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Everything posted by sharkfutbol

  1. Kelly loses 12-2... guess biggio did some good work on their hitting.. great job and congrats to the Kelly Bseball team
  2. after four .. 4-2 kelly batting in top of the fifth
  3. Kelly trails after one 2-1. Going to the second inning. Kelly is visitor.
  4. Even better than the goals is the crowds. Look at the size of that group and the atmosphere on the highlites show are amazing. Good goals for sure.
  5. I beleive we should have a Beaumont verses South and Mid County. Ozen, Central, West Brook and Kelly verses........ PnG, Nederland, Memorial and a at large team ...... from the area. each group plays the other four teams. Make it a Beaumont Cup. Just a thought .. and since the board was dead maybe some other comments.
  6. Well HJ hawk if that works your a hero to airies but bullets needed you a bit ago... good job....
  7. Like i said.. GOOOO LIVERPOOL.. HAha..
  8. They look horrible. How many give aways have they had. Geez. Horrible for this level. GOOO POOL
  9. what you just wrote .. is the biggest argument among board and parents and coaching. parents want to say their children care if they win or lose... kids have no clue .. well the majority doesnt... however the kids look to the parents to see what their reaction is.. if the parents are upset then the kids will be upset.. and yes they are upset because they lost.. but not really .. they are upset because their parents are upset they lost... kids dont care they are all about enjoying themselves.
  10. The problem with the whole system is... the under tens and below are not suppose to be keeping score and wins and losses because it is suppose to be for fun. But the clubs decided to start a draft to let coaches draft their players which makes no sense because we are suppose to be teaching and letting them play and the one word that always comes up.. FUN.... .well it used to be neighborhood teams which is what we need to go to again.. NEIGHBORHOOD teams.. that way the kids on the same team go to elementary school together and live near each other and have friends on the team and someone to play around the yard with... that is FUN to the kids... they wear their team jerseys to school together and the other kids that dont play will want to play and so the numbers would be soaring and growing. The port arthur kids can form thier own team and have a dad that speaks their language and they dont have to struggle to find a ride to practice somehwere else. no more struggling for rides... kids have neighbors on their team and someone to play around in the yard with.... and its all fun... again... get rid of the draft for the recreation program... then i can guarantee the numbers would increase and the programs would flourish again... thats my opinion....
  11. I meant for it to be a high school game post... but thought it was pretty good to see his answer ...
  12. Which teams would you like to see play each other next year?
  13. that .... goalkeepr for LA HAS to be the most unusual bad keeper in my opinion i have seen in the pros.. he is a out of control type dude.................... and yes thanks landy.
  14. I am sure you are not alone. I guess you have noticed nobody got on here to argue the point with you
  15. What he was saying.. is .. his coach was trying to come up with financing to get their team to attend............ THE GULF COAST SOCCER CLUB in Port Neches is hosting a camp called british soccer camps. that is who she was looking to get help from......... not a british club...
  16. Another home team loses in MLS play. I believe the home teams have lost more then won. How do you figure htis leage when picking your team. I am using the ... look and find a name that seems soccery. I am sure soccery is a word soooooo dont even try to correct me.. at least here in sabine pass its a word... Soccery......
  17. Thats a great prediction for Liverpool. They will score two for sure haha. GOOO LIVERPOOL...
  18. Thank goodness liverpool will pull off their away goal and advance. Hate to see Barcelona and Chelsea in the finals................. Always Liverpool
  19. Yes ... I was lucky enouph to have gone out and started a practice and didnt get to see the end. But no big deal. A goal at Chelsea will be the end. 1-0 Liverpool. well we can hope at least....
  20. ALWAYS Liverpool ...................
  21. I am thinking that after the results so far I may go in the hole a few points... My team is having a rough day so far... hope you guys teams are doing as bad as mine ..
  22. Its been corrected now thats why I have stopped whining... havent you noticed.. ;D
  23. NEVER MIND .. they have all been corrected. Today while you were probably still sleeping fireball.......... you had four hundred something points.. Your keeper had 160 something points... but they all seem corrected now and I belive I finally figured out .. NOOOO BENCH players do not count.... point wise.. it shows what you have but you dont score them...... so i am done whining... thanks..
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