Like I need to remind y'all of that, we really do appreciate the job that y'all do of keeping us apprised of the goings on during the games on Friday night! You can keep us apprised one of 3 ways: 1) You can post on the game threads that will be going up; 2) If you have a twitter account, you can hit our account @SETXSPORTS 3) You can text the scores to me at 409-313-4290 like I get from a whole bunch of folks like: XPANTHER ECBucFan "Jeff" from Buna BHFAN BMTSoulja1 bmtqj33 2% Milk jacket_mom Several folks from Cleveland (and don't stop) Dolemite BIGMO44 SteelerCzy Joharr73 HD BOBCAT 55 82 5A State Champs mytwocents piratefan Bobcatfan4life adminbaberuth mfd814 SAWolverine PURPLE 4EVER ChampionEagles Colmesneilfan1 bucketsitr pinelandflash LTrain Englebert Sloe beechnut utfan06 and I am sure a bunch more who deserve a lot better than for me to forget them! We appreciate what you all do for us on Friday nights!!! Good luck and good health to everyone.