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Everything posted by WarriorSports

  1. Mozely, this is Willis from Warren and the Buna coach was at our game Friday and told me they were going to play Tuesday, Wed and Friday of this week...hope that helps
  2. Warren is pretty young as well, Catcher-SR Starting Pitchers- FRESH, JR 1st base- JR 2nd base-FRESH SS- JR 3rd base-SOPH Left field-JR Centerfield-SR Right field-JR Bench-SR,JR,SOPH, JR
  3. Since I am a graduate of d-ville I always pull for those guys until they line up against us..:-) They have a strong line up with tons of lefties but what scares me most is hoe good they have been playing lately..!! We get them here at our house so it should be a great game..gluck to both squads
  4. Having played them already this year I can tell you they are a solid team, especially for a 2A program!! but they are very beatable if the opposing team plays great baseball, You have to give Buna credit, they are 7-0 in district but their wins havnt been extremely impressive..if they keep beating lower teams by 1 or 2 runs, that gives everyone else in the district hopes of beating them...maybe since they have the district wrapped up they are playing back-ups but with an undefeated record I doubt thats the case..great team, good pitching, and a winning attitude over all, I give them an B+
  5. Has to be the lefty #1 Muck. from Buna and #2 Martin from Deweyville, these guys when they are on can take over a game!!
  6. Well being a coach in that district I have to go with Buna#1 and probably EC#2 so far from what I have seen, Deweyville would be a close #3 in my eyes..just their bats havnt been alive yet to support their pitching.
  7. The only way they can do that is if they get in the weightroom and put in the extra effort. They have no muscle mass on them
  8. Warren has a soph by the name of Colt Kelley pitches/SS for us here and he does a great job. Great physical build being 6'1 180lbs and only 16 years old.....if his mind and confidence catches up with his physical ability could be fun to watch for the next few years...
  9. what?? did someone say neither team has pitching?? WOW!!! I know Ritter from Anahuac is probably the hardest thrower in the district, and Buna has 2-3 guys that can shut you down if they are on. We have played both teams so far and in my experiences I say Buna is much more dominant...we were up 6-0 on Anahuac until the 7th inning with Ritter on the mound...on the other hand Buna stayed on top of us 2-1 till the 5th then blew it wide open. Both teams can explode at netime but Buna is a tough place to go into and win!!
  10. well dang the luck..that figures!! stop, rewind, and play again GO WOODVILLE!!!!!!
  11. cant we all just get along..lol Tennis is always good here in Warren!!! Mens Doubles in 2A is a gimmie..they are already engraving their names in the medals..:-)
  12. ok ok ok I am sorry that people are taking this the wrong way..maybe I worded it wrong from the beginning and to those I apologize! I just wanted to know if and only if you thought umpires should or should not have more training before they are allowed to ump games...I know parents, fans, coaches, are have faults I agree 100% but coaches graduate from college, parents can't change the game, what do umpires do to get ready? Just jump in and learn as you go?
  13. I am not saying that umpires are all bad/good/ or in between..I was just asking what people thought about umpire training...I know they dont get much respect from parents, coaches, etc...but I do think parents and coaches would respect umpires much more if they knew hours were spent being taught the game. I know umpires are human and that they make mistakes like everyone else but they get $$ for doing what they do so why not do it right...and even if it is a second job for most umpires or people who ae retired, if they dont have the time or patience for taking a few training classes, noone is forcing them to umpire period....We have had some very good umpires in my baseball experiences, no doubt but to say they are all great and that young children arent being punished for umpire ignorance is a stretch...
  14. great job pirates...good to see them on the winning side of things again!!! Keep it up and we are pulling for you guys up here in Warren.
  15. Umpires today in Little League communities are mainly parents, retired construction workers, etc...I have seen 1st hand this year how poor umpiring can hurt young children in later years..Ex) 1 Strike Zone problems, I saw an umpire call balls in the dirt strikes to a certain 10 yr old hitter, the very next game the kid was swinging at those same pitches because in his mind, because of the previous umpire, they were strikes. I could go on and on about this but I wanted everyone elses opinion on whether umpires should have it a little tougher in order to join a chapter..especially for little league!! ???
  16. We have played both teams and both teams have a great talent and alot to play for...but Buna at home will take this game 7-3
  17. Just seeing what people thought about the outcome of this game....
  18. Who pulled your chain bobcat?? All goatherder stated was that people were not just making predictions but putting little smart remarks with the predictions! Everyone has the right to guess what they think the final score will be sure, but I looked back at goatherders predictions and in his defense they were just predictions with a little baseball talk in some, not "oh warren stinks" "their not as good as everyone says" things like that!! but as much as I love you defending this kid, just went a little far tearing into goatherder. and PS who said the kid was from Buna?
  19. Lets just wait to the game is played and then everyone can talk their trash..:-) We will go down there play Buna and see what happens but until the game is over I dont think its fair to predict an outcome...Being in 2A baseball is a coin toss on which team shows up on that particular day, who knows if the Warren team that lost 16-1 to EC shows up or the team that beat Central 7-4 ...or on the other hand the Buna team that beat EC 10-2 or barely beat a weak Kountze team 3-2....anything can happen!!
  20. will be a tough game for Warren to travel into Buna and pull out a victory...but I have seen crazier things happen already this year so I say Warren 9 Buna 6
  21. Levi West 3 HR Trey Babino 1 HR WARREN HS
  22. With Treece on the mound I have to go with HJ by 6..final score will be HJ 9 OF 3
  23. Well from the fields we have seen this year, Deweyville takes the cake on the most dangerous to play on list...granted a new field is almost complete but that didnt help us a few weeks ago on their old field!!
  24. Talent goes to Kountze but we are pulling for deweyville with the upset..go pirates!!
  25. their shortstop has a severe sprained ankle and will be out 2-3 weeks at least...tough break for the Pirates
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