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Everything posted by TXBaseball

  1. Then just put yourself on a purple shirt, or maybe a blue and red one and go watch another game. Nobody makes you go to a Vidor football game. I was at the Beaumont Fair last night and I was sitting on the steps behind 4 Vidor Varsity Football players and they were talking about this message board and how much they hate what you people write on here. They hate the fact that you all blame the coaches and bad mouth them. It's kind of like when a married couple is splitting up and they bad mouth each other to their kids. In a kids mind, when you bad mouth a parent, you are indirectly cutting down that child. SAME THING WITH FOOTBALL PLAYERS....when you bad mouth their coach, you are indirectly putting the badmouth on those kids...at least that's how they perceive it. Those boys love those coaches and will defend them to the end. If you don't believe me, just ask one of them.
  2. WOW....then if you are sincere in your offer, why don't you pick up the telephone, call Jeff and make him a man to man offer?
  3. Well BigMo, if you have no ties to Vidor, go back to sleep. Some of us here would like to keep him around!
  4. I personally, would not blame him for leaving...BUT....I am thankful everyday that my son has had the opportunity to play for him and experience all of the behind the locker room door lessons that you people, bashing him, never see. Be careful what you wish for...you just might get it. Coach Mathews and staff had a lot of confidence damage to undo with my son that was caused by a different coaching staff with a larger than life ego. THANK YOU to all the Vidor Coaches. Regardless of what anybody says here, you are first class people.
  5. Can't answer that one....All I know is that my son currently plays for him, and he loves the man. AND not once have I heard him complain about losing. He's gained way more than W's and L's from Coach Mathews and I'll be the first to thank him for that.
  6. Vidor's #33 is a good kid. I do believe his frustration came from Lumberton's hotshot giving him a few choice names on a tackle.
  7. That is the most important part of it all. He IS GREAT person and role model. He his job may be that of Athletic Director/Head Coach, BUT....in the big picture of things, it's life lessons that you want him to teach your kids. And he does that well. I'd much rather my son play for a man like Jeff Mathews and his current coaching staff than some of the other locals around here. Truth of it is....Vidor has a tough time keeping kids involved in athletics through their entire high school years simply because alot of them choose to get jobs and help out their families. So with that said, the Vidor coaching staff never really has a team loaded with Juniors and Seniors to work with like alot of other schools. Give the man a break, I'll take him teaching my kid any day over most anybody else around here.
  8. Anything can happen when kids are playing sports.
  9. I thought Breaux and Robertson and all the others did a great job. They will do nothing but get better. I think they're going to surprise some of you.
  10. I believe that any coach or school admin that would punish/penalize a child for participating in any national event such as LLWS, BRWS, CRWS etc. needs to find themselves another profession other than kids. There was such an incident just a few years ago when the Nederland Babe Ruth boys went to the World Series and one of the local HS football coaches penalized two of the varsity starters for missing a week or so of two a days. They made those two boys play JV football for two or three games. Kids were penalized, their team mates didn't like it, fans didn't like it and what did the coach prove? That he has the right to do it just because
  11. It would not have mattered if Biggio and Bagwell were there, not there, receiving sympathy money or not. Astros Admin would never put for the $$$$$$$$ it will require to hire quality pitching. PERIOD.
  12. Every single post here contains ALOT of merit and truth. However, nobody mentioned what the kids think about parents attending practices and hounding coaches. If you ask MOST kids, who aren't afraid of the rath of their parent who refuses to grow up, they'll tell you that they HATE their parents/grandparents being there and it is embarassing to them. I've had more kids at my house that hang out with my kids say, and I quote, "If it weren't for my dad screaming and going into convulsions, I wouldn't even play football or baseball". How sad is that. They don't even like the game any longer and play because their parent demands it and bird dogs coaches.
  13. Good decision kiddo. Proud for you!
  14. I'm not sure who it should or should not be, but I'd be almost willing to bet that it ends up Granger.
  15. Derrick Coleman from BC had inquired about playing Babe Ruth this summer and said he was told that he was too old. According to the chart, he would have been eligible as his birthday doesn't fall until August 6. What happened there?
  16. What about Clint Worthy, Caleb Worthy, Jared Hutchison? Are these guys not playing again?
  17. What's "fishy" about it? Westbrooks stadium has been there since the beginning of time when it was Forest Park. The Central stadium was put there after the closing and consolidation of some of the North end and South end schools. Beaumont French never had a stadium of it's own, they always played at Beaumont Highs Stadium (which was on the Beaumont High Campus). Why after all these years, is it "fishy" that Westbrook has a stadium on campus. It isn't like they have first class facilities. Their facilities aren't any nicer than anybody elses.
  18. Congratulations Katie! Very well deserved.
  19. Agreed. With or without a relative on the school board!
  20. I second that! It isn't too relaxed at all. If you ask the kids, they probably would not play if it were extremely competitive. They don't want the pressure put on them in HS ball. Sometimes they just want to go out there and play to have fun.
  21. I'm not ripping anybody. I'm just saying lets see if the new school board renews his contract since some people believe that his mother is the only reason he has his job.
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