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Everything posted by SmashMouth

  1. That's why I asked for clarification. I thought perhaps she was just throwing a buzzword around without knowing what it meant.
  2. I think it is a waste of time, by and large, at least until the last few weeks of the campaign cycle. And campaigns are definitely political. Makes sense that people would post polling & campaign information here in that regard.
  3. That's exactly what I said. But if you're going to quote polls, you have to look at them all...not just the ones you like.
  4. Well, seeing how she distanced herself from the border both figuratively and literally, she has plausible deniability. Lol. The truth will catch up with her soon.
  5. CNN Poll a couple days ago: "The same Black voters who split 70% for Biden to 23% for Trump in previous polling now break 78% for Harris to 15% for Trump." Like I said...honeymoon phase. Depending on who she chooses as her running mate, that may cause her some uptick too.
  6. Yes ma'am. Probably in a certain demographic, that may be true. Something to learn about polls and statistics, they can be slanted to show favor on just about any stance you want to take. Also, polls are simply a snapshot in time. Kamala is going through a honeymoon phase. Excitement is everywhere. Lol. But as James Carville, a Democrat strategist puts it, "This kind of giddy elation is not going to be very helpful much longer ’cause that’s not what we’re going to be faced with." Don't trust polls until you evaluate where they were taken, who took them, who reported them and what demographic was targeted. If I was to simply guess from what I have been extensively reading, Trump leads overall with likely voters by a couple or 3 points, and that will only rise as people begin remembering who Kamala really is, how she voted in the past and what little she has really done in the last3-1/2 years. If the Democrats were smart, they would re-rent out the basement they had Joe stuck in during Covid and put Kamala in there.
  7. We agree. Same thing when considering reparations to be unfounded. I would think you would agree with that too. See, we can find common ground.
  8. Far from true. I have first-hand knowledge of this. My Alabama born & bred father-in-law thought it was funny to teach his grandkids (my children and others) racial epithets including the "big one" which will get you banned from life and sent straight to Hell in today's climate. He was getting up in age and decided to vote for Biden because he heard that he would get more benefits from the Democrats. 100% true story. He and I discussed it while NASCAR was playing one Sunday afternoon, but after the election was over. I explained to him my opinion on his erred thinking. All in all, he was a very good man who was raised in a different time and was very racially prejudiced - a bigot, using your words. He still had a Biden sticker on the back of his pick-up truck when he died. That's the problem with stereotypes. They are slung around like gospel and used for and against people based on an oversimplified image or idea of a person.
  9. I will say this, unless the current candidate is a slave-owner or pushes a slave owning agenda, I could care less. I feel the same way about me paying reparations for something that an ancestor did 100 years before I was born... Silly BS.
  10. Everyone makes mistakes. I might have even made one before. But have y’all noticed the misspelled VP’s name in the topic heading. It’s funny though, typos are usually made by letters close together. Anywho. Just kind of funny.
  11. I totally understand the quote. It’s stupid and dangerous. Also, it’s “Too” not “To”. I’m saying nothing is too big to rig. Just like all the examples I gave you.
  12. Keep saying it to yourself. Maybe even you will believe it. I sure don’t. UFOs, JFK, 2016 Election, WMD’s in Iraq, Iran-Contra, MK-Ultra (if you don’t know about that one, look it up. Very interesting), Watergate, the killing Clintons, I could keep going and going and going. And you’re trying to tell me that this year‘s election is bigger than all of that? It’s bigger than life from another planet? It’s bigger than the murder of a president? Like I said, keep saying it to yourself. Maybe even you will believe it.
  13. Geez. This is getting so boring. I can't wait 'til the election is over.
  14. Is Muslim a race?
  15. If you believe that nonsense, then I've got some beachfront property in Spurger for sale. "They" killed Kennedy over 60 years ago, and the true story is still unknown. Anything can happen.
  16. I’ll answer by saying this: Trump lost the presidency (however you want to substantiate it) to Joe Biden, a guy who can’t poor piss out of a boot, less than 4 years ago.
  17. Exactly what I hoped would be deduced from my post.
  18. No he didn't. I'd call it out if it were true. I am by know means a blind Trump follower. Hell, as a dumba?? kid, I voted for Ross Perot, because I though it was the right thing to do. But Trump didn't do that.
  19. Keep pulling the wool over your eyes. Even FOX News has it even closer at 3%. Do you remember the headline "Dewey Defeats Truman"? Make sure all of your friends, family, co-workers vote for DJT. Explain to them why it's important that "Democrat" is the wrong choice. Do anything you can EXCEPT sit back and lie to yourself about what YOU consider to be faulty polling numbers, what YOU think other people really think, what YOU think the perception of Kamala should be... If YOU were proxy voting for the majority of the country, we would be just fine. The fact is, YOU have only one vote. Don't take anything for granted and don't underestimate your opponent. One of many awesome Mark Twain quotes that I really like: "There are some things that can beat smartness and foresight? Awkwardness and stupidity can. The best swordsman in the world doesn't need to fear the second best swordsman in the world; no, the person for him to be afraid of is some ignorant antagonist who has never had a sword in his hand before; he doesn't do the thing he ought to do, and so the expert isn't prepared for him; he does the thing he ought not to do; and often it catches the expert out and ends him on the spot."
  20. A true leader will not show fear. But I would have concern if I were him. I know it's a honeymoon period for Kamala, but she will do better than Biden was doing (post debate). Once again, to anyone who thinks this is over, beware. My buddy DJT is going to need every vote he can muster. The well-oiled Democrat Machine may be carrying a dork for a passenger, but she's not really the one that's driving.
  21. I’m glad I understood the assignment. Lol.
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