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Everything posted by t.maines

  1. thanks we too feel were headed in the right direction... and he is very much a players coach i am a senior at vidor now and have played 4 different sports and have been through alot of coaches he explains what he knows and if theres something he doesnt know he will the next day... he spends more time studing the game than us players do our homework ... but coming up in sports at vidor i can see where he gets it from although the schools history/ records dont show it vidor has a great coaching staff and im honored that i got to play for the men i did...
  2. im gunna have to say maines of vidor is the best coach in the distric he was thrown into coaching soccer 2 years ago because his brother was playing knowing nothing of the game he held 2 winning seasons as a jv coach... which means nothing i understand that but coming from that to now having a winning season thus far as a 1rst year head coach after losing all starting seniors from the year before which was everyone but the goalie he must be doing somthing right... his team has only lost a hard faught match against lumberton win the odds were a little stacked against vidor from watching the game i think the score was acually 4-3 vidor not 2-3 lumberton... but with that said he is the best coach around this area
  3. newcastle you know nothing of this topic you dont play.. if you ever did i wish you would stay outta the forums you dont belong in leave it to the players...
  4. were either of the kids injured seniors?? i mean its terrible either way but hopefully they have another season to come back too...
  5. yes kfdm coop... the teams get on here and do a lil trash talkin just to make the games between them more interesting.. then people like lhsraideralumni get on here and take things the wrong way because they are immature not the players... but i assure you on the trash talking is all in good fun lol... thanks
  6. wow lhsraideralumni why dont you get a life and realize were a bunch of kids playin around with eachother so if you dont like the post were sayin then dont read them or make your own forum to write about and you can talk to your self... thanks -The Vidor soccer team
  7. whos the toughest??
  8. lumberton10 is gay you dont know what your talkin about...
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