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  1. I am very upset about all of it.  The RDRSCR08 and Truth Matters are both wrong.  Truth Matters for putting a name out there like that and RDR for letting it remain that way.  This Truth Matters wont even respond to my private messages asking for clarification so that speaks volumes and by no means will on here.  I am not sure who truth matters is but I have a feeling RDR is from Lumberton and is probably someone who acted like a friend in my face.  Truth Matters very well could be of the same calliber.
  2. My apologies to the readers (this was posted under the wrong strand).  I have now posted this in the correct strand and Truth Matters it is still, however, directed towards you so if your getting it first on here you might want to hop over to where I have posted under "All District" to clear up any confusion.
  3. At TRUTH MATTERS, you responded to a post put on here by RDRSCRO8.  At the begnining of your response, you started out "Ms. Glover."  There is nothing in that RDRSCR08 that should give you any indication of this person being a Glover.  So, here is my issue with all this.  Obviously, the post you responded to was talking in reference to the awards given to the Lumberton and Jasper teams.  Obviously, you are either very familiar with these teams or apart of one in some fashion whether it be parent, home team fan, etc...I would hope so being you have put so much time in on here. There is no Ms. Glover besides myself that has a dog in the hunt on either of these teams as my daughter plays for Lumberton.  I have never even posted on here and did not even know about any of this until someone pointed it out to me.  Even if you are not referring to ME, you have NAMED a person in your response without any indication from anything on this strand of posts that gives you a Ms Glover to start you response out with. Do you get what I am saying Truth Matters?  I will be very persistent until i get to the bottom of this.  My character is being flawed and close friends of mine's kids are being talked about by others and YOU have made it appear to be ME. The least you could do is assist me in clearing this matter up.  If it was not me you are referring to, that's great but it sure is coincidental.  If you think it was me, please explain your sources as you have no idea what this could or could have caused if the parents of these girls did not know me any better.  I may be a competitive parent in the stands cheering on my daughter and her teammates but I am not one to get on a public forum and put out reasons why any of these young ladies should or should not have received an award.  Especially, when one of the MVP's from Jasper talked about in the post (as it obviously appears) plays with my daughter on the Spindletop Twisters and of who I truly care for.  This is the same girl that begged her mother to let her miss school and sleep in a chair beside my daughter in the hospital when she broke her ankle and had surgery.  This could also effect my daughter in ways and that just wont be acceptable.  You might want to study defamation of character and slander before you start putting names on here prior to gathering the correct information. RDRSCR08, as you may have gathered, it is YOUR post that was responded to.  However, you didnt even step up to clarify.  Is that what you do?  Throw out your two sense and let someone else take the fall for it? As far as I am concerned at this point, you are both in the wrong!!!!  Reply Quote Notify
  4. At TRUTH MATTERS, you responded to a post put on here by RDRSCRO8.  At the begnining of your response, you started out "Ms. Glover."  There is nothing in that RDRSCR08 that should give you any indication of this person being a Glover.  So, here is my issue with all this.  Obviously, the post you responded to was talking in reference to the awards given to the Lumberton and Jasper teams.  Obviously, you are either very familiar with these teams or apart of one in some fashion whether it be parent, home team fan, etc...I would hope so being you have put so much time in on here. There is no Ms. Glover besides myself that has a dog in the hunt on either of these teams as my daughter plays for Lumberton.  I have never even posted on here and did not even know about any of this until someone pointed it out to me.  Even if you are not referring to ME, you have NAMED a person in your response without any indication from anything on this strand of posts that gives you a Ms Glover to start you response out with. Do you get what I am saying Truth Matters?  I will be very persistent until i get to the bottom of this.  My character is being flawed and close friends of mine's kids are being talked about by others and YOU have made it appear to be ME. The least you could do is assist me in clearing this matter up.  If it was not me you are referring to, that's great but it sure is coincidental.  If you think it was me, please explain your sources as you have no idea what this could or could have caused if the parents of these girls did not know me any better.  I may be a competitive parent in the stands cheering on my daughter and her teammates but I am not one to get on a public forum and put out reasons why any of these young ladies should or should not have received an award.  Especially, when one of the MVP's from Jasper talked about in the post (as it obviously appears) plays with my daughter on the Spindletop Twisters and of who I truly care for.  This is the same girl that begged her mother to let her miss school and sleep in a chair beside my daughter in the hospital when she broke her ankle and had surgery.  This could also effect my daughter in ways and that just wont be acceptable.  You might want to study defamation of character and slander before you start putting names on here prior to gathering the correct information. RDRSCR08, as you may have gathered, it is YOUR post that was responded to.  However, you didnt even step up to clarify.  Is that what you do?  Throw out your two sense and let someone else take the fall for it? As far as I am concerned at this point, you are both in the wrong!!!! 
  5. Truthmatters, could you explain to me where you get this "Ms Glover" business and who you are referring to exactly? If your big enough to be on this page calling out people's names then name who you are speaking of and your source. Just want it cjear your not Makimg the mistake of referring to me and mine. Thank you, Melissa Glover (parent to Lauren Glover, Lumberton)
  6. To all those involved in the discussion on the All District topic, and mainly Truthmatters if you are going to use names in a reply is would be worthy for you to clarify who (What Glover) it is because my last name is Glover and I have a daughter that plays for Lumberton, and she also plays on a select team with the two girls from Jasper you are referring to.  Just want it to be known that I am not the Glover you are referring to as Ms. Glover.  I hope you understand where I am coming from.
  7. We arlready know there is a burn ban in effect, so make sure the fire dept. is on stand by, cuz Twine is gonna set the grass on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Dayton hands Lumberton first loss 3-0 of season play.  The Lady Raiders played very well in the first two matches, but fell apart in the 3rd match.  Can't have alot of mistakes against a good team like Dayton.
  9. Does anybody have any info on Lumberton's Varsity Volleyball team?
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