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East TX

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Everything posted by East TX

  1. Well I saw two good teams working hard to get premium teamwork unity together tonight. Spikes who plays a sound first base was quite handy on the mound for the Indians. After seeing BC against Ned. & PNG I believe they may be a cut above a host of 3As, in this early part of the seasonal training. One really bright spot was Cessac on the mound tonight. In one inning he struck out three straight batters not allowing them to touch the hardball! A. Cessac is the kind of a Pitcher that never gives you a "fat pitch"; yet handles his mix with poise & accuracy. The future looks so bright for BC. Matt Menard a Freshman homered in the JV game I understand and played a short mature role in the Varsity play also. Cameron Dishon also a Freshman also looks like a potential future D-1 prospect as he has seemed to be carving himself an outfielder position on a strong steady older team. At any time BCs bench can also play you a hard ball game and that makes for a promising attribute for playoff hot weather three-game toughness.
  2. Just looking the big picture over: there are a lot of teams I would worry about before I would worry about Huffman.
  3. There are some good teams in the District this year. BC is a probable playoff team or District Champ. I look for them to shine in the playoffs wherever they enter the bracket play. Great 3A Pitching depth can keep them alive in the three game series, so often played. If they are lucky enough to get 3-game coin-tosses they could represent Region III.
  4. What a long cold windy scrimmage. Compliments to both teams...when I left it was tied up and still going strong!. I was astounded at BCs depth for 3A Pitching: they ran in six Pitchers and those six were able to stand off a good high enrollment 4A offense such as the Bulldogs. BC has about 17 or 18 really quality 3A players and many seem to be comfortable in assorted positions. Both of these teams should do well in their respective classifications. Good luck to both.
  5. To CircleChange & Others...I was told that there were up to 3 Freshman with enough ability to maybe help the BC team out this season. What is your impression on the Fr. & Soph.s in the 60 boys out this season?
  6. I don't thing Cuero can compete with the likes of Taylor, Bellville, Robinson and Bridge City.
  7. Any thing can happen is a District race. A dropped ball in the outfield with bases loaded etc: and there goes the District Championship...LOL I will say this-- BC has good post season depth at pitching and a swift team; coupled with a great backup bench, as injuries occur. They should be real tough when they hit the bracket play. It will be a lot of good baseball for the fans of their respective teams. OF amazes me they have worked real hard to be a really competitive squad. If the injury bug does not weaken them they compete with anyone.
  8. Those Dishons are all athletes it's a matter of where they put their emphasis! LOL One other question about assorted Polls? Can you list the Baseball polls & results that are out there this year........several years ago there were 4 polls on the Internet. Also, I wonder when the TGCA Poll will come out, any info on that also? Someone was saying they predict the little Dishon girl will be a very dominate Pitcher in the not-so-distant future also.
  9. Have a question for the BC Gurus.......Where do you think young Dishon will fit into the baseball future for the Cardinals? .....Looking forward to BC vs BH--I understand BH has a fair team for a 4A this year! Where will the scrimmage be played?
  10. This would be my alternate Top 10--ranking for Region III 1. Taylor 2. Bridge City 3. Carthage 4. Jasper 5. Tyler Chapel Hill 6. Orangefield 7. Longview Spring Hill 8. Robinson 9. Mexia 10. Bullard
  11. To AME, You picked me out and blew my cover LOL... Something to do on a lazy Saturday evening LOL.. I do wish that folks will not have a fit when the new Coach tries new people in new spots. He has the right to make some changes, as we all well know!
  12. I am serious--I project Joe will pitch quite a lot and he will move to SS when Hicks is on the mound...new Coach new perspective LOL. I see Raggio as a great Outfielder this year!..Also, Rhodes, Menard and others are quite sprint-swift....new Coach new perspective LOL. Oh yes, Joe will be All-State at 3rd base this season; but I have seen him Pitch and he is capable of doing an exemplary job. I think we will all be surprised at the new lineup development prior to District starting. I would guess that no positions are set-in-stone: but what a bunch of talent to try to winnow down to find the best nine in any given situation to have on the field! These are just my guesses I have no Crystal Ball.
  13. Good luck Anna! Hope you enjoy the tall Pines and the beautiful sunsets in a great area of Texas...
  14. Joe Robertson is one fine Pitcher; fact is, he can do almost anything very well, on a hardball diamond. He would be the Ace Pitcher in a lot of Districts across Texas. Coupled with proven Pitchers-- Hicks, Hubbard, Snyder and newcomer Matt Menard; plus closers Cessac, Forest Zoch and Breaux and others: BC is ready for the Tourneys and also the Playoffs where "Pitching depth" can climb the ole bracket ladders. A good group of returnees and a host of JV & SOs with speed pouring in will solidify this team by District time. The speed in the defensive outfield will be exceptional this season.
  15. I see it quite differently than that Austin Poll. Top 7 teams in the state in alphabetical order: Bridge City, Carthage, Kennedale, Sinton, Snyder, Taylor, Texarkana Pleasant Grove OF at #20 looks right!
  16. Power Lifting is a great stand-alone sport. There are some real spin-offs however for other sports. Example: Sarah McClure was a young Bridge City girl who just played JV softball as an add-on sport last year. She loves her lifting also. She is dedicated to those two sports jointly. The weights must have helped her as she caught fire at bat for the JV, getting one HR and eight Triples and more: ending the last half of the season with a .800+ plus batting average. Will Sarah end up the 2nd base on down the way? One thing is sure she looks like a good candidate for the DH if the new Coach allows the bat to be use for power hitting-- maybe her Junior and Senior seasons for the Varsity. I like power lifting for girls if it is taught by someone that has good training in the dos-and-don'ts of body mechanics. It can enhance an athletes performance potential! Who are the power lifters from each school and what grades are they presently in?
  17. I see BC as the favorite with Orangefield close behind. These two teams have good solid team-work oriented teams to field this year! Great bats and good pitching will carry them into the playoffs. It's a tossup after that for 3rd place. A wild guess is that H-F will take the 3rd spot. The basic key to BCs frequent success is very strong JVs that feeds this program year-in and year-out!
  18. The Bossier Parish Cavalier Bracket site and the Lamar site list the games as Saturday Sept 20 at Meadowview Park.....See your Messages for additional info....... copy/paste from Tournament site September, 2008 20 BPCC Fall Tournament See BracketPDF FileWill open new browser window or tab Meadowview Park
  19. BC has 6 Sophomores and it basically is a matter of how much they can improve prior and during District play. Don't sell them short just yet. One team did last year and the BC girls were the ones with a long run in the playoffs. It will be a competitive year in this District race.
  20. Seahawks Softball 2008 Seahawks Softball Scrimmaging Schedule Saturday Sept. 6 at the Galveston College Tournament, Galveston TBA - - - - Saturday Sept. 20 at the Bossier Parish College Tournament in Bossier City, Louisiana TBA - - - - vs. Northeast Texas Community College 9 a.m. vs. Bossier Parish Community College 10:30 a.m. vs. Ouachita Baptist University 1 p.m. vs. University of Arkansas -- Monticello 3 p.m. Saturday Sept. 27 at the Lone Star Classic Tournament in Beaumont TBA - - - - Sunday Sept. 28 at the Lone Star Classic Tournament in Beaumont TBA - - - - Saturday October 4 at the Louisiana State Univ. - Eunice Tournament in Eunice, Louisiana TBA - - - - Saturday October 11 Louisiana State University - Eunice game at Port Arthur-Martin Field NOON - - - - Saturday October 11 Louisiana State University - Eunice game at Pot Arthur-Martin Field 2:00 pm - - - Saturday. October 18 Angelina College At Angelina College This scrimmaging schedule has been updated on Sept. 4
  21. Bridge City's rebuilding year is still on schedule. The six Sophomores are exceptional and will contribute for two more years with poise. Kelly's Emalee Kennon, fresh from Vidor, was their outstanding player today. Although the Cardinals won all three; Kelly was always in each game. BC is rebuilding but don't take their youth as a disadvantage--they will play you a ball game!
  22. Congrats Sir: On your working on some more higher learning.....Remember, that does not mean you will forget any of the football that you have learned----just like the rest of the other folks on here that love and played football. Actually, I retired at 56 year of age, eleven years ago and don't have to work anymore. ;D
  23. To EX-Ceauxch: Certainly you would be welcome to come to any of our offices but they are not the "little cubicles" that you have envisioned, they are the big plush offices in most cases. LOL Yes, you also are welcome to help straighten us out on our keyboards. Let's see you could help us solve a few stiff equations for the third unknown. Or you could help set up a plan of action for developing competing stoichiometric exothermic reaction coefficients. Or if that is a little heavy for you; you could just explain photosynthesis photochemical and enzymatic light-dependent reactions. Or maybe you could explain Geospatial database terrestrial consortium and geodesy formats. Please give me one hour to draw a crowd to hear a P.E. Major explain any of these type scientific formats. There are a lot of people that would enjoy your explanations along these subjects! LOL Fellow, Just because many folks that own a lot of real estate across the area that pay plenty of school taxes-- and thus your salary: does not make them forget knowledge of playing the great game of football for many years just like you did. The difference is that they choose to enjoy the game and they also expanded their knowledge also into other more difficult fields. LOL
  24. To Ex-Ceauxch: Most male folks go to college and major in Science, Engineering or Finance to enjoy the big remunerations that those type college degrees can bring-- if you can apply them. Yes, and many of them played a lot of football also, just like you did. I would think that those folks are entitled to their intelligent football opinions also. LOL
  25. The Cardinals don't have all the components together yet; however, the looked poised tonight. They have one great advantage--that is simply that they play very smart Offense and Defense. They keep the opponents off-stride and thus compete well with novel counters against the aggressiveness of the foe. WestBrook is no pushover they have good athletes on that team.
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