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Everything posted by rapayne

  1. Yes to football fields, no to books!!! LOL!!!
  2. This should have a major impact on the Hardin Football program, well Hardin athletics all together and I for one look forward to seeing this. I can not tell you how hard I laughed the first time I covered a Hardin Football game, no offense to anyone in Hardin, but I sat in that sweltering hot press bow on a bucket!
  3. I actually heard someone tell me that Liberty was just doing away with football all together for soccer, obviously not true, but funny!
  4. I said you all would be in for a shocking surprise and I think I was right on! Great show, it has a realness to it that most shows do not and it is about our great State of Texas and Football. You have just got to love the heck out of that!
  5. After all the Baldwin's that left Dayton in the 90's it is just equaling things up, LOL!
  6. Yeah!!!! I am so dang happy I am!!!
  7. Now there was a day when half of Liberty lived in Dayton!
  8. Thats gonna stink, why not 3 teams again Really 3 teams???? In the new system that would then be six instead of four in the current format, why not let everyone have in???
  9. Giving you some love for that absolutely right on statement!
  10. That is the truth!
  11. surely you jest.......if not then set the date big boy---we are patient We've only been waiting since what 1989?? Dang shame too, cause you and I and some other folks all had to miss that when we grew up on it!!!
  12. DIBOLL LUMBERJACK LINEMAN CHALLENGE Dear Coach, This is an official invitation for your “non-skilled players†to compete in the 1st Annual Diboll Lumberjack Lineman Challenge. My name is Dustin Nessell and I am the offensive line coach at Diboll High School. I think it is extremely important for our kids to compete as much as possible. Until now, our lineman have had limited exposure to spring and summer competitions. A Lineman Challenge offers position specific events to challenge our kids and allows them to compete in a fun and safe environment. This letter is to inform you about the lineman challenge. Should you decide to participate, please fill out the registration form enclosed and e-mail or fax to Dustin Nessell or Tom Sheppard Head Football Coach Diboll High School General Information: Time and Place: Saturday, June13th – Diboll High School Weight room and Practice Field Registration will be in the weight room (8:00 am – 8:30 am) Coaches Meeting (8:40 am) General Meeting and Welcome (8:55) Competition Begins (9:10 am) Events: 1. Bench Press (205 lbs. for reps) – total for 5 team members 2. Truck Push (timed) – 5 team members, 2 attempts and take fastest time 3. Farmers Walk (timed) – total time for 5 team members 4. Tractor Tire Flip (timed) – total time for 5 team members 5. Obstacle Course Relay (timed) – total time for 5 members 6. Stone Stack (timed) – total time for 5 members 7. Hand-Over-Hand Tire Pull (timed) – total time for 5 members 8. Harness Pulls (pool play match-ups) – total points for 5 members • We will use the Track and Field Point System for each event, winning teams will receive a trophy Cost: $10 per athlete Contact Information: Email will be the quickest way to get a hold of me for any questions or concerns. Dustin Nessell Secondary Contact: Tom Sheppard Diboll High School Diboll H.S. Diboll, Texas Diboll, TX 936-829-4200 936-829-5708 fax [email protected] [email protected] Team Format: Each team will be made up of at least 5 athletes. You can have as many athletes on a team but all events only allow 5 members to compete at a time. You can have up to 2 teams if you choose to do so, based on spot availability. Supplies: Water will be available. Athletes will need to bring flats, cleats, gloves, sunscreen, weight belts, and any other equipment they may need. Rules: Athletes must play on the offensive or defensive lines, no skill position players. Athletes will respect official’s decisions and calls. Compete hard and fair. Documents: 1. Release of Liability Form – please make copies and make sure that every athlete has a signed copy by the day of the event. Can bring with you or fax. 2. School Information Sheet – this is your official team entry. Please include a cell or home phone contact number in case of bad weather I can contact you the night before or the morning of with any changes. 3. Event Organization Sheet – this is for you to organize your team and keep track with event information. Deadlines: Please contact me before April 10th to let me know how many athletes you are bringing...
  13. 2009 SQT 7-7 TOURNAMENT WHEN: JUNE 13, 2009 TIME: POOL PLAY WILL BEGIN AT 1:30 WHERE: LUMBERJACK STADIUM Stadium information / map [Hidden Content] POOL A Stadium POOL B Practice fields POOL GAME TIMES SOUTH NORTH FIELD A FIELD B 1:30 1 VS 3 2 VS 4 1 VS 3 2 VS 4 2:30 2 VS 1 4 VS 3 2 VS 1 4 VS 3 3:30 1 VS 4 3 VS 2 1 VS 4 3 VS 2 5:00 CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND ALL IN STADIUM 1st TEAM LISTED IS HOME AND WEARS DARK /VISITORS LIGHT POOL WINNERS DECIDED BY BEST RECORD TIES : SEE TOURNAMENT RULES REMEMBER MOUTH PIECES MUST BE WORN LUMBERJACK STADIUM SET CAMPS UP UNDER BLEACHERS CONCESSIONS PROVIDED RESTROOMS Please return entry form and fee to reserve your spot. First 8 teams paid will be entered. Top 2 Qualify. Thomas Sheppard Athletic Director / Head Football Coach Diboll High School 936-829-4200 office 936-208-1323 cell 936-829-5708 fax
  14. Love my FNL!!!!!! I know you all are loving it and you all know I already know how much better it is going to get!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  15. Soccer uniforms cost more than football uniforms. WOW!!!! Cost of all teams, initial purchase and shoe figures I was given.
  16. Cost of Soccer Coach: $35,000 Cost of Soccer Uniforms: $6,000 Cost of Soccer Travel: $3,000 Cost of Soccer Officials for Year: $5,000 Income from Soccer Gates for Year: $6 Income from Soccer Concessions for Year: $13 Loss of spoiled food product in soccer concessions: $1,000 (The first year. Year two ya buy a pack of buns and dogs.) TOTAL PROFIT: -$49,981 (Ummmmmmmmm!!!!!!!) Thats just the boys team!!!!!
  17. Did anyone in Dayton really even care???? Are you kiddin' Russ?? How many Dayton vs. Liberty fights were there at the Sonic when you were in HS?? That rivalry was nasty... No excuse me! Did anyone care what Shane Deel said when Liberty hired him??? Not about the rivalry, trust me I am all about suiting up going across the river and destroying everything in sight!
  18. Did anyone in Dayton really even care????
  19. I just agree with whatever dayton says! ;D
  20. The Broncos are clearly frightened of Shane Deel and company! There is so much fear!!!
  21. The pressbox alone is enough for me to move my six blood suckers into the district!!!
  22. My understanding and by any other model I have seen is that Diboll and probably Huntington will absolutely come down that way in the new system!
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