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Everything posted by T_totha_K

  1. No Browns play for an ELITE ALL-STAR TEAM and Kris Richard is his only teammate in the area, now he deserves to be on this list
  2. Coop I need more Info and coach is McKeller is doing the best he can so that comment was not called for whsalum
  3. Good season Dayton but I knew yall had a little bit more on your hands tonight....hope next year is just as good
  4. Ok I've seen LaMarque play this year and they are a good team that #34 and that post can do some damage if you let them....
  5. This thread still going on come on yall this is getting out of hand....say your opinions and spit facts but dont put anyone down....all of the guys that everyone named are good players and thats that its just some are better than others
  6. Good Luck Memorial and Ozen I think Memorial might take 2 but Ozen might win it
  7. Got dogg from an old Titan that knows the situations out there damn good job.....from the original Titan General #7
  8. Kris had an ok year I thought he was going to do alot better but I havent heard much from 4a
  9. What about Memorial beating Ozen twice? and Dayton beating Central twice? We demand a recount..... >
  10. Come on Coop my boiz from Memorial doing it out there..... We're #1 We're #1...lol
  11. I keep on hearing about this attitude but I dont think you have seen him play before....If you have you will know that he's never been EJECTED from a game....All I see on this site is negative comments about the kid but you never even seen the kid before....smh
  12. Eugene Bryant from Memorial game winner against Houston Smiley in 04 in OT man that was crazy
  13. Kingwood and the old "Beehive"
  14. hey my boiz got a dub hope they keep it goin....
  15. nice match ups but what happen to Golden Triangle vs. Houston thing?
  16. Congrat WH hope yall go far in the playoffs....remembers playing the Oilers in middle school...lol...so long ago
  17. Over the thanks giving break I seen Southlake Carrol play Trinity Euless and it was crazy besides that thriller it has to be 2004 PA Memorial vs. Aldine we were down 41-7 at half
  18. I cant believe I missed the first 1 and Im like 5 miles away dang....you dont know anything in college....
  19. All this bull being said I bet if Memorial played any of those teams they would beat them by at least 20 or more...so you tell me about making a team better or not....honestly I dont think most of the people making comments have seen all 3 players, Danahoe is good but not playing competition and no exposure means no-where, the other kid Letsinger he's ok but cant compete with the others on list, NOT taking anything away from attitude but talent wise Brown by far, all of yall really dont know yall see a player over emotional about the game and first thing oh he's done he the best of the best....dont talk cause you know the kids personally or from their community but they couldnt compete on a 5a level plain and simple....
  20. I just wanted to say Good Luck to all local teams in the area even though I'm not in SETX anymore....East Texas says their gunning against yall....
  21. Toddrick Keller Pitcher & CF Jarvis Christian College Its a D-1 NAIA
  22. J' Covan havent been tossed from 1 game this year....Cant help it if every game the kids been in have been REAL games....Another thing you look at is the competition they are playing against every night, Best in the NATION or in the AREA but hey you take your pick.....
  23. 2-State Championships #26 in the Nation #2 in Texas #1 in Southeast Texas I have no other choice but to say Mr. Brown......
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