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Everything posted by setxbbfan

  1. MGJ - just curious-what makes you an expert? (or at least more knowledgeable than the coach)  Are you sure your sone just didn't get to play?  Just curiuous.
  2. Of course cell phones would be banned once again.
  3. "said established and proven coach!" Lazeek
  4. Uhhhh..I ain't coming back. How about coach Brown at the Brook?
  5. He knows who I am. The kds aske me who my favorite team is and I say " I am people's favorite team". I am not a fan..I have fans. What has Joe whats his name ever done?
  6. I would do it....for $110,000 annually
  7. Really??? They have never finished better than third? ;D
  8. As far as locking up - we are not ready for that yet. I have a lot of work to do here. Can you say SOFT.
  9. LOL Becasue I am a trash talker from way back and I know why I did it. It was fun to aggravate but I did catch hell.
  10. Everyone is on DV, deservedly most of the time, but now he is THE MAN with a program. He now has a chance to prove he is a great coach. Give him a chance. We can monitor his won-losses next year and that will tell the tell. Stayed tuned - 1. Will DV win 2. Is he in the same class as Boutte, Gunner, etc. 3. Will he keep his job 4. Will he win championships Nothing like letting the first chair do your talking. Good-luck my friend
  11. Did Ihear you got a new gig?
  12. Working on it, but want to do it right. You know how it is in this territory. :
  13. Players from the same school playing on the same AAU team. Can the entire team be made up of a roster of players from the highschool team? Can they practice in the offseason with thier AAU coach. Can they use thier HS gym if the HS cacoh does not coach, only the AAU coach? Thanks
  14. Didn't DV say awhile back - to the effect - its a done deal - no discussion - Seveat is the man. What happened Mr. "Insider"?
  15. How are your politics?
  16. That was a funny round. That's why I like Lazeek. He is quick witted and smart, but when you get him, he appreciates it. Doesn't Sutherland teach Math?
  17. Got to go...I agree with DV. Lets explore this issue more at some point.
  18. I can blame them for dropping out. That's a loser's reaction to a difficult situation. It's simple. Assess why you can't pass. Develop a plan to overcome. Go to work and get the important thing in lkife at that age. An education. I know first hand of these struggles. Yes, they are in a very frustrating position. No reason to quit. If it takes 6,7 or more years, then do it. You are going to be 24 one way or the other. You mine as well have your HS diploma.
  19. Hoop..there it is. The excuses again. If it's not his fault, why was he ejected. If it is not his fault, why was he removed from the PAM team? It's his fault. He is old enough to know better. Have I made mistakes? Not the same one 25 times. No sir. Don't be an enabler. if he was an alcoholic, would you give him a drink. That's what you are doing sir.
  20. I heeered all that. I wonder what the ratio is from TAKS failure to poor family structure? I am sure it is fairly hi.
  21. I have lost all respect for the UT BB program. I personally don't think Brown will ink 1 sec in the Drum. If he does, he will embarrass UT. UT will deserve the embarrassment. I hope I am dead wrong on all accounts. I doubt seriously that I am wrong. I will eat crow if I am wrong American Idol is a fraud. TAKS is borrring. It's Friday Why does the TEA monitor keep looking in my room? anyway....anybody out there.
  22. Did I hear that Ozen's freshman class was subpar? I don't imagine that is true. How did they do?
  23. I am very similar to DV's dad. I had 43 techs in one season.
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