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  1. I know. That really burns me up.
  2. I believe the best year the sharks had was in 1984 with reciever Chad Finch. I believe he is still 4th in all time carreer receptions in the whole state of texas. the downfall for the sharks came in 88' when after the first six weeks there were only 9 players on the team due to grades. The UIL then scraped the sharks from district football. Baseball followed 2 years later, it was scraped totally due to all of the sucess and state championships in One ACT Play. Harvey is a good guy, he was two grades behind me. He has very good ethics. A little note on the High Island rivalry, it will be getting better and a little more funner. Last I heard from a very good source, Hwy 87 is looking to be starting construction next year with a complete date around late 2009 early 2010. So then it will be the battle for the beach as we will only be 20 miles apart again.
  3. Looks like another bad one for the sharks this year.
  4. In 2000 we (sabine pass) were playing chester. Chester had a very tough team that year. And we as usual on had about 14 guys on the team. Right after halftime our qb was taken out of the game with a concusion. He was so out of it on the side lines, he saw a red light from a video camera and kept telling the coaches that chester had snipers in the trees........ But to add to the saga, our back up qb was a little green to say the least. The first play he was in the game he lined up behind the left tackle. I said tackle, not gaurd or center. Calls the snap and the center snaped it to no one. Two plays later we have to punt and it's the back up qb punting. I was one of the protectors 5 yards off the line. He kicked the ball right into my back. The ball went 15 yards behind me. I am sure someone had a good laugh with that game.
  5. and maybe 4 and 5 from what I am hearing in sabine
  6. I wanted to comment on the wo-s players. When the police told the wo-s players to get off the feild and to the side lines, they went strait to the bench and had a group prayer. I thought that was very classy. You love to see that in a "rival" game.
  7. These are the games I played in. Please don't laugh 1998 Sabine Pass 55 - High Island Jv. 0 2000 Westburry Christian 50 - Sabine Pass 0 (Their D1 tailback "Bird" lit us up.) Lowest scoring game I was in. 1999 Sabine Pass 6 - Westburry Christian 0 ("Bird" was in school at the woodlands)
  8. I get up and grab the paper on my way to work. Read all of the h.s. football articles durring my lunch break. This gets me super hyped up. Get off work at 5:30, drive strait home and shower and get dressed in my mustang best. Drive the the credit union and deposite my pay check and head to the game. Get there about 6:30. On the ride home, tune to any AM station that I can listen to and hear how eveybody did. Get back home to sabine and try to make it in time for H.S. Extra. Wake up the next day and watch college football.
  9. Well it's only 9 days away. This will be a good starter for both teams. BH wants to prove that wo-s is over rated which will give BH fuel. WO-S has nothing to prove. I guess they could say that they want to prove that they can beat a school with almost dubble their enrollment. That might give them fuel.
  10. for wo-s I would like to see paul thomas. That dude was solid for nederland I would say brad sulivan. good player For pn-g, you got to go with Dustin Long And for sabine pass, well me.
  11. I know sabine won't make it, with this being their first year back....So I will watch wo-s like I allways do.
  12. When I was in H.S. in Sabine teams I wanted to play were. Burkeville, wo-s jv, shinner, West Hardin
  13. Just finnished putting up the new lights. The goal posts are still truned backwards from the wind. The are supost to be fixed this week.
  14. Yeah, he is the new AD! nice guy. I wish he would run the spread though. With out size, thats the only hope for the sharks
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