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East TX

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Everything posted by East TX

  1. I would suggest Samantha Myers who graduated from BC two seasons ago. She is extremely intelligent and has a great grasp on the assorted 3B SB strategies. Dad and Mom, Julia & Archie Myers in Bridge City: in the phone book.
  2. I could not find the upcoming schedules. Please post here so folks can adjust their calendars...Or let us know when it is posted on the LAPA website Thank you
  3. Looks like the BC-OF feeder program is still intact. Add the local youth playing select type BB and you will provide Coach Chad Landry with some fine poised Freshman in the future.
  4. To 44stack: Someone said you are on staff at Newton.....If that be true bet you would not go up to Buddy S. your Schoolboard Prez and call him a dummy. Boy I wouldn't do that if I were you...LOL
  5. Local girls have banned together to join this emerging team to help get things rolling. I would guess that they will have to bring in a lot more stands to seat all the fans when this team starts to roll against the-- Region XIV very stiff competition!
  6. ======================================= To 44Stack......WOW, I did not realize that all my friends on various School Boards were such dummies! Now that you have attack those duly-elected members(you insinuate are dummies) by evidently also dummy taxpayer voters---well maybe we won't go there! Since education is so important maybe we should only have people with MS and MBAs or better as the only ones qualified to run Management jobs in school systems? I guarantee good proven classroom Teachers would be championed and all the embedded slackers would be booted! These folks with MBAs and MSs have to be able to winnow in commerce and industry to be good CEOs and CFOs etc: Those skills might well be a better fit for progress: after all in business where profits are paramount everyone is continuing to learn to have a leading edge..They could replace you and most probably do a much better job.
  7. I guess there is only one way to even start to rectify a situation where a kid is being mistreated at the schoolhouse by staff. Hang the rules of bureaucratic-insulation!---send a precise letter expressing the problem to EVERY School Board member via postal or home e-mail. Likewise, send a letter to every one in the schools' chain-of-command including the Superintendent. Also, stop any School Board member or Administrator in the grocery store and explain the problem. Them maybe, just maybe, someone will be interested enough in hearing an acute problem that exist. Sad fact is the squeaking henge is the ONLY one what will possibly get oiled. LOL Thank God for those non-payed School Board members who provide stability and liaison between the people and the fortified "stick-together" system.
  8. I would think winning two or three games only because of the well watered down pre-season schedule is about all that can be expected. I have lost a lot of interest in football because of the structure of the game has now changed. Teams like BC and some others do not teach punch-out blocking anymore. When linemen are used strictly for shielding runners passing by and also for mostly pass blocking and have never been taught how to blow out a hole in the defense via shear low-centered power blocking--football suffers. Having been a lineman way back in history I would think it would be quite boring not to be utilized as the charging front line, busting the big holes for your backfield. To run the offenses being presently taught is good only if you have very exceptional skilled athletes which happen maybe once a decade at a 3A: that does not recruit at the seventh & eight grade level. If you play the hard head-on blocking techniques of the 60s to late 80s then you can win at football not having to depend on the capabilities and availabilities of a few D1 prospects. BC is blessed with a fine man as Coach; however, those techniques will only work at a 5A school consistently; whereby, you live and die by a few superior D1 skill athletes, which are always available via enrollment size each season in 5A.
  9. There is just too much "Pork" in the salaries structures at schools; with everyone in middle management having an assistant or two. Fire the ones managing the money inappropriately and pare out the inefficient ones not needed in middle management AND THEN APPLY THOSE TAXPAYER SAVING to the fees you are trying to tack on to the families of the kids and the innocent district taxpayers..... Also,double the classrooms teachers salaries with the money saved by getting read of all the top heavy management and academic accomplishments will soar within the student body!
  10. This works for both Redfish and Snapper preferably about 8#s. Skin the fish while the scales are still on; then, pull out the fins. Stand the fish upright in a pan braced with toothpicks if need be. Put heat on Bake for 8 minutes then switch to-- broil Basts the fish with real butter, paparika, trace of red pepper, and a lot of lime juice. At 4 minute intervals base over the top of the fish until one cup of the basting-slurry is used up. Broil until the back of the fish is crusty-brown then remove long enough to flake all of the meat off the fish. Discard the bones and ladle the basting-slurry over the flaked fish and broil for 4 more minutes. Then invite us over for a great meal! LOL LOL
  11. I have never had a dog in this fight but would add some thoughts. Josh Smalley, a great Coach has just came on board in BC. Josh would make either a great Softball or Baseball Coach; he has great potential and is deeply grounded in diamond sports. Why not go with the hometown boy that played on the 1992 Finalist 4A baseball team?
  12. School Boards are the only link of representing the people of the community as to; if the stiff taxes paid now days are handled with good stewardship OR squandered on non-education enhancing pork for top-heavy middle management and other spurious liberal spending fantasies. The problem is that the powers that be inside the school Brass develop insulating loopholes rules so that it takes weeks and weeks and meeting-after-meeting at different tiers for a parent to finally reach the school board with an acute problem. In industry where profits must be made, it would be impossible to have all that foot dragging, and inefficiency. Heads would roll where--buffer insulation--was fortified to keep from solving chronic and/or acute problems. Personally I champion and support good School Boards that represent the hard earned money expended for taxes-- to support and to expect quality academic education for the children of the community.
  13. Best of luck Hippos, hope you win in the next games. Congrats to Jasper on a good season! 8)
  14. Since I was the only one on this thread that predicted that Hutto might win this series: I would like to present an additional comment. I think that the Jasper Coach has positioned his team for a possible win-out by taking the loss up front. Hutto has three-deep pitching to some extent and they have used up a good pitcher also. Jasper should get a win next and then the third game is really up for grabs. We are all pulling for Jasper; however, Hutto like Taylor up there in Greater Austin have really had a lot of good folks move into the District to play baseball. Good luck Jasper!
  15. Had it gone one game I would take Jasper.....Being it goes to 3 games I think the Hippos will win. They are in a fast growing geographic explosion and the Greater Austin select players have been moving over to play for this team.
  16. What a positive group of youth from Bridge City....play with your hearts again this time--once again.
  17. Who to pitch? I would pitch Hicks, Clark and Dillon each-- 2 and 1/3 innings. All are great for HS pitchers.
  18. That was good strategy on the part of the Jasper coaching--via the coin toss. In three games BC would have prevailed; this gives the Bulldogs a chance even though they had two losses to BC in regular season. One games, unless mutually agreed upon, ought to be outlawed in the playoffs in my opinion.
  19. First of all Congrats to H-J on the win over a tough Sweeny team! Giddings tied for 2nd with Caldwell in their District race. They went 6-4, 19-8-1 in District. They lost big at times such as 12-0 to Hutto, etc: H-J gets this one easier than the Sweeny games. Good chance H-J will face the winner of the BC vs Jasper games on down the line.
  20. I just want to say thanks to the youth of this district for treating us fans to some incredible baseball. The games are well played and even the losers in the district would win most all other 3A districts across the big ole state of Texas.
  21. I would prefer the Nederland facility. It is roomy and shaded and less stressful for all the old folks that follow both teams. LOL. If it goes to three-game-series- BC will prevail again.
  22. I was really spell-bound by the BC pitching. Hicks and McGuire really went at it in the first game. Both pitched great games--it ended 2-1 Needville. Jason Clark pitched a solid second game. One of the best performances I have seen in a playoff series. Surely some visionary college will pick this Senior up. Clark is one that keeps it right there around the strike zone every pitch an yet pulls off one hitters. Jadon Dillon is such a team player! A left fielder who went to local ace Pitching Coach(Sam Moore) this summer to hone/develop his skills for the mound; just in case they needed another pitcher for the playoff team efforts. Like a big Arkansas country boy chunking stream rocks at above 90 mph he came through like a Senior team player should! Going 8 of 9 at the plate should land that good left fielder a D-1 scholarship as a "lead off" batter. He will probably never pitch a ball in college but for now he draws a good bead on the mitt and kicks high and center-punches a hardball real well for a high school youth.
  23. Looked like two good teams in an excellent hardball game. Back at it tomorrow!
  24. Again, most of those playoff teams from Region III(especially 21-3A) :would clobber those two Region 4 teams ranked #1 and #2.
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