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Everything posted by rapayne

  1. GET A GRIP...we beat Livingston like they "owed us money" also, the dayton people need to get over it. It happened, you lost, move forward. Nah, I am thinking we aren't going to be doing that today around Dayton. By the way good luck in basketball practice this week.
  2. Not dogging anyone, but that was pretty lacking of luster for a while there!!!
  3. That really is awesome and maybe now we can see Bronco Stadium filled to capacity!!!
  4. Diboll is not that good. They gave up 60+ to Carthage, 54 to Gilmer, 48 or so to Coldspring. I know Carthage and Gilmer are good, but that is no defense. Diboll had opportunities to do things and killed themselves with turnovers. It is easy to score 54 when you are given a short field 4 or 5 times. Gilmer is a good team, don't get me wrong, but they are not unbeatable. You just have to sustain drives and not have turnovers to keep the ball away from them. For the record Diboll is a very solid team and they hung with some great competition all year long. They have some issues on the D, but they only lost to #1 Kirbyville by 6, and Carthage and Gilmer, well the winner between those two is likely on their way to a state tile. Bottom line Diboll has a Hell of a good offense and they were shutdown.
  5. Washington and Texas Tech
  6. Shockingly you all hung around and there is no shame in that loss!
  7. Just left a basketball game in Livingston, in which my girls from Diboll cleaned Livingston's clock and I got to talk some good mess to some folks!!!!!
  8. Thankfully Longview is in D1. Dayton nor anyone else in 4A wants no part of Longview I can assure you. Please do me a favor and go tell Lake Travis that, PLEASE!!!!
  9. Ahhhh...fire'em, LOL!!!
  10. My Dad has been to a Dayton Bronco game each of his 61 about to be 62 years of life.
  11. I would love to try for the century mark, LOL!!!
  12. Ya know this whole thing is getting more fun by the moment~
  13. I thought Dayton was going to win by around 40, but now I am certain an 80 point win is in order!!!
  14. Jealousy breeds terds, and I am thinking there are a bunch of jealous terds that just envy Dayton!!!
  15. I believe that I was told Home, but I am not swearing to that!
  16. I was referring to Jesse H.! My father is an alum of the Jones Falcons, so that is the JONES as far as he is concerned, LOL! And yeah I was jumping ahead to the Region III vs IV matchup with Beeville Jones, but I am simply prognosticating as we all are.
  17. Gosh as a Dayton alum can you have to teams that I want to pick a winner out of less, well I guess Liberty would be one. Should be interesting, but oh please Lord send Lumberton to Dayton!!!
  18. Friday night in Carthage for some Diboll vs Gilmer action, and on to Moorehead for a Dayton Bronco beating!!!
  19. Broncos 66 and I say Livingston has about 17 points in them, but good luck to both teams for they all have worked hard to get here.
  20. That fluke of an event almost seems like a movie scene, LOL! But anyway, without question when the Taft Moron High Rockets covered in mud on the nastiest playing field ever are led by Reno Hightower (Kurt Russell) lets the ball go as his leg is destroyed for a second time, and all alone down field, with the cleanest uniform in the world Jack Dundee (Robin Williams) "finally catches the damn ball" to defeat Bakersfield High. Thus reuniting the town and bring it up out of lethargy. By the way you know Taft, California is the safest place in America in case of nuclear attack, because of the winds. LOL!! BEST OF TIMES is the BEST OF ALL TIMES SPORTS MOVIE!!!
  21. I think there is an extremely strong possibility that it could be the winner of the Yates/ Jones game in the end, with Dayton taking the Region III Title. From what I can see, aside from Beeville Jones, there is not much standing ahead of the Broncs and that elusive state crown, but that is what they play the games for.
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