappy. They lost there middle infield, third, cf and all three starting pitchers.
  22. Thanks. Im trying to see how the district will go and what players to watch for. I have a son that is a freshman at Tarkington and one that graduated last year.
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