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Everything posted by ESPN

  1. I'll take the Brook as well. Humble is due to have another good team.
  2. This is a very weak district. Cleveland will probably win it.
  3. This will be a fun district to watch. Burkeville always has talent and they are due again.
  4. I hope SP has a great season after all they went through.
  5. San Augustine will be tough. Hemphill always has talent..
  6. OF could stir things up..
  7. Coach Robbins will have that group next season in Austin..
  8. Huffman will do fine in Baseball in 4A. You have a growing area over there with alot of Talent.
  9. Go Cards beat Columbus.
  10. Where's that waterboy at that made a comment about Stringer???
  11. That's how BC hit the ball all year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Good luck Cards! Show them how good you really are. BC wins game 3..
  13. BH has a chance if they can score runs early, if not BC should take it..
  14. Brian English is headed back home..
  15. Well if BC hits like i've seen them hit this year the series should end Friday night. Just being honest.
  16. Way to go Woodville..
  17. Gosh i hate to see the Bears seaosn end after such a good Year...
  18. I guess he's happy Now!! :twisted:
  19. Every Player is going to have a bad game every once in a while. I've seen their Catcher all year and he hasn't done that all year. Bh is good don't get me wrong. Angelle is a League above ALL 3A Pitchers in this region. Like i said everyone has a bad game here and there.
  20. I agree. When your in a 1 gamer with the #10 team in the United States you start your #1.
  21. The Source...Let me guess..Jody? Ther're not as good as Angelle. There good don't get me wrong. Hell even Angelle can have a bad game every blue moon like he did tonight..
  22. I love Griffith i really do..Best Coach ever in my opinion for LCM..But why didn't they start Elhert?????? They would have won if he would have started. How many hits did Brenham have when Elhert came in?
  23. Sorry but Griff messed up by not starting Elhert??????????? To late now..
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