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Everything posted by jcb6790

  1. is smsplayer really Ian Littlepage...if so i like the fact that he started a topic about himself....it looks like you got the attention you wanted
  2. Central, Lumberton, PNG (silsbee is in sixth, last time i looked, so thats a little unrealistic jvanw)
  3. i agree with what you said about the stats it is very hard to compare players on stats alone...unless they are on the same team, which they arnt. and about waldrups speed no doubt its there and he might be faster than Matt but im pretty sure, not 100%, but Kirby runs a 4.6 in the 40 and that is very fast but once again Yea Yea could be faster because i dont know his times or ive never seen these two in a foot race(what a race that would be)
  4. actually i was comparing from what ive seen of yea yea because i know the kelly lumberton scrimmage was one of there first, and also i know that you cant compare who's the better team from that scrimmage, but if you look at the talent each team has...which is both very good but kellys players are better not all of them but all around if you break down the players and the team play. im gonna have to say Kelly is a better team. but dont get me wrong waldrup is a very very good player and if hes already scored 24 goal and has 5 games left thats great and he will most likley get over 26 since he such a good player.. but i wasnt using just the fact that Matt scored 26 goals but its that yes he scored 26 and he also missed 5 games, and the last game we played kirby was still hurting and didnt even start that game yet he scored his 26'th goal. Waldrup is no doubt a very very great player and like Bon Mot said has many years of great soccer to come but Matt is no doubt better than Yea Yea.
  5. well, im not doubting you know what your talking about becuase you seem like you know prob. more of the facts about that whole dynamo thing than me. but he did get invited to play with their reserve team(the guys that get payed to play soccer) so i dont know what that means other than he would get to play wiht men whos jobs is soccer. and once again because you must of overlooked it last time i said it. you cant judge on just one game especially if you only went to three of our games. and im not saying this is the case at all but kelly does have a better all around team than Lumberton so it could be that the reason why matt doesnt put on such a great "show" is because there are other people putting on the show with him, not just one player doing it. but hey dont listen to me what do i know.
  6. yes its a loyalty but not only that he is really the best player, kirby scored 26 goals this year, which is a new kelly record and he was also hurt for 3 games and didnt come to two so with missing in total 5 games he scored 26 goals, and i have seen yea yea play and others who are very good but matt still is better no doubt those others are really great players but matt has accomplished a whole lot..not saying the other havent...just to name something hes accomplished. As most know now he signed with the Dynamo U18 team, but what that means is he can go PRO (that means playing PROFESSIONAL soccer) right after highschool, or if he chooses he can go to college get a degree then he could go pro. also its not only kelly people saying kirby is the best there is acctually a very good amount and other than you im going to say its only Lumberton people sying that Waldrup is the best. One last thing you can not judge who the best player is on one game alone(as you made it seem you have). no doubt he could have had a great game tonight that is better than kirby when he isnt having a good game(which is rare) but if you put these two players next two each other on the best night of there soccer life it would be impossible for you to say kirby is worse than yea yea. and at the end of LUmbertons season compare these two and it will be hard for you to say yea yea is better than Kirbs
  7. I think you woke up this morning and said it has been too long since i started an argument on the SETXsport forums. So you post this, well everyone is entitled to their opinion and i guess you have the right to share yours, no matter how unaccurate it is. But for yea yea's sake, i will say he is the best out of the teams that are still playing right now. (Kelly's season is over.) SOOOO just for the sake of argument, because i woke up this morining and said i need to argue on the forums some more as well, as a KELLY FAN, STUDENT, and PLAYER and a memeber of the SETX soccer community, MATT KIRBY is without a doubt the most talented player in SETX.
  8. no man i wasnt saying it was the coach i think some of the players need to step up and really lead their team
  9. haha who would of thought it
  10. alright, im gonna drop it because your a brick wall. but to answer your question, i think lumberton has a great team, also central is good, west brook could be great with diffrent leadership, and i think vidor would be a lot of fun to play with.
  11. well your wrong...again...probably wont be the last time your wrong either. you have offended me. and you say we dont play teams other than st thomas that are good. We played St. Louis of Louisiana three times they gave us the first of our four losses this year then we beat them two other times... St. Louis was nationally ranked last year... also i dont think its that you dont like our coach thinking hes the only coach worht anything in the area, because hes not and he will tell you that if you ask him, but without a doubt joe is a great coach and definitly one of the best in the area. i mean he is in his mid twenties and done stuff in like 6 years that other coaches in the area havent been able to do in a career.(im not saying all of the coaches) whenever there would be topics of the best coach in the area and Joe's name would be answered you always questioned that he was only good because he has great talent(which we do) but whenever people would post something to obviosly prove that joe is in fact a good coach not a lucky one you, sharkfutbol, would either not respond or stubbornly disagree
  12. there were four kelly players... theres eleven players on the field. i dont know if you dont like the kelly team or if you dont like joe but it is evident that you have a a strong dislike for one of those. it seems when you talk about kelly your always being negative except for maybe once or twice. keep your personal vendetta to yourself. nobody wants to hear it and if your talking trash on our team or our coach just to get a rise out of someone youve done it, i am pretty angry not just that you talk badly about kelly but that you even post on these soccer forums because most of what you say is idiotic nonsense. i have a ten year old brother who knows more about the game than you. please think before you type.
  13. i agree with beautifulgame
  14. thanks KFDM i aprecciate it
  15. when will lumberton and central play again
  16. shark, ive finally decided you definitly didnt play soccer when you were younger(it is obvious you are a parent, because your like a good amount of parents from setx, great fans of there kids and their teams but not to smart when it comes to the game). honestly if you have ever played on a jv level team you would know that yes you want to move up but it is some of the most fun youll have in high school soccer. on jv i formed bonds that are just as thich as blood, jv is a place where you get better but have fun, you dont have the pressure of being champions so you can really have fun with the game(esp. if you arent the best player) you say that the point of jv is to get off of it, there you are wrong i know people who have played but ONLY because they wanted to be on jv. there are people who know they arnt the fastest or strongest, and know its farfetched for them to be on varsity that particular year so they play jv ,yes to get better, but more importantly because they want to play the game. so please anybody who only aspires to be on jv dont think if your not working your hardest to get onto varsity you doing something wrong...on the jv level work hard, give it your all, but HAVE FUN
  17. Quinn plays for kelly....and since kelly has been brought up you might as well point out there strong points on jv 1st michael verde-sweeper very talented not many people can get by him nat lombardo, tyrell roane-midfield very good skills, young but still can play with great composier camp schwartz, john beaver-center mids leaders, great passing, pretty good skill nse udonta, taylor zummo-forward fast, great placement
  18. Is he good, i heard he wasnt bad but i dont believe it. ive been watching him but i cant tell. but seriously ive been watching a couple of new kids and Michael Kenny and Evan Lee are some up-and-comers, who will be fun to watch in coming years.
  19. man i wish i was in town for that game.. it should be a very fun game to watch..good luck to both teams.
  20. LCM has great sportsmanship.
  21. Are you serious?? i think you have the definition of MVP all wrong. Im not saying what you said about the individual players is wrong because those were very accurate. but an MVP is most of the time the best player on the TEAM, yes, but that doesnt mean without them the team cant win as easy. what normally makes and MVP is the ten people around him/her, and how well he works with them. sometimes a team can make a great player look amazing. not a great player making one team look amazing. i could see where your coming form in saying that an MVP is the reason why some teams win if your talking about an average team who plays others of their own calibur and only wins bacause that one player dribbles through everyone and finds the net but even with a great player, if he doesnt have a team they will not win that many games. even further, sometimes an MVP isnt the most athletic or skilled player on the field but a player who is talented, but also has a great attitude, is a leader and always gives more than his all. these criteria i believe all contribute to a MVP. not just his ability to score goals(or stop them). so yes a MVP impacts the team but does not control the amount of wins they have.
  22. yep, i agree. and i play for kelly...we dont need to be in every topic theres other schools in the area
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