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Everything posted by cards_mom

  1. I am not sure it's fair to say the receivers are having a hard time catching the ball..............it has to be thrown to them in a way that they can catch it............not behind them, in the ground at their feet and etc. So I believe the qbs need a lot of work also and working the receivers and qbs is what 7 on 7 is all about. Doesn't sound much like you are a team player Card.
  2. Yes, these situations happen more than not these days. I just think it's sad and does an injustice to the youth of today's society. I personally think it should be like this: 1. High School Teams: not all get to make it, and hopefully the best are picked by ability and that's it. A valuable lesson in that not all will make it, but that's life. 2. High School Coaches: They demand respect. By that I mean that each and every kid that plays knows who the boss is. The talking back, smart mouthing, doing whatever I want to kids are benched and eventually removed unless they do as they should. And parents are told that at this level, the kids are the coaches responsibility when they are at practice, a game or tryout and parents should not be present. I think at some point in the system, that has been lost and that parents influence alot of coaches, by whatever way they can and I feel like there are coaches that cannot be affected by those people, but that they are few and far between. 3. Kids: They need to learn that you have to earn what you get. Not depend on mom or dad to call the coach, be told to suck up to the coaching staff to get a position, and I could go on and on. Just go out there, do your very best, be respectful of everyone, especially the coaches, do what you are told or asked and if you make it, great, if not, try again. I just think things have gotten to a point these days where the above rarely happens, due to whatever reasons and it's sad and an injustice to the kids of today. But that's just my two cents and that too isn't worth much these days either.
  3. You are very correct, this has been very enlightening and a good indication of how the team will shape up next year. As far as me being a mom hoping her son gets to play some, that would be nice because I and several who know him and have seen him play know the talent he has, but I doubt very seriously he will. He apparently does not have what it takes to play BC ball, or maybe I don't. I firmly believe that a kid should make the team because of talent and ability, not because I call the coach or show up at each and every practice or tell him he has to suck up big time to make it. So, with all that in consideration, I doubt he will play. But that will be okay too, he is directing his attention to football and basketball where he is recognized as having the heart and talent to play and is doing very well. My whole point in all this was that surely there is talent galore in the upperclassmen without passing that up to pull up freshmen players. But who knows, when the time comes, it may very well happen. It would not be a surprise.
  4. ;D You know, that is exactly what I would do too!
  5. Of the boys I know that can play various positions and this will be jr and soph as I don't know the srs left. Dustin - speed and can play anywhere and can pitch Luke - speed and can play anywhere and can pitch Joe - speed and can play anywhere and can pitch Matt - he doesn't need me to say anything Blake - Pitches and infield Snyder - same as above Grant - infielder or outfielder Josh - infielder and pitches Eric - infielder and pitches Cory - infielder outfielder These are just the ones that come to mind and I am sure I left off someone. And I do think that most of these boys mentioned could be used wherever needed. As far as position wise, I don't know, I just think there is a huge amount of talent to be used in the Sr, Jr and Soph ranks to even imagine a freshman being pulled up. Just my opinion for whatever its worth! BC is going to be loaded with talent in the next couple of years, now how the coaches use that talent remains to be seen.
  6. Anyone that knows Matt would've thought that and I certainly don't know of any incoming freshman who even comes close to comparing to Matt. Most people around here have watched him play from Little League and knew where'd be as a freshman. Do you know of someone I don't know who can do what he has done as a freshman? Sorry, there's just too much talent in the other grades to even see that happening in the upcoming year............but stranger things have happened in BC, so it wouldn't surprise me.
  7. Of the pitchers, you failed to mention Snyder. Or do you think an incoming freshman will outpitch him too?
  8. Was that post a joke? I think it had to have been. An incoming freshman on the mound............OMG..........if that happens, then there is a very very serious problem in BC baseball. Number one, you have way too many players that will be junior and sophomores, that did not play on varsity this year to pull up a freshman. To name a few, Luke Rhodes, Josh Lemoine, both of who pitch, catch, and Rhodes has alot of speed, then there is an abundance of to be juniors who did not get a chance to play this year that are waiting in the wings. Please!
  9. Enjoyed watching the games yesterday. My first experience seeing 7 on 7. WOS seems to have their stuff together as usual, lol! BC is young and I think Coach Stump has his work cut out for him getting them ready to compete in our district, but this seems to be a good start and gives him a good look at what they can do up against other schools. Practice is good, but I think the real picture can be seen clearer as to what a player can or cannot do when they are actually facing the competition and it seems to me that 7 on 7 is excellent for that. Good pics!
  10. Are there any more games to be played? Last week was a washout and I haven't heard of any more games to come....................does anybody know of any BC will be playing?
  11. Congrats Jeff.................WOW! Very proud for you!
  12. An honor to be very proud of! Congrats Jeff!
  13. And that would be your opinion. I know Joe can play any position.....my point was............so can several others in BC. But like you said, they have to be given a chance to show what they can do and lots of times they are not. And there are several athletes who did not get the chance to show anything this year, that could step up and be a big part of next year's team. I think there will be an abundance of talent to be used, lets just hope "where" to use it best can be addressed.
  14. Way to go Dogs! One more to go....................good luck tonight! 8)
  15. You are not going to beat Matt Hicks at short and Rhodes is very aggressive behind the plate, but in 3 back to back posts you think Robertson is.........................I guess the whole point of this topic was who will BC have next season and it looks like as in the past, they will have alot of talent with who is there now and who could be next year. And you have several boys who can play anywhere you need them to play and play there very well, so the TEAM of next season looks to be a good one with the whole group of boys that are excellent athletes with not just one or two that are good.
  16. I believe that the Sophs and Jrs. of next year have a great amount of talent. Most of these guys have played together for a number of years and most any of them can step up to the task at hand for next year. You guys have set the bar high with how well this years team was, so hopefully they will continue the winning tradition. Good luck to you and we'll be pulling for you as a LU Cardinal!
  17. GO DOGS! Good luck from a BC parent! Bring the "big one" home! We will be pulling for you!
  18. Bulldog3, given the opportunity, Rhodes would step up and plays excellent behind the plate.........................and pitches too........................
  19. If that doesn't bring tears to your eyes, nothing will. So glad to hear you are recovering Jaylon! Good luck at SHSU!
  20. I agree totally and hope it will be handled in a way that will make any of the other athletes think long and hard before they do anything like this. And to say he made a mistake and won't ever do it again...................well, then there are consequences when wrong decisions are made....................and when a student does this sort of thing, they know it's wrong but choose to do it anyway, then too bad, you gotta pay the price and that price better be high enough to get everyone's attention. A message needs to be sent out loud and clear what happens when you make wrong decisions, not just a little hand slap and a promise to never do it again.................not good enough.
  21. I don't "thing" Stang thinks that...................just knows there is a serious problem and thinks it should be stopped. I would be for my son's being tested................not that I think they have a problem, but because there are some that definately do and should be taken out of high school athletics. And it's the parents that condone it or supply it are the real losers here and I think that is the main point being made. Why else would a parent not want their sons or daughters tested other than they have something to hide.............not the parents that say "Test mine".
  22. Can someone explain-------will steroid testing be done as random testing, as drug testing is done in our school. And who makes the determination on who gets randomly tested? Some students are tested numerous times a year, while some are never tested, so I am wondering how this system works.
  23. The article says UIL will determine the punishment but suspension from athletics I would assume. Says a positive test or refusal to be tested are grounds for punishment. Guess all that will be worked out in the future.
  24. I am all for the testing. I wish it was mandatory for every high school athlete to test prior to every sport they were involved in. I would think it's time all these issues were addressed involving steriod use in all schools, not sweep it under the rug, ignore it and hope it goes away, or act as if it is not a problem in our schools and let it go on. For these kids sake, someone needs to get control, and if parents are ignorant enough to let their child do this sort of thing and even supply the stuff for them, they need to be locked up themselves. Is your kids life so meaningless to you that you would give them something so they can be the "best"? Or get ahead of little Johnny, who works his butt off in the weight room, but you want yours to be bigger, stronger, faster, so you condone the use of stuff that does this for your kid. Is it really worth it? I think not, but it is done alot, and nothing seems to be done about it, it's just ignored and kept quite about with hopes that everyone will forget. So when your son falls over dead after making that spectacular touchdown, after hitting that game winning homerun, or the winning three point shot, how will you feel then? Wake up people and smell the coffee, it's time to stop the madness in all this!
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