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  1. I know both schools are out of the SE TX area but does anyone happen to have a score on this game?
  2. After a two day recruiting trip, WH's Brandon Letsinger has committed to high jump for Texas A&M. Letsinger had multiple offers to play basketball and had narrowed down his options to high jumping for A&M or basketball at Angelina. Congratulations on both the opportunity to continue participating in athletics at the D-1 level, as well as, getting an education from a great university.
  3. I’m sure college basketball would have been a blast, but 10 years down the road that degree from Texas A&M is going to open a world of opportunity for him. Pretty smart choice in my opinion.
  4. He is at A&M as we speak. Should see what they offer him by the end of the day.
  5. While we were eating lunch he got a call from a JUCO coach that wants him to come by to see their school and facilities before he heads off to the A&M tour. When asked if he would have to try out the coach told him no, that he had seen him play twice and had film on him. At this point he still has options it seems. After this visit he will head to College Station where he will meet with the coach, be given a tour by one of A&M's track athletes, and stay over night. Also, while we were waiting around for the medal presentation he was approached by 2 smaller colleges. One was for track and the other for track and possibly basketball. I'm sure after Wednesday we will have a better idea of what his plans will be. It was a pretty exciting day for him.
  6. There is a chance Letsinger could be high jumping as an Aggie next year. The coaching staff at Texas A&M has invited him to come visit the school and see their athletic facilities the Tuesday after the state meet. This would be a terrific opportunity for a great athlete.
  7. [Hidden Content] Bottom right corner says "Track Results"
  8. Yeah, they don't have final results up for Region III 2A yet.
  9. Anyone know who took 1st and 2nd in the girls 4x100 and 4x200 relay with the times they ran in the finals? I saw the prelim results but no finals.
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. Coach Fuller called me last Friday and told me that he did. Said he cleared 6' 8" on his 2nd attempt and didn't even touch the bar. He said he didn't try any higher though. Legs were dead because he came in at 5' 6" I believe. Not bad for someone who has practiced half a week jumping off the gym floor.
  12. I saw that they are going to be up on www.texastrack.com soon. Sometime in the next day or so.
  13. I graduated from Lamar last year and now work at Rosebud-Loot, a 2A school outside of Waco. So far this year our boys have run 4x100 - 43.29 4x200 - 1:31.65 4x400 - 3:30 And my girls team has run 4x100 - 49.46 4x200 - 1:47.29
  14. I don't know if thats the best idea. Moving back into a district with Kountze, East Chambers, and a Warren team who is returning almost everyone? Sounds like suicide for a basketball player on his senior year.
  15. 32 minutes of mistake free ball and Letsinger and Copeland are gonna have to be big. They can do it though.
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