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Everything posted by TXBaseball

  1. So, if Vidor wins Friday and PNG loses, then they play again for the bye?
  2. LOL as soon as baseball season is over, we'll be begging for high windy days!
  3. You just never know. I think Ozen/Vidor, HF/Jasper, KVille/OF, have all proven that ANYTHING can happen when you put kids on the field.
  4. can't click to listen....i still live in the dark ages of dial up.
  5. Go get 'em Big Red!
  6. [Hidden Content] Check out the Westmoreland kid.
  7. Ha! No kidding. How many times does one have to hear "Cherokee" before it becomes obnoxious? All these Indians with sensitive ears seem to have selective memory. I heard they were doing at Vidor's park...... Nah....but I vividly recall PNLL doing it at the BCLL Park. Several years ago and VERY loud.
  8. "...........,and you won't have to wear ear plugs to tune out the loud obnoxious, tasteless music." Maybe not, but I can recall a few times when persons from the "Reservation" played Little League All Star games and brought their boom boxes to other parks and played their Indian music.
  9. Congrats MeMe. It's been fun watching you grow up and play. We love you.
  10. This is funny stuff right here Bleed, but TRUE. Bottom line IS......BASEBALL IS A VERY VERY WEIRD SPORT. This game just proves that anything can happen at any given time. The kids playing the game are human, the coaches are human and believe it or not, the umpires are human. They'll meet up again in a few weeks and for all we know it could be an extremely lopsided game. One never knows in Baseball! Great game to both teams. It's one of the hardest fought games I've ever seen.
  11. OF by 10
  12. WOW, is all I can say! Congrats to you KK. And she wasn't MVP material!
  13. so you switch coaches the week district starts?
  14. All of the kids mentioned are great ball players, but nobody has mentioned Jace Statum and I'd put him right up there in the mix.
  15. Bleed, who is going to right that letter for you? Noonie is not here anymore. ;D write
  16. Bobcat, we all know that isn't going to happen! ;D
  17. To be honest I thought both ref's did a good job until the tech. Navasota led through out most of the game. He did not need to make a call or not make a call. It was a pretty clean ball game. It was the way he called the tech. If play was commencing on the court then yes he had a right to call the tech. That was not the case. The ball had not be made ready to play. The Navasota kids walked off the court because they thought the game was over. He knew what he was doing. He warned our coach which he had then gave us a tech with out letting the coach calm the girls down. I am sorry but that was premeditated. Plain and simple. I am done talking about this. Welllllllllllll...I'll input this...the little girl who made the last 3 shots for OF, PERSONALLY told me herself, that the ref that called the T on OF said he didn't like the call the other ref made that put OF up by 1 and that he laughed when he called the T on OF. If that isn't retaliation, I don't know what is. BTW, we've switched topics again AND I've decided to host a dinner party and have Bobcat and Stang as guests of honor.
  18. Nope, got changed to 11:00.
  19. Any updates on the Vidor/Buna game?
  20. I am starting to think that we should change this thread to "Let's scrutinize the character of bobcat". I wonder if any of you know that this particular guy has given several kids very generous college scholarships over the last few years. I can tell you that it wouldn't bother me or my kids if someone wanted to post their names on here as a recipient of one of his gifts!
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