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Everything posted by SmashMouth

  1. [quote name="the sports guy" post="1086253" timestamp="1318883508"] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=90012.msg1086240#msg1086240 date=1318883119] It's a shame...next thing you know, they'll allow gay marriages in Texas.  We actually had three a days (talk about excessive).  I think the 2 a days should be allowed with ample rest in between. [/quote] I didnt read the article....but I learned something new. In Texas.  No two a days = Same sex marriages.  I didnt know that factoid. [/quote] No...this comparison is like the one in the transitive property in math...If a = c and b = c then a = b.  (I'll let you have some fun with it since you probably never got that far...Let A =banning 2 a days, Let B = allowing gay marriage in Texas & Let C = the definition of an injustice)...now insert the variables into the equation...Now wasn't that fun???
  2. It's a shame...next thing you know, they'll allow gay marriages in Texas.  We actually had three a days (talk about excessive).  I think the 2 a days should be allowed with ample rest in between.
  3. [quote name="raidermom85" post="1086158" timestamp="1318879960"] [quote author=SportzMom link=topic=89960.msg1086065#msg1086065 date=1318872728] Wow!  :o    I thought Cheer Moms were bad. [/quote] sportz mom as a former all star squad a school cheerleader for 7 years myself i can tell you i have seen both sides, cheer mom's & football dad's ... i would say cheerleaders talk like this more then thier parents do and i would say football dad's do sound alot like the cheerleader's fighting over who has the best stunt or who can get thier legs the highest in a toe touch. bahaha i love it .... but really boys yall make this site worth coming to more then just fri nights and sat afternoons, never know what you are gonna read, i only know one person on here ( well now two) for sure and one that i think i might know who he is and the others well i could really care less who it is, i am just here to talk some football, even if your just the 7-11 guy or the drunk down the road [size=10pt][color=red][b]....smash what do you say giving all your fellow football parents on here a discount on gas [/b] [/color] [/size] so they have a little extra money to spend on drinking sat night after this game with demon... my kid isnt even playing in this game but i feel like i will need one after all this bahaha [/quote] I will make you some traditional dishes from my homeland...then you will have all the gas you need!
  4. [quote name="demons95" post="1086136" timestamp="1318878558"] My investigator are great and my work is done. [/quote] (Drum roll please...) And the winner is???? (Now you're supposed to say who it is...)
  5. [quote name="Tex22" post="1086027" timestamp="1318869032"] Wow just noticed PN shut WOS out and scored 3 td s on that def.  Not sure that lum/Bmt game will matter when it comes SB time. They've given up 12 pts all yr.  7 shut outs [/quote] That's what I've been saying.
  6. [quote name="SportzMom" post="1086065" timestamp="1318872728"] Wow!  :o    I thought Cheer Moms were bad. [/quote] No...cheer moms aren't as bad as they seem.  Lots of 'em actually look pretty good.  Especially when they try to look sexy during their kid's cheer events.  Lots o' make-up, tight skimpy clothing, high heels with short shorts and BIG fake...sorry, I got a little caught up there.  ;D
  7. [quote name="demons95" post="1086024" timestamp="1318868889"] How do you know so much about him?  Who are you with?  What you don't know is the guy who fills your slurpee machine works for me.  He said everything about you is RED. [/quote] Thanks for the info on the Slurpee guy...he will be dealt with!
  8. [quote name="demons95" post="1086016" timestamp="1318868401"] Don't worry Chris we will find out.  I got people working on it.  I already found out who one backstabbing mole in Lumberton is.  The ol philosophy if you don't think you can beat them sell them out.  I KNOW WHO U ARE. Ocho come out and play. [/quote] Dude, I am telling you...he is associated with the White (parent if not coach)...
  9. [quote name="Cheermom4" post="1085979" timestamp="1318866241"] Nederland wins 49 - 7.  All I can say is watch out for #7 he plays all over the field quarter back, kicker and on defense and he is quick. [/quote] God information to know.  I'll tell the Raiders.
  10. [quote name="HubTx" post="1085973" timestamp="1318865998"] I mean truthfully, I could spell out some long post about why Nederland will win, but truthfully, I made it as short and sweet as possible and said what everyone else is thinking!!!!! [/quote] Just having some fun...actually, this post is pretty pointless.  We all know the outcome.
  11. [quote name="HubTx" post="1085965" timestamp="1318865800"] You're welcome [/quote] LOL...
  12. [quote name="HubTx" post="1085946" timestamp="1318865034"] Nederland is very good.... Lumberton is not.... Bulldogs BIG [/quote] Thank you for shedding some light on the topic...
  13. [quote name="demons95" post="1085922" timestamp="1318864005"] Nope not turning against Ocho but rest assure if it looks like a Red Raider and smells like a Red Raider its not a White Raider. [/quote] Bad thing is, Ocho looks like a White Raider, talks like a White Raider AND gets his feelings hurt like a White Raider...LOL.  The way he talks up Lum W, he may not be a coach, but he is definitely the President of the Olexa fan club...
  14. [quote name="BULLDOGMANIA" post="1085909" timestamp="1318863260"] Go get em Chris! I don't want my coaches on here either - Saturday's game should be the best one for us both yet.  Good luck to ya'll. Jeani (not hiding behind a username) [/quote] Dang it's gonna be a fun game to watch...neither side will take any prisoners.  Sweet.  Good luck again to both.  Ocho, your own people have turned against you...Maybe you can sit in the stands with me and watch the game.  I'll buy you some lifesavers.
  15. [quote name="LR33" post="1085845" timestamp="1318859628"] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=89960.msg1085840#msg1085840 date=1318859299] [quote author=demons95 link=topic=89960.msg1085826#msg1085826 date=1318857560] Ok ok I'll do it.  Boy this is tough.  Hi my name is Demons95 and I'm an alcoholic.  YAY I did it I manned up. Who's next you Smashmouth, you Ocho.  I doubt very seriously that Ocho is from Lum-W. [/quote] Ok...you forced me into it.  I go by SmashMouth but my real name is...wait for it...wait for it... Ali Akbar.  I run a 7-11, and I talk to all the parents and kids after practice and games about football.  In my country, we did not have football.  We played suicide bomber...thankfully, I never won. Who's next? [/quote] So proud of you WJ or is it Mrs WJ. [/quote] WJ???
  16. [quote name="demons95" post="1085834" timestamp="1318858835"] I love the friendly smack talk cuz I have known one of the guys on BMT-G for a long time, before we even had the kids we are talking about.  I just hate the people that get on here and every team that beats them has to be the best ever.  Because they beat us they are the fastest, because they beat us they hit harder.  What it all comes down to is they are 7 and 8 and you never know who is gonna show up.  Realize that people are commenting on a game that[b] if one kids wakes up with a hard booger his game will be messed up[/b]. HA HA [/quote] That's pretty funny.  When it comes to teams like Lum W and Bmt G, I don't think boogers will have much influence...two outstanding teams.
  17. [quote name="demons95" post="1085826" timestamp="1318857560"] Ok ok I'll do it.  Boy this is tough.  Hi my name is Demons95 and I'm an alcoholic.  YAY I did it I manned up. Who's next you Smashmouth, you Ocho.  I doubt very seriously that Ocho is from Lum-W. [/quote] Ok...you forced me into it.  I go by SmashMouth but my real name is...wait for it...wait for it... Ali Akbar.  I run a 7-11, and I talk to all the parents and kids after practice and games about football.  In my country, we did not have football.  We played suicide bomber...thankfully, I never won. Who's next?
  18. [quote name="LR33" post="1085809" timestamp="1318855486"] OK.... Ochocinco how about you stay off my team??? Dont be a little "punk" and act like your represent Lumberton White!!! Lets all be big boys and admit what team your from, if any??? Everybody knows I'm the head coach from White and do not allow any coach from my team to get on here and talk crap!!! So man up!!! Who are you??? No disrepect to anybody but I cant stand when ppl get on here and hide behind a username. [/quote] Breathe...it's ok.  I don't think he ever said he was the coach.  He does make claims that you might not agree with, but Hell, we all do.  You have an awesome team to be proud of.  Ocho says some stupid stuff, but he usually has some pretty good stuff on here...Good luck to you guys! 
  19. Lumberton fans, I apologize. I thought y'all would be the ones to string this thread along about "what if" and "we can do it"... Instead it was the opposite... Nederland fans who want to take the opportunity to talk about how good they are in hopes everyone will read it and start to believe.  L Train has come off the tracks.  Nederland is having a good season.  What is left to say.  Let the poor folks from Lumberton rest in peace.
  20. [quote name="coachacola" post="1085054" timestamp="1318788132"] [quote author=hipster link=topic=89939.msg1084946#msg1084946 date=1318779138] You  would think with all of Rays defensive experience they could make some quick adjustments during the game.  Their techniques on stopping the pass are horrible and this is another coordinator.  We have got to have a base defense and learn how to play it. Trickery lasts about a qtr then good technique wins. Give Cornel or Dan a call. [/quote] Who is the DC? I agree. Why didn't Woodard hire a real DC this past offseason? [/quote]
  21. [quote name="Nederland Dog 2006" post="1085734" timestamp="1318824291"] Who ya got? Think the dogs are gonna keep rolling to the district title. [/quote] If it's okay with everyone, I will shorten this thread by answering for everybody (except for a couple of Lumberton fans).  Nederland wins. Now can we talk about something more exciting???
  22. [quote name="Ochocinco" post="1085677" timestamp="1318819625"] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=89960.msg1085662#msg1085662 date=1318819047] [quote author=Ochocinco link=topic=89960.msg1085644#msg1085644 date=1318818185] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=89960.msg1085624#msg1085624 date=1318816869] [quote author=Ochocinco link=topic=89960.msg1085582#msg1085582 date=1318814119] #3 up the middle isn't gonna work. So plan B is #23. Fast but small. I hope he can take a pounding. Far as #11, the qb, Its gonna Be a long day for him as well. [/quote] They will beat you outside.  Their #9 is good too.  By your own admission, LUM R has two outstanding players #8 and #9.  They beat them up the middle [u]and[/u] outside (mostly big plays outside).  I truly wish y'all the best, but in your division, they are the team to beat!  No disrespect to LUM W...they are really awesome. Bring your "A" game LUM W.  Y'all can definitely win, but don't take ANYTHING for granted.  BMT G is the favorite for a reason. [/quote]So why play the game? What would you do? Matter of fact, who so we need to stop and how would you stop them? [/quote] You play the game for 3 reasons: 1. You owe it to your kids 2. They are on the schedule...duh. 3. Nothing is absolute...LUM W can win, they are just not the favorite. To answer your other question: If it were me coaching Lum White, I would do everything in my power to contain the outside.  Don't worry about punishing them...worry about catching them.  2 good corners is a necessity.  At least 1 if not 2 good LB's is too.  Put your fastest guys that can fundamentally pursue and tackle on the outside...they don't have to be your bruisers, they have to be your speed demons.  Your offense will be able to score on them...y'all have an excellent scheme with lots of misdirection (2 different offenses even).  Any weakness their offense has is compensated by sheer speed.  They will throw the ball some too, but (like every other Pee Wee team) they will run 80% of the time.  I am sure you have seen film on them, but you don't grasp their speed until they have burnt your best kids and are running into the endzone. [/quote]That does require alot of Tools. Tools that we may not have. We all know #3 is their Best player on both sides of the ball, and the others are all speed. Speed vs Discipline and Power. I don't think catching them will be a problem. Doing it for all 4 qtrs will be our biggest concern. We know how to win, Do they is the question [/quote] If you don't think catching them will be a problem, then you have already lost the ball game.  It is basically the ONLY problem. I think they DO know how to win...they've had a lot of practice at it this year and in FLAG.
  23. [quote name="pngfan97" post="1085651" timestamp="1318818437"] Ok, got a question of the playoff brackets.....It's my understanding that the matchups are: (Div 1) 1 vs (Div 2) 4 (1) 2 vs (2) 3 (1) 3 vs (2) 2 (1) 4 vs (2) 1 Now my question concerns the second round.....Is the playoff bracket set up like this: (1) 1 vs (2) 4 (1) 3 vs (2) 2    winners of those games play (1) 2 vs (2) 3 (1) 4 vs (2) 1  winners of those games play or (1) 1 vs (2) 4 (1) 2 vs (2) 3  winners of those games play (1) 3 vs (2) 2 (1) 4 vs (2) 1  winners of those games play Or are second round matchups determined after the first round games are completed? [/quote] That's a really good question...I would like the answer to that too if anyone knows.
  24. [quote name="Ochocinco" post="1085644" timestamp="1318818185"] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=89960.msg1085624#msg1085624 date=1318816869] [quote author=Ochocinco link=topic=89960.msg1085582#msg1085582 date=1318814119] #3 up the middle isn't gonna work. So plan B is #23. Fast but small. I hope he can take a pounding. Far as #11, the qb, Its gonna Be a long day for him as well. [/quote] They will beat you outside.  Their #9 is good too.  By your own admission, LUM R has two outstanding players #8 and #9.  They beat them up the middle [u]and[/u] outside (mostly big plays outside).  I truly wish y'all the best, but in your division, they are the team to beat!  No disrespect to LUM W...they are really awesome. Bring your "A" game LUM W.  Y'all can definitely win, but don't take ANYTHING for granted.  BMT G is the favorite for a reason. [/quote]So why play the game? What would you do? Matter of fact, who so we need to stop and how would you stop them? [/quote] You play the game for 3 reasons: 1. You owe it to your kids 2. They are on the schedule...duh. 3. Nothing is absolute...LUM W can win, they are just not the favorite. To answer your other question: If it were me coaching Lum White, I would do everything in my power to contain the outside.  Don't worry about punishing them...worry about catching them.  2 good corners is a necessity.  At least 1 if not 2 good LB's is too.  Put your fastest guys that can fundamentally pursue and tackle on the outside...they don't have to be your bruisers, they have to be your speed demons.  Your offense will be able to score on them...y'all have an excellent scheme with lots of misdirection (2 different offenses even).  Any weakness their offense has is compensated by sheer speed.  They will throw the ball some too, but (like every other Pee Wee team) they will run 80% of the time.  I am sure you have seen film on them, but you don't grasp their speed until they have burnt your best kids and are running into the endzone.
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