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Everything posted by setxbbfan

  1. I wondered who would call me out.  Dang-I embarressed myself on this one.  I would have bet a pay check on this game.  My congrats and apologies to Silsbee and coach Sigler.  SHS played a great game and represented themselves well.  They made a believer out of me. They also earned a new fan.  If they make it to Austin, I will be there cheering.  If the members of this discussion forgive me, I will post again.  If not, I deserve my ouster.  By the way, this district once again is one of the toughest in Texas.  Lesson learned-don't talk sh**. 
  2. I went back to the hotel and drank and ate. 
  3. Thank you PB-its never too late
  4. If you want a grin-check out my contest winning essay-if you know me, you know I was a 286 poubnd fata**.  I enetered a nation-wide Lifetime fitness essay contest and won second place.  You can check it out here. [Hidden Content]
  5. That speaks for itself. 
  6. You know who the real winner is tonight? HIGHSCHOOL BASKETBALL!! I hope the best team wins and everyone is safe. Travellers and players. Can I get an Amen?
  7. Exactly - I used Bmt. in those situations only when we both (coaches) could agree on who the officials were.  That was very rare.  He wanted his and I wanted mine. That is why we always went UIL.
  8. It is pathetic.  I coached for 25 years.  99% of the officials were standup guys.  There are always a couple.  Same in the coaching ranks.  I really do admire the job officals do.  They have a tough assignment.  I don't want to sound like an offical basher.  Anyone will tell you (from the Bmt. chapter) that I gave them hell on occasion, but I always supported them and still appreciate all they did for me, our program, and the great sport of BB.
  9. That is very true. 
  10. Prob. 2004 -maybe 2003.  I had been at WOS for a couple of years.
  11. One more - This is a girls AAU but a local chapter (not BMT). We are all WHite with one Black player. Our opponents are all Black. We have one White official and one Black official. The Black official has called 11 fouls against us and 0 against our opponents.  I bring this to his attention and he T's me up. Fine.  At halftime, the White offical comes to me and I ask what the heck is going on.  He tells me the Black official said he is going to chunck me, to just sit down and he will take care of it.  Now the White official starts cheatin for us.  Every one of his calls went our way.  Everyone of the Black officals calls went against us.  When the game was over (by the way we won-I guess the White guy cheated better) I headed straight for the chapter president.  He stopped me in my tracks and said " you don't have to say a word-they are both being sent home.  Yes. they cheat.  Believe it.  All of them-no.  A small few-yes.
  12. Sure - we are in Silsbee- 1.  We score the winning bucket (up 1 with 4 seconds) -ref states our player went out of bounds and came back in.  Tape showed the fatass was looking straight at the kid who was 15" from going out of bounds.  2.  We are in a Tex. tournament playing a La. team.  We are down 1 with 2 seconds.  The opposing coach protests a call very quietly.  The ref (my friend and ranked number one by me all year) T's him up and walks by me and says-hit your freethrows and lets get out of here.  Believe me, they cheat.
  13. Simply stated - TRADITION DOES NOT GRADUATE - Silsbee has a history of crumbling late- A few years ago Silsbee was  30 something and 0 and lost in the first round Years later-they lose in the regional finals The next year they get knocked out even earlier This was with good teams - HJ prevailed in these situations I can speak with experience bc my team did the same thing - we were good-went to Austin and got murdered.  Tradition is difficult to beat.  Those HJ kids and Silsbee players saw all of this when they were youngsters- combine that with coaching and HJ wins-no doubt.
  14. lol - The last time I played in Silsbee we were cheated.  Confirmed on tape.  Another time (not against Silsbee) a ref cheated for us.  No doubt it happens.
  15. As you know, I rarely post on here.  Here is a rare post you can take to the bank.  If I am wrong, I will humble myself and never post again. Here is what is going to happen tonight.  I stake my rep on this. 1.  It will be a war.  (duh) 2.  HJ will win 3.  Silsbee will start a scuffle.  Bank on it!! I would say one official will cheat but I forgot they went UIL. 
  16. Dang - I spelled close wrong.
  17. I do have a Masters.  (of Education)  The initials are clsoe to MD.
  18. LUCardiac -yous be funny main.
  19. [color=red]Lol, Tebowing, you crazy man !!!! I'm not MONEYMAYWEATHER[/color] Exhibit A -
  20. I Dont Know Who Will Win But I Seen Some Of Yall Did Not Gradeate School Man Learn How to Write If Yoy Are goin To POst Publicalllly Please You Are Very Annoying.
  21. I love the HJ haters.  Here is the deal.  They are as good this year as they have been in awhile.  More athletic for sure.  They do it every year.  (That's program)  No one can say for sure but I will speculate like the rest.  HJ is in Austin this year and will contend in the finals for a another State Championship.  Deal with it.  If you don't like it, get a team, coach them, put HJ on the schedule and beat them.  Then talk.  Some of you should practice the old saying-"tis better to keep quiet and let peole think you are stupid than open your mouth and remove all doubt".      In summary, some of you know who I am.  If you do, you know I am not a HJ band wagoneer.  I am not an HJ guy.  Quite the contrary, I tried my hand at beating then quite a few times.  Very seldom succesful.  I know a good team when I see it.  HJ is good.  Period.
  22. Everyone of you shut your damn mouth.  Now thats funny. 
  23. I can agree, but being around sports for many years has shown me that coach bashers usually bash because their son is not getting what they want.  When baby gets his, all the sudden the coach is making good decisions.  Just an observation.  Listen..people off the street call in radio shows and question the likes of Mack Brown..so go figure. I am sure the kid can play.  No commentary on him.  Just thought it was funny that the critic agreed with the coach when his/her son got to play.  And she may be right..just interesting.
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