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Everything posted by BhGrizzlyAdams

  1. BH rolls over Gary Coleman and the Cougs ;D ;D ;D ;D
  2. heres the real question, lumberton IS good enough to make the playoffs this year easy, but if they do make it, will they have what it takes to win being as how theyve never been in a playoff atmosphere before, wrap your minds around that one ;D ;D ;D "i would post another bulletin but i dont wanna ad to the 300 lumberton already has" ;D ;D
  3. once again lets remind big house of how his team has never won district "or come close" and has never been to the playoffs, and of how they got raped last year in 22 4a (just like every other year):-* :-* :-* why dont you go post on your own threads, Lumbertons got like 400 ofem
  4. Hey, im thinkin after all the stuff that that 22 4a puts those raiders through, with the predictions and the way people down them, i think theyve earned the right to post and talk all they want, lumbertons never had a team with this much talent or heart before and in the past all people did was laugh at them, let them talk, theyve EARNED that for now....... and it helps that they help to shut up my all too cocky neighbors from the other side of old river ;D ;D ;D Congrats raiders KEEP IT ROLLIN!!
  5. The BH offense will roll Bh in a sloberknocker 21 to 17
  6. BH jv 41 FB jv 0 BH fr 28 FB fr 12
  7. if i had to pick one coach out of any, id pick that ol boy thats been coachin for newton all these years, if he didnt retire yet
  8. All that coming from a man who has no room to talk cause his team gets ROMPED in 22 4a EVERY year and has NEVER been to the playoffs!!! :-* :-* :-* Just thought i might throw that out there ;D
  9. from what ive seen FB has a lot of talent but no discipline, BH is not planing on losing another game after there first home loss against jasper, weve got a point to prove that were a team to be wreckoned with again in district, BH wins BIG
  10. there sure is lotsa trash talkin goin on over this game, cant wait to get there n see how it goes myself ;D ;D
  11. bh always brings tons of fans, especially in playoff games and when we go to galena park ;D
  12. how bad did nederlend beat these guys?
  13. Top three ive heard at bh are 1 Watd you eat for breakfast this mornin DUMG FOOD!? 2 RUN! we dont take three steps and do the "CHA CHA" 3 REALLY!? well thats not very good, but thats ok, im sure it'l look a whole lot better when your doing it on the jv lol
  14. im leavn teh argument here rooster, good luck to your wildcats, cause they face some real cats this weekend
  15. I thought so too, and i would love to know where bh146 gets his info from, cause i go to teh school n i didnt even know that
  16. hey rooster n hound, i dont know what kinda football yallr watchn out on the farm in splendora but my buddy A 1 tight ends got this game wraped up, n splendoras had no test of skill so far, wel see how good they really are come friday
  17. i dont know what your mr hound but its home coming at the jungle and hate to say it but after 50 + against woodville i dont think splendoras that good, anahuac by 14, GO PANTHERS!
  18. hey mr ukcat idk who you are or where your from but around here sometimes the diference between 3a and 4a as far as talent and coaching aint that much diferent, newtons 2a and can beat a lot of 3a teams out here, so get your facts before you start telling people to "stay in there own class"
  19. I think lumberton toughs it out and wins by 7, they got a lot of heart n id like to see them pull the upset n make it to the playoffs this year. Good luck Raiders!!
  20. Anahuac by 7
  21. icoach barbay of newton is a great coach, probably teh best in teh southeast, but the staff from the hill has 32 overall playoff appearenses and took district there first ever year in 4 a, pretty impressive
  22. teh hills standou player next year'l definantely be joe sexton, 1st team all state n one of maybe 4 returning starters,
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