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Everything posted by Tin_Cup

  1. He was the offensive coordinator if I recall.
  2. For your information, some of you guys dont know hell from high water. Bradley Oden has won three state championships. One as a player at Westbrook and two as a coach at Schulenburg. He is now an assistant and I think the main reason cause something happenened that was out of his control? He would do a very good job there in my opinion. Anyways just some insight for you guys who think he would be an EMBARRASSMENT. You guys need to rethink a little before you say such comments. That is mainly you guys reading the newspapers and thats it. Newspaper didnt write too much on Oden. Let a person prove themselves a little for you guys start ripping at someone and dont know _ _ _ _ about a person. Thanks
  3. No one has a clue who is interviewing....
  4. What does BC return from last year's team? starters, lettermen, standouts? I heard they were going with an outsider....I hope its true.
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