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Everything posted by SmashMouth

  1. I can agree with that. Out of touch too.
  2. Agreed. And I was just referencing Mr. Unwoke’s comment, “I believe we’re closer than you think.”
  3. So would Pat Robertson who predicted doomsday by 1982. Lol.
  4. And I’m not saying you’re incorrect, I’m just saying according to some, “everything” has been lining up for decades…centuries even.
  5. The same has been said and acted upon for literally hundreds of years. I’m not saying it isn’t reality, but I am saying it could be 10 years from now or a hundred years from now.
  6. It’s more an issue of cultural appropriation vs. cultural appreciation. It’s all pretty silly from my vantage point.
  7. It was being talked about way before Bush.
  8. It should be called Tejas by the time Joe leaves office…
  9. The same reason the NAACP is an acronym that includes “Colored People”. Try using that term these days and see what happens.
  10. Agreed. I was not considering Disney whatsoever. More looking at the actual folks who may or may not have been harmed.
  11. Like I said previously, I don’t care what they call themselves. It doesn’t bother me. I would just look at it through another set of eyes before making a decision.
  12. Apparently the great comments did not come from the Cherokee chief.
  13. Nothing like the smell of the grass when playing on a grass field though...
  14. I have no stake in this nor in my eyes does it even matter, but I'm not going to say that it has not dishonored Native American tribes. It's not my place - I'm not a Native American. Maybe you are a Native American or maybe that's just your opinion. Regardless, if the chief of the tribe says it has, then maybe there's some merit to it. I would suggest reading his reasoning behind his comments before making an opinion.
  15. Have they performed at Disney before in the Indian costumes? If so, why did they allow them again?
  16. Lol. He sure did. I wouldn’t say he “was” Fleetwood Mac, but he was definitely a major contributor.
  17. I’m on the fence about the whole stolen election thing. I will say this… While I support Donald Trump and would vote for him over anyone I can foresee running right now including DeSantis (who I also like), I believe that the majority of people did not vote for Biden. They voted against Trump.
  18. Yes. Too bad it has to come at such a great price.
  19. And yet they run both houses and the presidency.
  20. There are some advantages, but I can see more disadvantages. Kids who have free lunch may not get to eat on Fridays. I would think childcare would be an issue too for working parents. During football season, no more walking the halls with your jersey on or getting pumped at the pep rally before the game. Do the bus drivers take a pay cut? Do the lunch ladies and other supporting staff take a pay cut?
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