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Everything posted by SmashMouth

  1. [quote name="Ochocinco" post="1075198" timestamp="1317950984"] I like that! Just don't get too cocky like Money Mayweather. B cuz "Png" I meant Pacquio, is ready to knock you out ;) [/quote] Well said...
  2. Lighter weights and more reps (8 to 15) 2 to 3 sets.  Always stretch before AND after.  At least 1 day of rest before lifting on the same body part.
  3. [quote name="png94" post="1074576" timestamp="1317899986"] [quote author=ndnsrock44 link=topic=89154.msg1074327#msg1074327 date=1317853406] [quote author=Bucky link=topic=89154.msg1074252#msg1074252 date=1317848205] SLUMBERTON  ;D.....LOL....I been around PNG for 40 something years .....Lumberton is the Cleanest town around....All the best have move out her from  PN and G ..all thats left is the Port Neches Geeks and the Groves Freaks!! :P [/quote] I always took Slumberton to be a reference to slumber, as in, sleep. Like it was a boring town. I have never called it that, I have just seen it on this board. Ask png94 what he meant by it. Bucky....evidently the best athletes from PNG haven't moved to Lumberton. [/quote] It wasn't intended to offend anyone, He is right as in a slow slumber, so smile and get ready for some football. I agree, it's a very clean town! [/quote] Look...all these little SE Texas towns have little nicknames or stereotypical ideas about them: Lumberton...Slumberton (White trash before all the educated people moved in) Evadale..."Evilsmell" (paper mill stench) Fred..."Fred" (kind of answers itself) Vidor...Nah, not even gonna start on that one LOL.
  4. [quote name="Ochocinco" post="1075182" timestamp="1317950021"] [quote author=LHSALLZONE link=topic=89140.msg1075160#msg1075160 date=1317948557] pngfan ,thank u for educating  ouchme chew backa, i mean ocheeeee  lol :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( [/quote]I think your team as exposed Bmt G. (U CAN RUN ON THEM) With the offensive numbers you postesd, it appears you can run all  day on them. All youthe have to do is Eliminate the turnovers and hit them hard like they say you do. Now when you play them again, You'll Win Easily!! [/quote] Nobody beats them easily...you will see.  They can be beaten...just not easily.
  5. [quote name="Ochocinco" post="1075068" timestamp="1317940686"] Im not understanding how everyone has written Lum W off. They are the Defending Superbowl Champions People! They have the same coach and plenty of players back from that team. They're still undefeated,they havent lost since 09' and until they lose, let's have respect for Olexa's and his players. [/quote] Every new is a new year...respect is earned not given.  Let Lum W play PNG G, BMT W, WOS, LUM R or PA (the "other" best teams).  A 1 point win over a good NED B team does not earn respect.  Beat some of the big boys and repost your comment.  Til then, y'all are the 3rd best team.  Just my humble (but educated) opinion.  Good luck Lum W...I really do hope y'all earn that respect.  I would love to see you guys earn the crown.
  6. [quote name="BigDog007" post="1075004" timestamp="1317934637"] Rumor has it that the 2 players on suspension are back on campus and were working out with the team at practice yesterday. Do not know if they will be allowed to play against Livingston or not. I know rumors are Nasty so has anyone else heard anything on this?? [/quote] The answer lies in another thread that has been hammered to death for 14 pages...please don't ask (or just go to the other thread about this topic).  ;D ;D ;D
  7. [quote name="pngfan97" post="1074970" timestamp="1317931983"] [quote author=Gusher link=topic=89311.msg1074913#msg1074913 date=1317926783] [quote author=pngfan97 link=topic=89311.msg1074632#msg1074632 date=1317906788] BREAKING NEWS....Just talked to my buddy who's son plays for BMT-G and he says #3, 11, 23, and 7 are all out for the rest of the year do to emotional distress from all the hard hits they took last week. [/quote] I had heard from a buddy who heard it from his wife's hair dresser so you know it is true. That each of the players are reporting they are suffering from writters cramps and eye strains having to post and read how big and bad they are. JK I don't think kids at that age act as bad as us adults. [/quote] I KNOW kids at that age don't act as bad as adults!!! [/quote] YOU SAID IT!  If they only knew the fun they were missing out on!
  8. [quote name="Cheermom4" post="1074985" timestamp="1317932792"] I thought this thread was locked as it should have been pages ago. [/quote] Me too!  Well, the fun never ends...
  9. [quote name="Ochocinco" post="1074793" timestamp="1317918719"] U and I both know that ain't happening. I corrected it. Fav-  dogs+ [/quote] LOL!
  10. [quote name="Ochocinco" post="1074590" timestamp="1317902441"] WEEK 7 FAVS + / DOGS - NED-W vs PNG-P (+18) NED-B vs PNG-W (+8) KTZ vs OF (-20) WOS vs VID-B (+26) PA vs LUM-R (+6) [b]BMT-G vs VID-W (+32)[/b] BMT-B vs LC-W (+14) BC vs LUM-W (-27) [b]PNG-G vs LC-G (-38)[/b][/quote] Alright Ocho...you're going to have to educate me.  The way you have it written, do you think BMT G wins by 32 and PNG G loses by 38???
  11. [quote name="58SHW" post="1074724" timestamp="1317914260"] [quote author=Bulldog Dad link=topic=88772.msg1074718#msg1074718 date=1317913695] My kid has a class with one of the released... Said when one of the teachers asked him why he was out so early the boy told her that his parents had filed a lawsuit.. Said the teacher quickly egressed this conversation.. Smart move teacher..... All I'm saying is that if a 16-17 year old boy has to obtain a lawyer in order to get back onto the high school playing field, something ain't right. MHO [/quote] Say it ain't so Joe, say it ain't so! Watch it, obviously you haven't been reading. You will be called names and degraded to "football hater" for making such statements. Consider yourself warned. [/quote] Who called you names?  From your posts you label yourself... I said your posts were unintelligent, your arguments were based on fictitious heresay and were hard to understand.  Just because your posts are stupid and misguided doesn't mean you are...
  12. [quote name="the sports guy" post="1074757" timestamp="1317916615"] Nope.  That horn hasnt made noise lately. :D [/quote] They've blown the horn plenty (they blow it when they score, not win).  If it was based on wins, it would have cobwebs in it....but I digress.  That's another topic for another time.
  13. [quote name="dawgnut" post="1074427" timestamp="1317864925"] where is smash-mouth? [/quote] I am here...Lol.
  14. [quote name="the sports guy" post="1074719" timestamp="1317913702"] [quote author=Riding Solo link=topic=89139.msg1074391#msg1074391 date=1317862280] [quote author=footballin link=topic=89139.msg1074323#msg1074323 date=1317852473] [quote author=the sports guy link=topic=89139.msg1074287#msg1074287 date=1317850215] [quote author=footballin link=topic=89139.msg1074266#msg1074266 date=1317848993] Ill tell you one thing about Huckabay and his Cats is that they have the mindset that they go into every game expecting to win no matter who they play. IMO every team should have this mindset. They overlook all the trash talk and go out on the field and take care of business. I saw an earlier post that was correct as well about Huckabay looking at the bigger picture. He is not just coaching football here, he is turning boys into young men. Teaching responsibility, effort, and pride. His motto is "Do whats right, do your best, and do it with Bobcat pride!" He plays no favorites, and he bends the rules for nobody. He holds every player responsible no matter what. This has caused him some problems for those who can't handle that old school method of coaching and think players shouldn't be held accountable for their actions. Many coaches overlook this now a days and look more towards getting another W under their belt. That being said, go Cats! [/quote] Good. Now...fear the horn! ;D [/quote] Mad cause they play with class? Or is it the fact that they put up more points against Jasper? I assure you those young men don't get scared. Sure your team looks better on paper and athletically we all know Silsbee produces some of the best athletes in SETX. But don't forget that Jasper looked better too, when OF lined up against them it looked like they had suited out OF's JH, yet they win. Just remember anything can happen and the Cats are going to fight. Keep talkin that trash and being sarcastic. Makes you look super cool bro. [/quote] They are kids man, don't let them get to you. They have no clue what we are talking about.  But they will understand someday just like we did. [/quote] If you dont think I approve of what Coach Huck has done for the town of Orangefield, you are wrong.  All you have to do is look up past posts....and you will know.  I prefer old school coaching.  When anyone can take their group of young men and take down another that is stronger, taller, faster.....they are a well coached team.  Your young men just started doing it and the sole reason is Coach Huck. Now for the fun part....Stop being Sobbing Sammys!  :'( :'(  Get off your high horse or your conseling couch.  Stop shaving your chest and arms, and join in on a little [b]lighthearted [/b] ribbing. Its Football...football is a game that everyone can have fun.....  Players, Coaches, Fans, Parents. I wasnt talking to your kids earlier and I knew I wasnt.  Fear the Horn!.....man I didnt know it would make grown men cry.  I wish I had been talking to the football players......at least they wouldnt have to go to counseling over it. Life lesson....If you take everything serious....you will be planted in the ground faster than most.  Kinda like what is going to happen to your footba....nevermind.  I dont want to make ya cry again. ;D ;D= joking? Fear the Horn! [/quote] I thought "Fear the Horn" meant going to a Lumberton game...
  15. [quote name="pngfan97" post="1074632" timestamp="1317906788"] BREAKING NEWS....Just talked to my buddy who's son plays for BMT-G and he says #3, 11, 23, and 7 are all out for the rest of the year do to emotional distress from all the hard hits they took last week. [/quote] LOL! I doubt that.  They're the kinda boys who take the hit, shake it off and get back in the saddle. Awesome kids.
  16. [quote name="pngfan97" post="1074627" timestamp="1317906575"] [quote author=Ochocinco link=topic=89140.msg1074613#msg1074613 date=1317905183] [quote author=LHSALLZONE link=topic=89140.msg1074346#msg1074346 date=1317856406] actually, # 23 scored 2 off. & 1 def int. td & xtpt, #  11 scored  2 off. & 1 def. td & xtpt, # 3 scored 1 off td ( 2 extpt ) bmt : offense  7 plays -  230 yds  ( 5 -td )  32 yds per carry  lol       : 1 - fumble rec &  returned for td  - 85 yds  ( #  11 ) lum red drove 50 yds to 15 when fumbled )         : 1-  int return for td 60  yds ( # 23 ) total  yds - 375 lumberton red # 9  19  carries -  127 yds ( 2 -tds -one for 38 yds )                             5  rec.  -      45  yds                               2 ko retuns  42  ds                         # 8  20 carries  -  113  yds ( 1 - td )                                 5-7 passing -  45  yds                               1- xtrapt lumberton  red  39  carries -    240 yds (                        5-7 passing        45 yds                         3-ko returns      47 yds                         first downs 10 total yds                                332  yds bmt stopped 2 of our poss. on 4 downs, 2 on turnovers, we scored on the other 3 poss. oh - we did not stop them on off. lol :'( this is what we got off of the dvd by the way bmt -g can & does  play aggressive & they hit hard ,my son # 8  # his best buddy # 9 have the bruises to proove it.  again bmt great game & good luck. all those teams being mentioned both lum teams bmt -g wos, ned-b and png -g all are really good teams all can play, png-g is one of those impressive teams along with bmt-g, so im waiting to see who will topple one of those teams. not to leave lum-w out of the picture those guys are still undefeated to, i really like those guys. they are not as big along the line as in the past, maybe not as fast as last years sb team, but chris will always put up a good fight. good luck this weekend guys . [/quote]Those are nice numbers you put up against Bmt. Two backs over 100 yards rushing. 40 total carries between the two, I would've bet my bottom dollar that you won the game if I didn't already know the score. I don't understand how can you run the ball 40 X's successfully, and still managed to get blew out. If you controlled the game, how in the heck did you allow them to score 46 points [/quote] Well, when the other team runs somewhere in the neighborhood of 7 or 8 offensive plays and scores 5 times, plus adds 2 def touchdowns, it's kinda hard to win the game. [/quote] Yep, that pretty much sums it up...
  17. [quote name="58SHW" post="1074586" timestamp="1317901766"] [quote author=dawg-lover link=topic=88772.msg1074383#msg1074383 date=1317861842] I see...so [b]apparently some parents didn't agree with their child paying the consequences for what they did[/b]. To each their own I guess... [/quote] Sources say the ones released obtained attorneys. The others have not, at this time. Not to mention I was told "who" each kid is connected to (parents are employees etc), probably makes a bit of difference as well. Just last year a female athlete in Ned was caught do something similar (alcohol related)....SHE was suspended the entire year....key word word SHE. There are 2 types of attention (well 3 if you count none at all) Positive and Negative......make decision based on that, but dont complain about the type you receive AFTER the fact. To one poster, I am not nor have I claimed to be the second coming....it just seems these days that ANYONE who insist on accountability is "holier than thou" ....not it at all. This whole country is going the heck in a hand basket because its always someone eles fault or they are just kids, etc. Bottom line, I guess all of this is Bush's fault. [/quote] Until you know ALL the details then it is unfair for you to post innuendos claiming special treatment to the boys who were disciplined.  I have no hard facts nor will I ever; therefore, I can only say that if the punishment received is satisfactory to the district, the parents and the authorities, then I have to be good with that.  One thing I will not do is comment on what MAY or MAY NOT have happened.  I would also be wary of quoting so-called "sources" unless the source has first hand knowledge.  I also think accountability is paramount for ALL of us...so please hold yourself accountable to posting fact and not fiction. P. S. Sources tell me that Bush disagrees with your point of view.
  18. [quote name="demons95" post="1074618" timestamp="1317905568"] Well I know a guy who knows a guy that has a kid on BMT-G.  He says this guys kid is one heck of a Madden player.  I have to give the nod to them. They are 7 and 8 and you never know what your gonna get. [/quote] They may be 7 and 8, but for some reason 3 of these teams are unbeaten (for now).  I think you know what you're going to get by watching each team perform and evaluating matchups from similar teams played.  Quit setting up your excuse as to why BMT G is gonna win.
  19. [quote name="dogfather" post="1074518" timestamp="1317873139"] JUST PLAYIN WTH U BMT DONT GET UPSET..YA'LL ARE THE "REAL DEAL" AS THEY SAY TOO! [/quote] Yes they are! All the way to the 'Bowl with PNG G.
  20. [quote name="The Godfather" post="1074504" timestamp="1317870708"] PS - Just say No to cow tipping Satisfactory? lol [/quote] YEP!
  21. [quote name="Knoddy1" post="1074496" timestamp="1317870277"] Well the two players got re-instated and some of you hate it so badly that you just cannot let it go.  You heard this, you heard that, you assume this, but you really know nothing, you just heard it and that's good enough for you....I really hope if you guys or your kids every get a little bit sideways people don't judge you the way you are these kids. 64 was right missing the mcm game is like a season, they know they let their team down, the students, their parents, the town..they can't undo it, I'm sure they wish they could. What would really be nice if everyone would close out this thread..enough has been said. [/quote] [quote author=The Godfather link=topic=88772.msg1074499#msg1074499 date=1317870338] I remember a similar instance happened in Ned a few years back. Not sure if that incident received this much pub. Look, kids make mistakes and are then subjugated to the required punishment. If they are granted the appeal by going through the proper channels, then more power to them. And if you're a tax paying citizen of Nederland upset by the decision, then attend The school board meeting and have your voice heard. Hopefully, these student-athletes have learned a valuable lesson and never put themselves or another in a similar situation again. [/quote] THE END... (Except you didn't address cow-tipping)
  22. [quote name="bigdog" post="1074479" timestamp="1317868013"] [quote]Hey neighbors , there a few on here that will keep this going as long as ya'll keep arguing.  May this thread rest in peace also.][/quote] Yep.  Time to go bye-bye. [/quote] ...But it's just now getting good!  Lol!  Okay, what if these guys were from another town, say Silsbee for instance...and they were caught "cow-tipping"...then what would we do to them???
  23. [quote name="Gtj007" post="1074464" timestamp="1317866838"] Hey Aggie,  why do you care if their punishment was cut in half???  It's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!!!!!  You don't need an answer to that question.  Do you live in the   Nederland district??  Do you pay taxes to NISD???  If you really need to know go to the administration building and ask.  I'm sure they will tell you everything you need to know about matters that are NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. [/quote] Why are you hating on AGGIE?  Unless your child is involved, it doesn't concern you either.  Regardless, who cares that they get to play?  If time was served, then they should be reinstated.
  24. [quote name="Tex22" post="1074370" timestamp="1317860436"] You guys crack me up, way too much time on your hands. Im not sure what happened in the org-fld game, but PA is the most physical team in the league, and their not too slow either.  Lum r will get a taste this wk.  I can only assume they let them score cause no one else had scored much including PNG g. If PNG g can beat both Lum r and WOS then i would give them the nod. If not, and BMT beats Lum W i would give them the nod. Also i don't think yall are giving PN credit on their speed, they had several long runs against PA.  But PA has been their only test.  That will change in the next few wks. [/quote] Partner, I don't know what posts you've been reading, but I don't think the majority of guys out here have questioned PNG-G's speed.  I think they will go undefeated. As far as PA is concerned, they are not a playoff team (due to eligibility), so nobody discusses them that much.
  25. [quote name="DawgsOfGold" post="1074298" timestamp="1317850983"] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=89311.msg1074251#msg1074251 date=1317848055] [quote author=dogfather link=topic=89311.msg1074243#msg1074243 date=1317847276] [quote author=DawgsOfGold link=topic=89311.msg1074114#msg1074114 date=1317837992] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=89311.msg1073940#msg1073940 date=1317825807] [quote author=DawgsOfGold link=topic=89311.msg1073931#msg1073931 date=1317825143] Potential 1st Rnd Matchups: GAME 1: #1BMT G vs #4 Bmt B Game 2. #2 Lum W vs #3 Lum R Game 3. #1 Png G vs #4 Png W Game 4. #2 Wos vs #3 Ned B [/quote]Yall will not be picking Lum-R over white after PN-g Rolls threw lumbreton (plays all their kids for 2 full quarters) Sorry red ! No ofense .......They will roll -Here's the deal every time I have seen BMT play someone I have not really seen them pull off their dogs. Do to them not having a winning season in past yrs. They are ready for redemption! Understandable! But here is the Kicker PN-G is running it up not even trying. I know some of those kids over there. They are running away with it - with kids that will never touch the ball again Linemen 3rd&4th stringers. THEY ARE DEEP THEY WILL WIN SUPER BOWL !!!!The Dogfather said it first remember that. PEEWEE FANS and FANS OF ALL! Good work, now keep going. Bmt G beats Bmt G Lum W vs Lum R (give me your pick) Png G beats Png W WOS vs Ned B (give me your pick) [/quote]I'll take Lum R because u said they hit harder. [/quote] [/quote] I can see PNG G taking it all...what I was asking was the 1st round projected matchup of Lum R and Lum W.  White would appear to be the favorite... [/quote]This dude has jokes. We never call the dogs off. PLZ, we have Mercy Ruled every team we've played. Including the teams that are currently in the Top 5 power rankings Some by half-time, others a lil later. Can PNG G say that. Y'all put up 15 against P.A, OF did that. And every other team y'all played gives up 40 to everybody. I bet those 3rd & 4th stringers wont be touching the ball vs Wos and Lum R. And I guarantee you they wont be against us ;) [/quote] To be fair, it is my understanding you never had to take your backfield out of the game against Lum R.  Bmt G scored and up by 28, then Lum R got the last possession and the game ended.  Still whipped em though.
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