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Everything posted by WOSgrad

  1. 22-2A game from San Augustine at 7:00 p.m.
  2. 24-2A game from Deweyville at 6:30 p.m.
  3. 24-2A game from Anahuac at 6:30 pm.
  4. 23-1A game from Zavalla at 5:00 p.m.
  5. 23-1A game from Pineland at 6:00 p.m.
  6. 23-1A game from Burkeville at 4:30 p.m.
  7. 23-1A game from Chireno at 6:00 p.m.
  8. 24-1A game from Sabine Pass
  9. God be with you, my friend.
  10. Congratulations Coach Hubbard.
  11. Certainly prayers to Ethan and his family, as well as the entire Deweyville community. Steeler, this seems to be happening quite often in a community as small as Deweyville's.  Is there some traffic hazard that needs attention of the powers that be?
  12. [quote name="mat" post="997790" timestamp="1302889640"] Man, this is one fast moving thread. While I agree with all of you on who should get the job I also agree with TD and WOC on their process. I really don’t have a dog in the hunt but I too want what’s best for WOS. Everyone has been waiting for a new superintendent to take control and bring WOC out of it’s troubled past. He is brand new to the district and has to make maybe one of toughest decisions of his career and you all expect him make it based solely on the popular want of the community? A real leader will put together whatever process he needs to evaluate candidates so he can make a decision he is 100% confident in. Of course he keeps an open ear to all that everyone has to say but in the end he has to KNOW who is best for the job, not just take someone’s opinion. By the same token he should not let any critics (if there area any) sway his decision. In the end I’m sure we will all be happy with the results. If not, I’ll figure out how to take my foot out of my mouth. BTW – can you imagine the quality of applicants that have probably shown interest in the WOS AD job? [/quote] Imagine is all I can do as the only two candidates that I know of are Coach Thompson and Coach Foreman. To those who have faith on April 26th that the result will turn out, as is nearly unanimously believed on this board and overwhelmingly in most other circles, the right thing and will withhold judgment until proven otherwise, I appreciate your patience.  Yours is at a level that I can only pursue knowing full well I will never achieve (for clarity sake, the paragraph was one of sincerity, not condescention). However, when I actions occur that indicate that not only a road away from the prudent choice but a road toward an ideological goal that if attempted by others would certainly draw an investigation from EEOC and the U.S. Department of Justice, my poor mind simply can't obtain that level of discretion.
  13. A lot of folks are thinking about it as the responses continue to come in! RY!
  14. I must say, when I took td's advice, it is not the answer that I expected, at least from the state law side of things.
  15. § 11.163. EMPLOYMENT POLICY.  (a) The board of trustees of each independent school district shall adopt a policy providing for the employment and duties of district personnel.  The employment policy must provide that: (1)  the superintendent has sole authority to make recommendations to the board regarding the selection of all personnel other than the superintendent, except that the board may delegate final authority for those decisions to the superintendent;   and (2)  each principal must approve each teacher or staff appointment to the principal's campus as provided by Section 11.202. (b)  The board of trustees may accept or reject the superintendent's recommendation regarding the selection of district personnel.  If the board rejects the superintendent's recommendation, the superintendent shall make alternative recommendations until the board accepts a recommendation. (c)  The employment policy may:                                                 (1)  specify the terms of employment with the district;                       (2)  delegate to the superintendent the authority to determine the terms of employment with the district;  or (3)  include a provision for providing each current district employee with an opportunity to participate in a process for transferring to another school in or position with the district. (d)  The employment policy must provide that not later than the 10th school day before the date on which a district fills a vacant position for which a certificate or license is required as provided by Section 21.003, other than a position that affects the safety and security of students as determined by the board of trustees, the district must provide to each current district employee: (1)  notice of the position by posting the position on:                       (A)  a bulletin board at:                                                     (i)  a place convenient to the public in the district's central administrative office;  and (ii)  the central administrative office of each campus in the district during any time the office is open;  and (B)  the district's Internet website, if the district has a website;  and   (2)  a reasonable opportunity to apply for the position.                     (e)  If, during the school year, the district must fill a vacant position held by a teacher, as defined by Section 21.201, in less than 10 school days, the district: (1)  must provide notice of the position in the manner described by Subsection (d)(1) as soon as possible after the vacancy occurs; (2)  is not required to provide the notice for 10 school days before filling the position;  and (3)  is not required to comply with Subsection (d)(2).
  16. Sec. 11.202.  PRINCIPALS. (a) The principal of a school is the instructional leader of the school and shall be provided with adequate training and personnel assistance to assume that role. (b)  Each principal shall: (1)  except as provided by Subsection (d), approve all teacher and staff appointments for that principal's campus from a pool of applicants selected by the district or of applicants who meet the hiring requirements established by the district, based on criteria developed by the principal after informal consultation with the faculty; (2)  set specific education objectives for the principal's campus, through the planning process under Section 11.253; (3)  develop budgets for the principal's campus; (4)  assume the administrative responsibility and instructional leadership, under the supervision of the superintendent, for discipline at the campus; (5)  assign, evaluate, and promote personnel assigned to the campus; (6)  recommend to the superintendent the termination or suspension of an employee assigned to the campus or the nonrenewal of the term contract of an employee assigned to the campus; and (7)  perform other duties assigned by the superintendent pursuant to the policy of the board of trustees. (c)  The board of trustees of a school district shall adopt a policy for the selection of a campus principal that includes qualifications required for that position. (d)  The superintendent or the person designated by the superintendent has final placement authority for a teacher transferred because of enrollment shifts or program changes in the district.
  17. 11.201 SUBCHAPTER E. SUPERINTENDENTS AND PRINCIPALS Sec. 11.201.  SUPERINTENDENTS. (a) The superintendent is the educational leader and the chief executive officer of the school district. (b)  The board of trustees of an independent school district may employ by contract a superintendent for a term not to exceed five years. (c)  For purposes of this subsection, "severance payment" means any amount paid by the board of trustees of an independent school district to or in behalf of a superintendent on early termination of the superintendent's contract that exceeds the amount earned by the superintendent under the contract as of the date of termination, including any amount that exceeds the amount of earned standard salary and benefits that is paid as a condition of early termination of the contract. The board of trustees that makes a severance payment to a superintendent shall report the terms of the severance payment to the commissioner. The commissioner shall reduce the district's Foundation School Program funds by any amount that the amount of the severance payment to the superintendent exceeds an amount equal to one year's salary and benefits under the superintendent's terminated contract. The commissioner may adopt rules as necessary to administer this subsection. (d)  The duties of the superintendent include: (1)  assuming administrative responsibility and leadership for the planning, organization, operation, supervision, and evaluation of the education programs, services, and facilities of the district and for the annual performance appraisal of the district's staff; (2)  except as provided by Section 11.202, assuming administrative authority and responsibility for the assignment, supervision, and evaluation of all personnel of the district other than the superintendent; (3)  overseeing compliance with the standards for school facilities established by the commissioner under Section 46.008; (4)  initiating the termination or suspension of an employee or the nonrenewal of an employee's term contract; (5)  managing the day-to-day operations of the district as its administrative manager, including implementing and monitoring plans, procedures, programs, and systems to achieve clearly defined and desired results in major areas of district operations; (6)  preparing and submitting to the board of trustees a proposed budget as provided by Section 44.002 and rules adopted under that section, and administering the budget; (7)  preparing recommendations for policies to be adopted by the board of trustees and overseeing the implementation of adopted policies; (8)  developing or causing to be developed appropriate administrative regulations to implement policies established by the board of trustees; (9)  providing leadership for the attainment and, if necessary, improvement of student performance in the district based on the indicators adopted under Sections 39.053 and 39.301 and other indicators adopted by the commissioner or the district's board of trustees; (10)  organizing the district's central administration; (11)  consulting with the district-level committee as required under Section 11.252(f); (12)  ensuring: (A)  adoption of a student code of conduct as required under Section 37.001 and enforcement of that code of conduct; and (B)  adoption and enforcement of other student disciplinary rules and procedures as necessary; (13)  submitting reports as required by state or federal law, rule, or regulation; (14)  providing joint leadership with the board of trustees to ensure that the responsibilities of the board and superintendent team are carried out; and (15)  performing any other duties assigned by action of the board of trustees. (e)  The superintendent of a school district may not receive any financial benefit for personal services performed by the superintendent for any business entity that conducts or solicits business with the district.  Any financial benefit received by the superintendent for performing personal services for any other entity, including a school district, open-enrollment charter school, regional education service center, or public or private institution of higher education, must be approved by the board of trustees on a case-by-case basis in an open meeting.  For purposes of this subsection, the receipt of reimbursement for a reasonable expense is not considered a financial benefit.
  18. For those that do care, the following from the TEA website: "[b]5. What are the legal requirements regarding hiring procedures, such as posting a position?[/b] The Texas Education Code (TEC) does not contain a provision requiring that a vacancy be advertised or posted. Hiring procedures, including vacancy posting and applicant screening, are governed by local policy. School districts must comply with state and federal laws that require employers to have nondiscriminatory hiring practices. Employers are prohibited from discriminating against applicants and employees based on race, sex, religion, age, national origin, or disability. The equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws are administered by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) at the federal level. Information about the EEO laws and how to file a complaint can be found at the EEOC web site. Although the Texas Education Code does not prescribe hiring procedures, it does address the authority of superintendents to make recommendations regarding the selection of personnel, in Sections 11.201 and 11.163, and the approval authority of principals in Section 11.202." [Hidden Content] I do not have the provisions of Sections, 11.201, 11.163, or 11.202 yet of the Texas Education Code. I will have them shortly.
  19. [quote name="KFDM KERRY COOPER" post="997735" timestamp="1302885652"] Not what i was told it didn't have to be. [/quote] Yes, it did have to be posted.
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