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  1. 76' Red Card Against #14 Torres. Should seal USA victory with only 12 minutes left in the game
  2. Panama already playin quite aggressively a couple of bullish yellow cards against USA..a couple missed cards against panama...poor overall job by the referee's thus far if i say so myself.
  3. Lumberton hasnt played a JV game in a long time...
  4. or you need to be the more mature person and simply let it go?
  5. Think everyone just needs to calm down.. 8) 8) 8)
  6. How about you two keep the forums friendly, so you dont ruin it for the rest of us?
  7. In response to Bon Mot's post, just for the record. Brent waldrup is #9.
  8. Yup, we sure did. Garza does play basketball, but was able to make the game yesterday due to the date change.
  9. O well didnt happen, so it doesnt exist. haha but yes he is good and easily one of the best in our district i believe. However i still havent been able to see leger, bryce, or biffle?(who does he play for) play. And i dont think i will get to see bryce play either in light of his injury..
  10. Yes i must admit that he did scream a lot for the better half of the game, and there were many missed calls and such but what is the rule on clean up? Because if you watched the game which it seems that you did that ball was pretty much clearly already on its way in and i had never encountered a ref making that offsides call ??? For the second half though our coach quieted down and kept it to a dull roar Yes he was and still seems to be a great player of the game when he decides to practice with us. He did, however, get on the bus after the game and apologize for his outbursts at the game. He teachs us the morals of the game and does his best to instill that, we still have the occasional outburst on the team but not like we would otherwise. He is a class act and does his best to pass it on to us which for most players is all he can do
  11. i'll have to agree with the no name calling or whatever but may i ask what caused you to say this? just curious
  12. im Sure your aware of Brent Waldrup/"Yeah yeah" on lumberton this year? well we almost lost him to kelly before school started. He was offered the scholarship but for whatever reason (more than likely the price tag of $7500 a year) he decided the scholarship wasnt worth switching.
  13. Excuse me, but i am going to have to stand up for my coach because he has earned my respect and with good reason. And yes we were in control of the game but to take away something from us that we worked for and earned was ridiculous, especially since the call was made only was after the home team's side had a fit. Which had gone on most of the night with many missed calls and many uncalled for fouls by the center ref(and an unwillingess to use his cards? maybe he lost them ???). Coach Luttrell might have his moments as a coach which is either love or hate. However tonight was not one of them. He is a good coach and has mine and my teams respect. O and Good game tonight nederland
  14. i was wondering the same thing, he does good things so far in district. But im waiting to see how he does when he is up against some of the stronger teams
  15. Yes so do we, the last two games we played were on our field which happens to be in Horrible condition. And yes anyone could win, and yes im sure your hoping we lose. I just say im doubtful that it will happen
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