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Everything posted by L-Town10

  1. Um no im sorry i was standing right even with the goal on the sidelines, and that goal was kept out. It did not break the goal line.
  2. Yes true, so it would seem that i will concede my vote of Yeah-yeah for best player in SETX. However he is the best player in 4a, and i dont see where you saw 2-3 players better than him on vidor. Maybe 1 that was close but thats it
  3. Anyone know the scores? ??? ???
  4. most def
  5. Yes i must agree that tonights whether was horrible. and only made the fields worse than they already were. But i enjoyed the rain
  6. The refs werent the best...they made some questionable calls. and DIDNT make some calls they should have but over all not too horribly bad
  7. 4a, easily yeah-yeah lol but there is a lot of talent in our district. But he takes the cake
  8. Now im not taking sides or anything but i do have to go with showing some class. and after you hit about 10-0 you already bled them dry. Show some respect or something yeah. They know your better you dont have to humiliate them, but thats just me. I guess its simply old-school to have class
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