Lets take a look at the numbers in PAISD...... According to the Executive summary, March 13th of 2015 by Mr.Porterie the demographics are as follows...... PAISD is home to 9,045 students and 1,350 staff. Our district serves 77.2% economically disadvantaged students. The student demographics are as follows: 45.3% - Hispanic; 2.5% - American Indian; 4.0% - Asian; 45.3% - African American; 2.3% - White and 0.5% - Multiracial. The demographics of our professional staff include: 12.0% - Hispanic; 0.4% - American Indian; 60.6% - African American; 25.5% - White and 0.7% - Multiracial. What does this mean? Well, you take that roughly 2000 number turned in, and divide that in half...1000 boys,and 1000 girls. Then,arguably for athletic purposes. you divide it in half again because the hispanic community just doesnt participate in football. This isnt about black,white or brown...Its simply about numbers. All this info was copied and pasted from the PAISD website. With this being said I cant wait for the old rivalries to rekindle, its good for everyone,kids,fans,and the communities of each area. Good luck to all!!!!!