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Everything posted by DP#1FAN

  1. Community had some really good six man teams.
  2. Doesn't sound good. Getting late to have to start filling a lot of vacancies.
  3. I think shot clock will eventually be voted on and will pass. Just not in the near future.
  4. It's long over due in all sports for sure. Lamar has struggled for years. Jeff O'Malley has been around a successful program. I hope he has great luck at Lamar. turning Lamar around to a consistence winner and have a great graduating rate of student/athletes.
  5. Looking forward to some great matchups. I would rather be the longshot than the guy with the bullseye on my back.
  6. This should be a great tournament! I'm picking the Aggies with their great run to continue.
  7. They have not hired me. Not sure I would have enough to play anyway. Discipline and work ethic would be at a level they have never seen.
  8. Congratulations Coach Girola, best of luck.
  9. I was at a Vidor Jr High Track meet a couple of weeks ago and ended up watching Vidor's baseball team go thru a practice. It was fundamental driven and well organized. Players really responded to the Coaches.
  10. Agreed, I listened to the whole thing. Enjoyed Coach Reyes interview.
  11. I would believe they will both have turf within 5 years. M&O will be the key to if they can.
  12. Thank you for all the hard work and time that you put in. You will be missed! Enjoy the BEACH!
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