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Everything posted by Buckshot

  1.     Update for the teams, coaches and parents who took part in our Santa in Blue, bicycle round-up tournament     We are not sure where to begin, so let us just say THANK YOU!  We joined Beaumont PD and Santa in Blue last night and made the deliveries to some very special children that would not have had a Christmas without your generosity. The looks on their faces was priceless to see Santa coming thuough their door with a HUGE box of toys and a bicycle too!     I would have loved for each of you to have been with us last night.  It was a very humbling experience, even more than Ronnie and I could have imagined.  We had 2 homes without a Christmas tree (that will be handled this morning as we made a stop last night to purchase them!), and 2 homes were truly in need of gifts; one had 1 present under the tree, the other had 0 gifts under the tree. Each home had a story and these were not fairytale endings.  A father had tragically passed away while fishing leaving 3 girls, all under 9.  Another had lost his job and their home is being foreclosed on.  Just 2 examples of our night, but I could tell you so many more.     You all did more than you will ever know to make some child have a true Merry Christmas.  From the very bottom of our hearts we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Ronnie and Nara Cole Stars Over Texas Softball
  2. USFA and STARS OVER TEXAS are happy to announce the 2012 USFA state tournament for all ages will return to Beaumont in 2012. The dates are as follows: 10U A&B and 12U A&B.......................June  8-10 8U,14U 40ft & 14U 43ft,16U,18U.........June 15-17 This tournament is very important to our community, having a multi million dollar impact. This event could not continue to be held here without the support of our city, county, hotels,Ford Park,etc. The support of our local teams for this event and all Stars Over Texas tournaments also plays a big part in our ability to attract this kind of tournament. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Ronnie & Nara Cole STARS OVER TEXAS
  3. Another great weekend of softball made better by the addition of the Santa in Blue program. Nara and I were touched by the excitment and participation we recieved from our teams in this event. We will follow this through by helping with the delivery to the families recieving bicycles and gifts made possible by your gererosity. Put it on your calendars for next year. We are making plans for a bigger and better event. The Beaumont Police Dept is planning to expand their role during the tournament.  The kids were fired up about Santa, the bikes, etc. It was great to see and made me feel a little younger, which i am in need of. See ya next year!!! 8U 1st  Missfitz 2nd Havoc 3rd Unleeshed 10U 1st  GT Shockers 01 2nd Mid County MOJO 3rd  LA Velocity 12U 1st  LA Patriots 2nd Texas Hustle 99 3rd  GT Shockers 99 14U 1st  Diamond Phillies 2nd No Mercy 3rd  CC Fire 18U 1st  Texas Cobras Gold 2nd Beaumont Blast 3rd  young Guns Some great finishes by our local teams, their fans should be very proud of the way they played. Ronnie & Nara
  4. We posted our 2011 Fall schedule in Late 2010. This schedule was posted and remains posted on our website as well as the USFA website. We have also advertised these tournaments and their dates on this website. Recently two local organizations joined forces and announced a series of tournaments on the exact dates as ours involving the exact same age groups. We have recieved a lot of e-mails and phone calls regarding this. We have no comment.  We only ask that the teams that have supported us in the past continue your support. Our tournaments are all USFA qualifiers and will be played at Ford Park. "WAR BETWEEN THE STATES"  USFA NIT (8U,10U,12U,14U,16U,18U)                 Oct 1-2 STARS OVER TEXAS FALL SHOWCASE  USFA State Qualifier  (16U,18U)             Oct 8-9 STARS OVER TEXAS WINTER SHOWCASE  USFA State Qualifier (16U,18U)          Nov 5-6 "BLUE SANTA BICYCLE ROUND-UP"  USFA State Qualifier (8U,10U,12U,14U)        Nov 12-13 Ronnie or Nara  409-782-6152
  5.     Stars Over Texas and the Santa in Blue program have teamed up for a bicycle round-up, November 12-13 at our Winter tournament.  This is our first year to partner up and we look forward to this being an annual event!     They way this will work is the entry fee is $175.  If your team chooses to bring a bicycle, then it is $100.  If you choose not to bring a bicycle, then Stars Over Texas will take the $75 and purchase a bicycle for that team.  Stars Over Texas will start the ball rolling with our donation of 10 bicycles.     The Santa in Blue is very excited to have us as their partner.  They typically are able to provide 20-30 bikes, but with our help this year, we are looking to add and additional 50!  They do not take applications, but go out in the community and choose their recipients.  They try to help families that are working, but are unable to make ends meet and provide their children with a proper Christmas.     It has always been very important to us to support the community that supports us.  Since the beginning of our tournaments in 2007, Stars Over Texas has awarded $9000 in scholarships and donated an additionl $14,985 to local teams that have helped us with our tournaments and showcases.     Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you all this Fall and Winter. Ronnie and Nara Cole
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