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Everything posted by mamacat

  1. Have any of you actually driven over to watch these guys play.  I have.  Totally impressed, they are all business.  The game I saw they were up by 23 at the half and the opposing coach had to be impressed by the way his team was playing.  They don't throw it in your face, they didn't seem cocky, they just played defense.  As soon as they score, and I mean as soon as the ball goes below the rim, they're playing D.  They don't shoot layups to warm up before the game, they do defensive drills.  I heard that for the entire half of a game they ran sprints because the coach was unhappy with the way some players shot freethrows.  Never laft the court, just stayed out there and ran.  Still scored a hundred.  It's not that they are so much better than other teams, they just are relentless.  When you catch the ball you've got two guys coming at you.  The whole game.  Every time you inbound the ball you have to be perfect.  They just force teams into situations they probably have never been in.  Should they back off on the scoring, probably, but I bet there are plenty of those guys who got beat by a hundred who are texting their friends to tell them about playng Yates.  LeMarque had a great team this year, guess what they got hammered by 16.  Go watch them, they seem like good kids.  I had a great time.
  2. Injuries and remember we a short two scholarships. Nabors would have been real handy to have around last night. Harper was huge without his effort last night we would have lost by 20. I'm glad someone said something about coming back in the second half, must have made some adjustments. Seemed like everytime we were getting a rythm and the crowd was getting into it.....pause.. foulshots. Both teams were in double bonus with more than 10 minutes left in second in the half. Looked to me like McThay might have gotten some confidence back last night, he needed to. I think the lighting is too good in the Montagne, teams are coming in and shooting lights out. I don't know, I think we're due a few breaks. As for the T, I heard Bull...., and the ref who called it wasn't part of the conversation. He should have turned around and let the ref that Roc was "chatting with" handle it. The problem was both Jay and the big SH player were pushing, he called the T on Jay as their leaving the floor for a timeout. He should run over and split them up, call a double foul something. He over reacted and called a T. I think that is what started foulfest.
  3. They were pretty good in the 80s too especially the early to mid. The stadium was always packed. I can remember making many road trips to the Astrodome for playoff games. The most memorable was the state championship game---freezing cold! It just doesn't sound the same sitting at a football game without the Red Hussars playing.
  4. Before anyone says anything I too think KK rocks! And would love to see her play at Lamar.
  5. Abtr you are the man! You left out the the girls made it to the finals of the SLC! Just thought I'd help since you backed me on the men's thread.
  6. Just wondering what makes you think Lamar hasn't tried to recruit all of these people that have been mentioned on here at some point. What qualifies as recruiting or attempting to recruit? I know for a fact that Roc recruited and signed both K. Young and K. Perkins to Memphis --remember?? Then Perkins went pro and Roc came to Lamar and an offer was made for Young at Lamar which was then turned down. So I guess that means no one recruited from Lamar???? Just wondering is all........also Roc has always recruited from this area even when he was at other schools (Keith Harris(Lincoln)--Tulane etc.) its just that now it is harder to get those players to stay home and play at Lamar. Roc knows how to recruit. The only way more people will show up is by winning---not to see local talent. Sorry but that is the truth everyone likes a winner.
  7. Ridiculous comments! Coach Roc has alot of respect for his fellow coaches and their teams. The game was over all they were going to do was pass the ball around to run down the few seconds that were on the clock.
  8. Yes I made the drive along with my Mother. After reading the article in Fridays Beaumont Enterprise all I could think about was if they were to win no one would be there to celebrate. It took us about 3 hrs & 15 min. Not bad. As for that call against Jay Brown it was not intentional he was going for the ball. The other player went down pretty hard. The officiating was not so good but is it ever. I am still proud of these boys and they will do just fine in the tournament.
  9. I think wasted season is a little harsh. Since when is Co- conference champions a wasted season? I attended the game today and there were maybe 20 Lamar fans there supporting this team. Yes I realize the game was 3 hours away but for this to be one of their biggest games you'd think more people would try to attend to support them (JMO of course). There is alot to be said for having fan support cheering you on. Yes I have seen them play better but I have also seen them play worse. I am very proud of these boys and they have nothing to hang their heads about. It's time to regroup and come out fighting on Thursday with as many LU fans that can make it rooting them on. Lets show everyone why we have the highest attendance in the SLC. Go Cards!!!
  10. The crowd for Lamar's game last night in Corpus was terrible and it was a televised game--you'd think people would want to possibly have their faces shown on tv. With that being said I think it is a combination of several things already mentioned here. Wednesday night is a big church night and especially around Beaumont. I am a season ticket holder and we have had to miss some games a few years back due to church.
  11. Great photo!!! I saw myself and our entire family in it!!! I do wish there were less empty seats.
  12. I think you misread my comments. My comments were in support of the Hawk Hecklers. As far as my skin goes its pretty thick. ;D ;D
  13. I thought this thread was about the Hawk Hecklers..........anyway here is my two cents. I think it is absolutely brilliant!! I watched them when they played OF in Orangefield. They were loud and did not appear to be disrespectful from where I was sitting. They had some clever chants (cheers for lack of a better word) and just really seemed supportive of their team. All schools should have something like this. It really reminded me more of a college type atmosphere. More power to them as long as they keep it classy!!!
  14. actually that was mama cat's husband!!
  15. Had to say something, I was a ref several years ago. Worked to get as good as I could. Put in a couple of years doing Jr. high girls and boys, then started doing more High School F and JV games. I was hoping to move up to varsity level when I started noticing I wasn't having fun anymore. The coaches and, mostly, the fan abuse started to take its toll. Now, I know that is part of what I was getting paid for, putting up with that, I understand I "missed a few", but after the hundredth time you hear "Three seconds....Three seconds", as the ball is crossing over midcourt...come on. The last game I called, girls JV, halftime score was 32-0. During the 4th quarter my partner called 2 technicals on the team that would wind up winning 68-4. One on a player and one on the bench(Coach). Now we were letting some things go. I didn't think it was getting out of hand, we were calling the obvious stuff, just letting the ticky-tack stuff go. Maybe that was wrong, maybe we should have prolonged the humiliation for these young ladies. Fouled a couple more of them out allowing more of their friends to show up and see. We called it the way we saw it, that night. During a time out in the fourth quarter, as I stood there getting blasted by the fans for my poor officiating, something clicked. I was done. Went home called and cancelled the rest of the season. I had gotten to the point in my young life that I didn't think I deserved or cared to put up with that. As a result, when I go to a sub-varsity or Jr. high game now and see only 1 ref or 2 very bad refs, I never complain. You reap what you sew. Those guys are out there doing the best they can, we have to deal with it. I believe there are a bunch of guys and girls out there who would love calling the game, putting up with the crowds, that's a different story. Coaches are held to a standard. It's their jobs. If they go off on a ref and he T's him up and kicks him out, he's got to answer to the school administration. I never had any problems with a coach getting after me, some were a little rougher than others, but hey, what are you going to do. We were taught that being a ref is part time, don't do something that jeopardizes another persons job, mainly the coach. I lived by that. Just couldn't handle the fans. That was my problem The point is there are a lot of guys out there who are the same way. Love the game, want to be a part of it any way we can. Just don't want to listen to all the crap coming from the stands. As a result the pool of available referees is watered down. Maybe I took it too personally. Just my opinion.
  16. Well said abovetherim!!! Go Cards!!
  17. We were at the game last night and it sure looked like there were more than 3600 people. That is the most people I have seen so far this year. The atmosphere was awesome and loud. We need to do that again for the McNeese game.
  18. I agree with the both of you about the student body. We have season tickets and attend all of the home games and I have noticed that. Don't they get in free or for next to nothing? The fraternities use to have sections. I also agree that winning will put more people in the seats.
  19. If there is anyone out there who does not think Coach Roc does not want to win you are sadly mistaken and dont really know anything about him or his commitment to this Lamar basketball program.  It takes time to BUILD a program and I am sure there are alot of trial and errors that go along with that.  The one thing I dont understand is why there is not more fan support?  Everyone is happy as long as you are winning but what happens when you are losing and those kids and coaches need more support--the fans are nowhere to be seen.  And the last time I checked a win was still a win no matter what and isn't that how we are actually evaluating the success of this team and coaching staff.  It takes time---Rome wasn't built in a day.
  20. I agree with stang4life alot of kids (boys and girls) want the experience of going off to school. With that being said there are other kids who would consider Lamar because it was away from their hometowns. We have a nice campus and there are renovations being made all the time. We as a community need to support our teams. I realize we aren't a big name school like Texas, but we could stand to have more fan support and less bashing of "typical Lamar". I agree Rome wasn't built in a day but we are too quick to judge these coaches. We need to give them a chance to prove themselves and they need support from the fans.
  21. Obviously he was not kicked off of the team as he played in the last two games. He actually played well and looks like he is taking it more seriously. He looks like he has slimmed down some and is ready to play. Time will tell. We need to support our local boys.
  22. This coach needs to be given the chance to prove himself. There are already many positive things he has brought to the table-- discipline being one of them. Our fans need to step up whether we are winning or losing and support these kids.
  23. I have been to every home game this year and it is down right embarassing to watch someone with that much potential to just throw it away. He does not appear to take it seriously and is constantly cutting up on the bench during timeouts. Sunday at the McNeese game he was dancing to the band --I guess his knees weren't hurting that much. I for one applaud Coach Roc for doing something about it no matter how difficult it may be.
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