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SmashMouth last won the day on December 11 2024

SmashMouth had the most liked content!

About SmashMouth

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  1. I don't have the energy...
  2. So do you believe it? It’s true.
  3. Yep. Seen those years ago from when she was a much younger woman. Still very attractive.
  4. I thought it was classy af. But your comment made me lol.
  5. Can't freakin wait.
  6. I like Texas. I don't like OSU. OSU is a better team though. OSU simply killed themselves with penalties allowing Texas to be competitive. Still, Texas could have pulled it off had it not been for the last couple minutes of poor coaching and average play.
  7. You know what HAS surged in the last decade? Social media platforms & gaming. I think that has as much or more to do with it than anything. Just my opinion, of course.
  8. I really want Texas to win this game, but I just don't see it. OSU (not a fan) has a really good ball club this year. It's gonna be a tough row to hoe for Texas.
  9. Honestly, she probably did better than Joe Biden would have... He would've stuttered, stumbled and faded out of sight until one of his handlers (the Easter bunny, maybe?) went and turned him around.
  10. Your boy can't even pronounce sixth grader... Just sayin.
  11. Sodom & Gomorrah?
  12. I don't think that is a good idea. Shut down the behavior, not the business. It's a lawful establishment. Have a police presence there, but don't shut it down.
  13. So sensitive... πŸ˜‡ Btw, I think only one other person gave a legitimate answer to your topic. Probably a good barometer of the interest or legitimacy (at this point) of your question.
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