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Everything posted by sharkfutbol

  1. hahaha... i like that
  2. Thanks.......... my point............. now tell me you come up with the same math and I still havent gotten points for jewsbury...... then I will leave you alone. haha.
  3. Explain please how my keeper has nine saves verses the fires keeper who has eight. mine gets a shutout and so does the fire... i have colorado keeper. But their keeper gets 80something points and mine gets 48. Also I have yet to get my Jewsbury points added to my total. Come on bullets help me figure it out...... bon mot will when he gets back.. its just all i want is a fair ref... see i am getting beaten again by some lame rules.. and plus i am tired.
  4. Just talked to an ex player that plays for vista ridge. They lost in overtime on a pk.....
  5. Wow what a season to retire on. Allen Baker of Klein is coaching his last season and what a way to finish. Should be a great game for the championship. I say either way, win or lose it will be a very emotional game for the Klein side.
  6. That would be a great thing to have the youngsters teaching the youngers the Game.......... the skills .... are what wins games...... and keeps the kids interested. the more youth the better for the future.
  7. Your girls team is a very good team. Several of those girls should be considering going to play in colleges somewhere. Problem is alot of times its the parents that want the kids going to college to play, more so than the kids. So alot of times the kids just fade because it is in fact what they want. Several Kelly boys this year could have gone off to play somewhere whether it be Div II or what but they really had no interest after their last game at Kelly than to continue. If your children want to extend their hopes and play somewhere at a higher level, there is lots and lots of colleges looking for the ladies to play. Private message me and I will give you an idea on what to do to help your daughter play somewhere else. As for club and developing players at early ages. Until you quit celebrating a victory when in fact there isnt suppose to be scores kept at early agges. But rather celebrate your childrens involvement after the game. Most the little players have no clue whether they won or loss and dont really care. They just enjoyed socializing. And parents quit riduculing children for losing at five or six on up to what ever age. And stop celebrating another five or six year olds missed goal then sorry to say, but the enjoyment will not be there but for a very select few. Than we lose more players to PS2 because there they have no negative energy being thrown at them every saturday after a game. Parents screaming Why dont you run, why dont you get tough, why dont you do more and why why why not be a superhero that most of us adults never were. Let the coaches coach, and parents celebrate and take the kids out after each game win or lose and see the difference in enrollment. The numbers at local clubs havent increased like they were once doing and its not lack of kids but lack of enjoyment in playing at the early ages. Coaches at 6,7,8, and all the way up should be teaching skills to the TEAM. Teach them to handle a soccer ball with their feet like they can with their hands. Then you have a player hooked for life. Its lack of knowing how to play that keepts them from playing. Its an embarrassment to see so many 14,15,16,17, yea olds that cant look up and walk with a soccer ball at their feet and still get accolades for kicking a ball high and long. Teach them to play the game, and then allow them to play the game and they will grow with their age and the development of the game. Sounds easy but like you said SETX gal not alot of people interested in allowing it to happen. Not putting the all the blame on the parents but the kids idolize their parents more than their coach and you parents have more input for them than a coach does. Sure we as coaches make lots of mistakes and errors and hopefully feel terrible for it. Lets all get it worked out somehow are another and help the youth.................
  8. I SCREAM FOUL... or stupid........... I got sixteen points from Jewsbury but my total didnt go up... and I show no negatives on the site. whats up with that ???
  9. Well said setxgal.... it is a hard balance..
  10. At one time the area was competitive with the houston teams. Sure we lost alot but could compete and do well. However when the local soccer scene became all about each individuals feelings rather than putting the best together....... we started back tracking. Gulf coast has always had athletic kids and players who wanted to play but were spread very thin on what other sports we do in the area.... but you are rite when you say we are lagging behind. like yous said gas prices are crazy. but we were griping about one trip a week to houston... now they are looking at three or four. it is a committment
  11. Amen, to that bonmot.......... ;D
  12. It is in fact what soccer should have been at under fourteen ... Playing to be your best for the future. Not about wins or losses. The team earned their rite to be at a higher level and whether they won or loss, in my opinion they were competing well against larger numbers. This is what prepared the boys to do so well for their high schools and to be appreciated for high level teams. Watch your sons compared to the players who havent been at that level, and see the difference in their decision making. The problem locally is that without numbers the kids can come to practices and loaf knowing we have nobody else to choose from. And each year we have to pick up a couple of new players that havent played we are back to square one holding back the players that wanted to go forward. It wasnt fair to have to fight to get kids to want to practice and be there and try. I will miss it as much as the kids will because I did enjoy the players and their unique personality. Teams in houston have three teams in each group and if you choose not to practice then they pass you on and move someone else up. A nice deterrent. Ask the players going to houston, and all they do is schrimmage, and very little teaching because by now they should all have the technique to play. I agree its ashame that you cant keep a team together here to comopete which we have in the past. I enjoyed the ride also........................
  13. Just transferred.... so thats the reason you didnt have them listed...
  14. Also four Nederland players will be playing with the Texans FC in the president cup this spring. All playing under sixteen. So some other players are having to make the journey out of the area to get on quality teams.
  15. I didnt see an injury report on him.. i have him on my roster.. and didnt take him off.. i was curious too. maybe too much lately and rested him....
  16. i did the same thing last season .. and the insider has done it this year also
  17. well i had a good thursday... my captain had a goal and assist... and another player of mine had a goal and assist. no cards so off to a good start for second week....
  18. actually losing points is more important than getting... hot headed players are going ot cost you this year... yes bonmot story was great and pictured it perfect ha.
  19. I happen to see that on mlsnet about twellman and ruiz.. but using my new spanish flavor and a psychic I knew that they were to be hurt. and didnt put either on my team.... also for informations sake... all those of you who have davy on your rosters.... its great and i would any other time but he is out for a few more weeks.... that is my psychic hotline tip of the week....Davy out for few more weeks.... there ya go
  20. you are listed.... i beleive you did good... your in fourth actually.... good job..
  21. He without a doubt was the best suprirse off nederlands team. What a job and what a change..... he did have a great year.............. may be also Jake was another he was referring too.
  22. i didnt see nederland play lcm and wasnt sure if washburn even played defender against htem... some games he was up front... but yes ryan is a very solid defender and so was ian when he got moved ...
  23. i take back my earlier statement.. I am not in first but decided to stay close for a couple of weeks then pull away from the rest of you guys.... thats what i meant to say.. if i hadnt been driving all day when i made my roster i wouldnt have been tired and would have put a couple of other playres down that would have given me more points.. travelling has killed me all year................. also.. ALOT of you others who havent entered need to because its plenty of season left and with all the negative points that can be given out.. anyone is still in it..
  24. the big guy was jordan landry the little defende was miles lawler... and i think you were the best keeper this season.... nederland keeper had the less goals given up in district but had a strong defense in front of him... two players for nederland have a shot at newcomer of the year... Scott poole should be utility player as he was everwhere on the field... landry nederland defensive player of the year after all they gave up the fewest goals... mccay .. for keeper.. geez i hate saying that ethan hahaha.. just kidding... offensive.. no clue.. mvp i guess waldrup should be.....
  25. yea that pretty good the guy who didnt get his roster in was ahead of half the teams with a zero haha.. not bad... i am in good shape as all us good managers should be... i will not wait till mid season to start back up..
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