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Everything posted by sharkfutbol

  1. Davy Arnaud (KC Wizard, US National team, Nederland Graduate) and Lance Watson (KCWizard, Nederland Graduate) will be hosting a two day soccer camp. It will be held at Kelly High School on Sunday Dec 21, Monday Dec 22 from 1-4 in the afternoon. A great pre Christmas gift for a youngster, age 8-14 years of age. If interested you can either reply to me here or email [email protected] Respond soon as space will be limited on a first registered basis. Boys and Girls .. They have it listed as a quality learning session in a fun enviroment. Thanks and see you at the camp.
  2. First I think there may be a compliment toward the team in there and on that thanks... second.. the team has never been going the wrong direction. We are heading toward San Antonion where the state final four will be. Records show Kelly is losing more than winning. But playing better and accomplishing more with each game is what is needed. Then winning the games that matter, district games and playoffs, should be the focus. The young men on this team, and I do mean young have stepped up with each challenge and worked it out. The direction for any team is to win district and state. The call last night to play the keeper up front was a no brainer. He hasnt been in goal for us but once this season, and the freshman has been in goal five games. The Keeper (who is in my opion the best in the area and probably our classification of TAPPS ), up front has the strongest shot on our team and hits on target. And I completely agree on the defensive work last night. Great job... The only one you didnt mention that deserves some was Terrell at center mid. Thanks for watching the game and please come see all our games and especially friday night ...St Thomas comes to town..
  3. Posted it sorry not sooner... busy trying to get things done. Schedule is pretty accurate but left off two games on Dec 5 in Sulphur. Sooooo... goodl luck to all... its going to be a busy january.
  4. So far we have played ... Sulphur and tied 1-1... St Louis and lost 4-0 then Episcopal and lost 2-1 and last night Lake Charles Barbe and tied 2-2. Nov 21 - 22 St Thomas Tournament... play St Johns, Episcopal and Kinkaid. Dec 4th Houston Christian at home ... District game Dec 9TH Houston St Pius at home District game Dec 12 Houston St Thomas at home ..District game all district games kickoff jv 530 and Varsity 730 Dec 19-20 Lake Charles St Louis Tournament Dec26 Alumni Game at Kelly Jan 6 LcM at Kelly Jv 5 Varsity 7 Jan 8-10 Klein Tournament Spring, Klein Collins and Northbrook Jan 13 Port Arthur Memorial Away Jan 19th Kingwood Park at Kelly Jan 20th AT Houston Christian District game Jan 23rd At Conroe Jan 27 At St Thomas District game Jan 28 at PnG Jan 30 at St Pius District game Feb 3 Nederland at Kelly Jv5 Varsity7 Feb 7.... First round of playoffs... hopefully at home...........
  5. This afternoon at 5pm , Quinn Soccer Complex (meadows). Kelly host Episcopal for one game varsity only.
  6. Kelly mens soccer schrimmage against St Louis ended 4-0 in favor of St Louis. Kelly had 5 shots to St Louis 18. 1 Corner to 6 for St Louis. First goal came two minutes in on a PK for a handball. Second goal came 5 minutes in on descent goal. Two other goals before halftime. Kelly played well and did put together some good passes the second half. Again all players played. Not a bad show. Te Ro .. HunAL and Zcla all played well as did AndPei..... good stuff to all the team.
  7. Yes Matts mom texted rite after it and she is a happy woman.... Matt and Denver will get a bid for the conference championship because their conference has been so successful the last few years.... So hope he helps them for a few more games..
  8. Kelly Girls and Mens team will play a double header against St Louis High School in Lake Charles. Tuesday Nov 11. Girls at 530. Boys at 730. Should be two great games.
  9. Thanks JCB.... miss you guys....... and your "team".. this group is coming around.. fast...... hope your doing great...... TT #1.... well Kelly gave up a goal in the first half and wnet down 1-0 with ten left in half. We made it 1-1 five minute later on a goal by Freshman Josh Dauer.... great first game for kelly..... No other great opportunites the whole game ... final.. Kelly 1 Sulphur 1 Great job.......... on many players part.... TRoa ... HunAl ... AnPei all played really solid.... St Louis this Tuesday night at 730.... Go Dawgs..............
  10. We have 7 players maybe 9 in football. Several of these should make a mark on the Varsity squad.
  11. Kelly guys will kick off their season tomorrow at Sulphur. Varsity will start at 2 and JV follows at 4. Then travel back to Lake charles on Tuesday to play a double header with the lady dawgs at St Louis. Kellys Mens team is a young team and will be looking to follow the path last seasons team did to the state tournament....... We are very excited with the improvement seen over the last three weeks and several new players stepping up to be starters........................... Go dawgs.......
  12. Kelly lost 35 to 28.... not sure what happened seems some mistakes. They were leading at half......
  13. There is for sure Panthers in the area. I have bobcats on my property nightly and have several witnesses who have seen the cougar, jaguar or panthers... in the same area. I have witness with my own ears the screaming of the cats as they sound eerily like a screaming crying baby. The cattle ranchers have seen them for a long while around here. I live in sabine pass and yes they are here. Not to long ago the port arthur news did a story and pic of the cougars being spotted near hiway 365 and near intercoastal waterway by the port arthur refinery. As for shooting them I believe you need to check the laws. Long tail cats might be protected. Bobcats however are legal.
  14. good luck Donnie... here is the article page [Hidden Content]
  15. I sent you a text.. to tell you to call me.. so do it already...
  16. 3 Nederland guys will be playing in Houston for the Texans FC. One will play for the U16 Red, the other two will be playing for U17 white team. One is playing now in the final four of Nationals for presidents cup in Delaware. Two Kelly players I was told are playing for the U15 Texans FC next season. thats about the only difference I see. Dont know who RS is but then I am probably overlooking the obvious.
  17. I was told they are going to use Memorial Stadium ........ from a pretty reliable person.
  18. They lost in the finals 1-0. what an amazing run... great stuff
  19. Select under fifteen girls team is in President Cups Finals tomorrow at 10.... Great job.................
  20. Yes he will be going to Georgia also .... He is also playing up one year. so great stuff for this young man also. Good luck to all
  21. That is a huge accomplishment. Congratulations to the select club and the gilrls who made it happen. GOOD LUCK in regionals.
  22. One Nederland boy is playing with the black. And they also have advanced to Austin with the ladies. Congrats to the girls team.
  23. Welp nothing has gone rite... i am crushed .. will fall to sixth place and texas vapor may take up second or third .. he has nothing but scoring players .. manchump takes first place.
  24. Well if San Jose hangs on to beat Columbus could help me stay on top.. my defense is going ot lose me alot of points... geez this year is difficult to choose as nobody is stepping up and being consistent... in my opinion that is..
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