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Everything posted by SmashMouth

  1. I like Michael Berry, but he is just offering up an opiniated possibility. I also remember when he was against Trump in the first election...said he wasn't "presidential" enough. Now he loves him.
  2. No, but you don't have to answer the jury summons. If sent regular mail (which it is in Texas), they can't prove you ever received it. I've never met anyone who got in trouble for ignoring a jury summons. Personally, I've never received one. Can't figure that one out...
  3. 1. Mild cognitive impairment (which may or may not be a pre-cursor to dementia) or 2. Delirium or an acute confusional state brought on by the stresses of the job
  4. Fair enough. But honesty and IQ are pretty unrelated. Hell, it was good enough to get Biden voted into the presidency. And the lies come out of him on a weekly basis.
  5. Awesome poll...I like it. Vote what you think the verdict will be, not what you hope for, right?
  6. If you're speaking of Herschel Walker, you missed the mark. He may not be suited for politics, but he's a smart guy. I know him, and he is intelligent. Probably an overstep on your part.
  7. That's an interesting take, but considering that an incumbent enjoys a HUGE advantage historically, I think Covey came pretty close to an upset. I don't care one way or the other - the biggest reason being that I live in Hardin County. But I have to think the Trump endorsement got Covey that close in the first place. His only recognition was on a very local level, virtually unheard of before the Trump endorsement. Otherwise, he probably would've lost by thousands of votes instead of a few hundred. Just my observation.
  8. Goes down in flames? Considering it was a runoff election already that was feverishly close 'til the end with only a difference of 366 votes out of 25,260, I don't know if that is a fair description.
  9. It's hard to tell depending on the statements from witnesses and other Law Enforcement on the scene at the time.
  10. Here's the deal ma'am. Trump won't turn NY Red. But the outpouring of support of that size in the Bronx is very telling of the state of affairs in the "Blue" White House and what could happen in the November elections. Look at it any way you want, but Joe Biden has seen better days...
  11. I’m no global warming nut, but in the spirit of truth and veracity, that’s not the original location of the Plymouth Rock. Lol. Apparently “Spin” spins both ways.
  12. I agree, but that will never happen in my opinion. At least not in the foreseeable future.
  13. In a roundabout way, you may be correct, but the person paying the fees aren't charged based on ethnicity. As far as how the lawsuit goes, even though what they're doing is a racially biased practice, I have no faith in the judicial system to get that right. Ask Donald J Trump what he thinks about fairness in the court system...
  14. Exactly. Yet he still polls within the margin of error to win the election. Ridiculous.
  15. They don't charge fees based on skin color. Simple as that. I agree that their practice is wrong, but keep the facts straight and clear and untwisted, and your arguments will be more believable and trustworthy.
  16. If that suits your narrative, I guess...
  17. True. But you said "Charges fees according to skin color", not "Advantages". That's the discrepancy I was pointing out.
  18. While the practice they're speaking of is wrong, it's not necessarily charging the customer based on his/her skin color. A non-minority can bank at the minority owned bank and get the same advantages. I do think it gives an unfair advantage to certain banks based on the owner's skin color which, as I said, is wrong.
  19. This is the only part, I think, that might even be remotely a strategy (although I think it's backfiring too). Trump has been the presumptive nominee for way longer than this "lawfare" has been going on. There wasn't any doubt. To me, the D's are grasping at straws. Their poor guy couldn't run a shoe store, far less a country. The only chance they had was to replace the Biden/Harris ticket with a different duo. It may be a little late for that.
  20. 1. Trump has been the president before, and you're saying he has a chance of winning again due to Biden's poor performance. And you're agreeing that he's a turd sandwich (fair). Wouldn't it stand to reason then that Trump must not have had a poor performance during his presidency (since that's the only reason you're saying Biden would lose) which refutes your claim that the only reason Trump stands a chance is due to Biden's poor performance? You would have been better served to say that the only reason DJT may lose the presidency is because his personality is unappealing to many (turd sandwich). I'll take effective over feelings 8 days out of 7. 2. In my opinion, the major reason Biden has any shot at winning is TDS, a country that is slowly but surely being indoctrinated to socialistic thinking and a left-wing media bias that won't report what's truly happening. Definitely not going to win on the real issues. The real issues that are going to sink Biden: a. Wokeness and his unwillingness to stand up to it. He promised centrality, but instead took a hard left into oncoming traffic. b. Economy - go to the grocery store, and you'll see what I mean. c. Immigration - It's a dangerous free for all that is a huge national security risk, a personal safety risk, a health risk & an economic crisis for any city that has to take care of these illegal migrants. All to gain the Democrats millions of votes and control of the government basically forever. d. Energy - I could speak volumes, but you know what I mean. e. Crime and anti-LE sentiment - Turn on the news. f. Handling of COVID-19 - Biden did everything in his power to shut this country down short of martial law Get past the turd sandwich and do what's right for you, your family & the country as a whole.
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