Yea bmtcpa87 you say Ford turn over the ball when he never really did he was in foul trouble the whole night and didn't really play so how could you say something like that and head to head doesn't count as nothing if one of the teams best player didn't really play. Oh Glorydays79 you say Josh Ridgeway is the overall choice he's good but i don't know about that. You only seen summer games and the EC game. I have seen them play all over the Golden Triangle and he didn't show up every game, but he is a good player. Ford is the complete package that gave up scoring to be point guard and help his team win. I bet he's happy since his ex mustangs teammates lost. Oh don't let me forget Matt Pace isn't a stud he plays a little dirty in my book seen him play a couple of times too. But they all are GOOD PLAYERS let's let them duke it out.