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Everything posted by SmashMouth

  1. [quote name="CH96" post="1079266" timestamp="1318275721"]   This is some funny stuff.  Why don't yall start your own select football league and draft who ever you want to. [/quote] That's no fun...it's better to draft a bunch of kids and see how much you can teach them...plus then you get to complain about it a lot more.
  2. [quote name="gunning for u" post="1079253" timestamp="1318275347"] I can tell you this for sure as fact. That does not happen at pn. every year they draft.it is up to the coaches to draft the players. some teams may be better for the upcoming year due to the kids they had from the previous year.those kids stay on that team and they pick from there from rounds 1 on. when the kids move up they are all drafted again. 2 coaches picks are allowed. if you are a coach and your kid plays that's 1 pick. so no it does not happen, however sometimes they just have a good younger pool from the previous year and maybe they dont need much after that. if the coaches who take over for that year do not know the kids that well and don't draft good it may appear that way but i promise it is not.maybe in other organizations but definatly not at png. [/quote] Exactly...that's how it is everywhere (except PA). 
  3. Okay Ocho...since they pulled the thread, let's start it back up. I believe it to be like this: 1. BMT G 2. PNG G 3. LUM W 4. WOS 5. LUM R     PNG W 6. NED B Okay guys, let's do it...
  4. [quote name="gpd78" post="1079238" timestamp="1318274837"] PNG-P HAS MORE 8 AND 9 YEAR OLDS THAN THEY HAVE 7 YEAR OLDS. FYI [/quote] PNG-G is the best PNG team there is...is that the point you are trying to make?
  5. [quote name="TITANS2011" post="1079211" timestamp="1318274164"] I guess the truth hurts about STACKING. The entire forum was removed due to some people spilling the beans on how some teams are picked when they have more that one team in their division. Older kids from last year goes on one team and the younger kids (less experienced) goes on another. AT LEAST THAT IS WHAT PNG DOES AND HAS BEEN DOING FOR A FEW YEARS! If that is not true, I guess PNG might want to tell their ORGANIZATION to be QUIET!!!!! [/quote] I wondered what happened to that thread... While I don't know what you are referring to PN-G about, I do know that PA was caught putting kids on teams without following drafting procedures. Everyone else must have followed the rules as far as the league is concerned; otherwise, they would have had sanctions against them.
  6. [quote name="gpd78" post="1079028" timestamp="1318266043"] Hey smashmouth a loss to PA and a loss to WOS makes two conference losses [/quote] Get your facts straight...PA cheated. Any team they play gets a 1 to 0 win against them.  They only have 1 conference loss.
  7. [quote name="dogfather" post="1079014" timestamp="1318264741"] [quote author=DaKing74 link=topic=89596.msg1078916#msg1078916 date=1318259352] maybe u guys dont see the teams lum r beats vid-b they record 2-4 png p 0-6 ned w 0-6 bmt 3-3 the total record of these teams 5 and 19 lum-r is not at all a top 5 team ocho..dont be one sided [/quote]I've seen it -Ocho doesn't bring it up but YOU ARE EXACTLY RIGht!!!!!! [/quote] LUM R is 5-1 in conference and played WOS to a 6 - 0 game.  Not saying they deserve #5 spot more than PNG W, but I have no problem if that's how they are listed.  PNG-W is 4-2 in conference.
  8. [quote name="basketball25" post="1078994" timestamp="1318263705"] who cares lol, its flag football!!! yall acting like yall will win a million bucks for whoever has the best team!!! [/quote] Quit reading it then...do you even have any involvement with Pee Wee football?
  9. [quote name="bigred360" post="1079003" timestamp="1318264249"] AJ25, I enjoyed reading all of your post on this subject and agree with just about all of them. I know the guys in athletic development work their tails off but they could be wiser with there time and were they are reaching. Agree we need to hit Houston, Galveston and even D/FW hard with advertizements. It will be worth the money spent. Last time I was in a Lamar classroom was about 5 years ago and agree we need to renovate and have new construction on the Lamar campus regarding buildings for education. Can't wait to see what Vincent-Beck is going to look like after the $5 million renovation next year. I hope we build a first class softball stadium. Read there were about 30 girls on campus for visits this past weekend. [/quote] That's awesome about Vincent-Beck.  Hell we got a top notch stadium and workout facility for the football program.  Til we get LOCAL fan support, it will go by the wayside like everything else...  Go to the next LU home game (or away game for that matter) and make a habit of supporting our local treasure.
  10. [quote name="basketball25" post="1078998" timestamp="1318263815"] who cares [/quote] If you don't care, then don't post on the subject.  This is fun stuff that Dad's, coaches and others get to do to mess with each other or to just shoot the breeze about stuff. Don't be mad because there are more posts on Football than basketball.
  11. [quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="1078972" timestamp="1318262456"] [quote author=BMTSoulja1 link=topic=89598.msg1078942#msg1078942 date=1318260655] No elaboration?  ;D ;D [/quote] I highlighted it. I will speak about it come Tuesday night at the Depot. BTW, who is Central's homecoming opponent? [/quote] I get the feeling Lumberton will be playing quite a few homecomings next year... ;)
  12. [quote name="Ochocinco" post="1078990" timestamp="1318263516"] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=89596.msg1078976#msg1078976 date=1318262702] [quote author=gpd78 link=topic=89596.msg1078967#msg1078967 date=1318262174] Lum-R gave up 46 to BMT-G and PNG-W gave up 30 with no points scored in the 3rd and 4th Qt Lum-R gave up 26 to PA and PNG-W gave up 19 with PA not even getting a 1st down in the 1st half. I think there worthy of the #5 spot [/quote] gpd78, you may be right on the money.  Like I said before, PNG W is under recognized. DaKing74 needs a reality check.  He has no real basis for his arguments, and he's going off of heresay and opinion more than facts. [/quote]Not so fast my friend. If you gave up 30 in the 1st half to Bmt G then your argument about them not scoring in the 2nd half has no case. You played both P.A and Bmt early in the year. Things are totally diffrent now. Lum R rushed for over 250 yards on Bmt G and P.A. Png W can't do that and they didn't do that. That's why im saying they will beat you guys. [/quote] From the looks of things LUM R may be playing LUM W in the 1st round, so we may never know the matchup of Lum R vs PNG W. Regardless, good luck to all! 
  13. [quote name="puddin tane" post="1078981" timestamp="1318263092"] ----the big test is gonna come when those  big wig initial 3 yr deals run out We've had beautiful weather, its been done up right, ...people are yakking about expanding the stadium...I'm hoping year 4 we average over 7,000 [/quote] EXACTLY!
  14. [quote name="puddin tane" post="1078963" timestamp="1318262015"] [quote author=ForeverADog link=topic=87670.msg1078810#msg1078810 date=1318253302] Hanna starts at a fullback type position. Used more as a blocker and tight end. Rarely gets to carry it but is still oh the field quite a bit. [/quote] huh?  Help me out..I dont remember seeing him lined up in the backfield and I dont think he has an official rushing attempt at all?  Played alot of TE when stone hands Chavis was hurt, didnt play much Sat.  ( Did have a score called back on a fake field goal earlier this yr)---he's a TE [/quote] YEP!  TE where I say him playing.
  15. [quote name="gpd78" post="1078967" timestamp="1318262174"] Lum-R gave up 46 to BMT-G and PNG-W gave up 30 with no points scored in the 3rd and 4th Qt Lum-R gave up 26 to PA and PNG-W gave up 19 with PA not even getting a 1st down in the 1st half. I think there worthy of the #5 spot [/quote] gpd78, you may be right on the money.  Like I said before, PNG W is under recognized. DaKing74 needs a reality check.  He has no real basis for his arguments, and he's going off of heresay and opinion more than facts.
  16. [quote name="AJ25" post="1078944" timestamp="1318260725"] I'm going beyond just athletics... I'm talking about the school in general. Football will be far more supported than the arena football team with crappy uniforms, same goes for the semi-pro basketball team. I think the hockey team was run out of town because Ford Arena was charging too much for them to continue playing there because Ford Arena put BMT in debt. But college football will be supported if they maintain success. [/quote] I agree with you to a small point...but we need to support LU Football when they are not successful too!  Other schools do it, and that's how they keep a popularized program.  I LOVE LU FOOTBALL, but I don't think this area has the REAL desire to support anything other than High School FB.
  17. [quote name="DaKing74" post="1078947" timestamp="1318260908"] qpd78  i think the real breakdown power is 1. Bmt g                                                           2. PA                                                           3. WO-S                                                           4 PNG G                                                           5. lum -w the reason i say PA really is number 2 because they have played WO-S PNG-G and PNG -W and lum w is not much better than red just better coach like someone said the game they lose too grey was decided by the zebra s one whole half they could run there legal formations.. and WO-S and P.A defense is lights out less than 60 points scored on both [/quote] PA has a stacked team...they don't even have a single win because they are on probation. They are not even a consideration (last place).  PNG G will beat WOS...your rankings are off.
  18. Do you want to know what the REAL problem is?  We all need to look in our own backyard.  This area does not support local ANYTHING other than High School football.  We had a semi-pro basketball team that couldn't be beaten...no fan support.  We had the Padres minor league team, the Beaumont Golden Gators...no fan support.  LU always has an awesome baseball team...no fan support.  We had an Arena football team...no fan support.  Anyone remember the Hockey team (now I realize hockey is a stretch in a SE Texas town) but still, no fan support.  It is up to US!  Pouring money into it is not the only answer.  I would venture to say that quite a bit has been poured into LU football, but the Home Conference opener crowd was not even 70% capacity (and that's being generous).  Tradition and support start with US! Not fancy billboards and new facilities.  It's not just athletics either.  Look at Crockett Street.  All the businesses went "belly-up" and were taken over by another person.  Downtown Beaumont is still struggling for a resurgence...it may never happen. WE ARE THE ANSWER AND "WE [b][u]SUCK[/u][/b] AT SUPPORTING ANYTHING LOCAL!"
  19. [quote name="Ochocinco" post="1078879" timestamp="1318257292"] Smh, People Lum R lost to #1 Bmt G, #4 Wos, and P.A is a top 4 team in this league. Who ever you are making your case for (Png W or others) will also lose to those same teams, maybe worse. Im not going to punish them for losing too 3 Top 4 teams. LUM R will beat every team outside the Top 5 and has by far, played the toughest schedule. And they still haven't played Png G yet. [/quote] I agree with you, and that's why I said this before: [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=89596.msg1078847#msg1078847 date=1318255523] [quote author=DaKing74 link=topic=89596.msg1078829#msg1078829 date=1318254739] come on you have lum r number 5 after bmt beat them by 20 and Pa beat them 25 to 7...there 4 and 3 on 2 game losing streak [/quote] That's a good point.  I thought the same thing. [b] However, in Ocho's defense, Lum R has played WOS, PA & BMT G so far.  No other team has played that many top tier teams yet.  I think he's got it pretty close[/b].  We'll see.[/quote] I am not taking anything away from LUM R. They are a good group of kids.  I just haven't seen a couple of the others that are on the fringe, so I was trying to be fair.
  20. [quote name="dogfather" post="1078863" timestamp="1318256231"] [quote author=Ochocinco link=topic=89596.msg1078776#msg1078776 date=1318250394] [quote author=DaKing74 link=topic=89596.msg1078773#msg1078773 date=1318249772] I would also like to see the new breakdown after WOS beats PNG-G [/quote]Pee-Wee 1. Bmt G (7-0) 2. Png G (7-0) 3. Lum W (7-0) 4. Wos (6-1) 5. Lum R (4-3) [/quote]In Ocho's deffense he has relations with red ........ ;D [/quote] Correction, his relations are with LUM White...but he stills calls it pretty fairly.  Like I said, his Top 5 is exactly how I see it too with the exception of a couple possibly being tied for 5th.
  21. [quote name="dogfather" post="1078852" timestamp="1318255834"] [quote author=Ochocinco link=topic=89596.msg1078777#msg1078777 date=1318250803] [quote author=DaKing74 link=topic=89596.msg1078773#msg1078773 date=1318249772] I would also like to see the new breakdown after WOS beats PNG-G [/quote]Becareful with your choice of words. You don't wanna  write a check yo @$$ can't cash. If Wos beats Png I will rank them 3rd and PNG G 4th. If Png wins then I'll rank them #1 and Wos stays at 4. I think most would agree. [/quote]Ocho is a peewee ranking guru! With the exception of red ... PNG  This group is diff. front runners... Lum R      BMT      with out a doubt                    Png W LUM                                                Ned B    and these team are about equal WOS                                              Vidor W [/quote] Can't say I disagree with you.  Like I said, Ocho has a pretty good read on LUM R and they have a tough schedule, but LUM R, PNG W, NED B and VID W are all pretty close.
  22. [quote name="Ochocinco" post="1078777" timestamp="1318250803"] [quote author=DaKing74 link=topic=89596.msg1078773#msg1078773 date=1318249772] I would also like to see the new breakdown after[b] WOS beats PNG-G[/b][/quote]Becareful with your choice of words. [b]You don't wanna  write a check yo @$$ can't cash[/b]. If Wos beats Png I will rank them 3rd and PNG G 4th. If Png wins then I'll rank them #1 and Wos stays at 4. I think most would agree. [/quote] PNG G is going to beat WOS. I have seen both play, and PNG G is just as physical and fast, plus they are a much more organized looking team than WOS. I hope WOS beats them and takes away their crown, but I don't see it happening.  Good luck WOS.
  23. [quote name="DaKing74" post="1078829" timestamp="1318254739"] come on you have lum r number 5 after bmt beat them by 20 and Pa beat them 25 to 7...there 4 and 3 on 2 game losing streak [/quote] Tht's a good point.  I thought the same thing.  However, in Ocho's defense, Lum R has played WOS, PA & BMT G so far.  No other team has played that many top tier teams yet.  I think he's got it pretty close.  We'll see.
  24. [quote name="Honest Abe" post="1078683" timestamp="1318216632"] [b]Weights are a must IMO. Weights improve strength, power, explosiveness, and helps to prevent injuries. Too many b-ball coaches under emphasize their value[/b]. The only time I believe they are not of value is on game day. Definitely messes up your shot. Would love to see Nederland bulk up a bit and push other teams around (for a change).  :) [/quote] Amen.
  25. [quote name="Txdragon" post="1078721" timestamp="1318225104"] [quote author=ExTiger08 link=topic=89501.msg1077630#msg1077630 date=1318124075] shouldn't b no reason y we tigers should sweep the district... size and speed but sometimes the lack of coaching... [/quote] I think the Mustangs will ahve a say in that  ;D [/quote] Yep. They will say, "Man I wish we could have beaten those Tigers..."    ;D ;D ;D
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