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Everything posted by SmashMouth

  1. If the stats I collected are correct, here's the BMT G (5-0) vs LUM R (4-1) breakdown: BMT G in 5 games Scored 172 pts  (34.4/game) Gave up 18 pts (3.6/game) LUM R in 5 games Scored 143 pts  (28.6/game) Gave up 18 pts (4/game) On paper you got to go with BMT G.  Both have played at least one decent team (BMT G vs NED B) (LUM R vs WOS); however, LUM R toughest opponent is considerably better than BMT G's toughest.  Gonna be a close one.  Isn't it fun breaking down 8 year old's matchups? LOL!
  2. [quote name="dawgnut" post="1066362" timestamp="1317004593"] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=88772.msg1066321#msg1066321 date=1317001824] [quote author=dawgnut link=topic=88772.msg1066287#msg1066287 date=1316999413] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=88772.msg1066197#msg1066197 date=1316994276] [quote author=dawgnut link=topic=88772.msg1065470#msg1065470 date=1316909876] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=88772.msg1065368#msg1065368 date=1316904978] [quote author=dawgnut link=topic=88772.msg1065362#msg1065362 date=1316904703] Kids will do dumb stuff, just wonder were the adults were when this was all taking place? [/quote] Oh please... [/quote] Please What? [/quote] Please quit asking stupid questions...His parents where probably doing the same things OUR parents were when WE did stupid things.  Watching TV at home or whatever normal unsuspecting Moms and Dads do.  My parents were awesome! But, there is no way they could keep up with me or my whereabouts 24/7. [/quote] I'm not talking about parents! And it's not a stupid question! [/quote] Which adults were you referring to? Generally, the adults assigned to specific kids are called parents...so what's not stupid about your question or (now) your follow up comment. [/quote] If your children attend functions such as church events, club events, school events or any such thing they are generally under other adults than their parents, true? [/quote] That is true. Perhaps Dawgnut should clarify to whom which adults he is referring... or he could continue with fingerpointing inane questions with no specifics...
  3. [quote name="the sports guy" post="1066312" timestamp="1317001028"] Dude... ;D Fear the horn Santa! [/quote] I know it's off topic, and please excuse my lack of Silsbee knowledge, but what in hell does "Fear the horn mean"?
  4. [quote name="Ochocinco" post="1066286" timestamp="1316999277"] Hopefully they will do the same thing to Bmt G [/quote] Don't know about that one...
  5. [quote name="dawgnut" post="1066287" timestamp="1316999413"] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=88772.msg1066197#msg1066197 date=1316994276] [quote author=dawgnut link=topic=88772.msg1065470#msg1065470 date=1316909876] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=88772.msg1065368#msg1065368 date=1316904978] [quote author=dawgnut link=topic=88772.msg1065362#msg1065362 date=1316904703] Kids will do dumb stuff, just wonder were the adults were when this was all taking place? [/quote] Oh please... [/quote] Please What? [/quote] Please quit asking stupid questions...His parents where probably doing the same things OUR parents were when WE did stupid things.  Watching TV at home or whatever normal unsuspecting Moms and Dads do.  My parents were awesome! But, there is no way they could keep up with me or my whereabouts 24/7. [/quote] I'm not talking about parents! And it's not a stupid question! [/quote] Which adults were you referring to? Generally, the adults assigned to specific kids are called parents...so what's not stupid about your question or (now) your follow up comment.
  6. [quote name="PN-G bamakid" post="1066268" timestamp="1316998438"] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=88772.msg1066267#msg1066267 date=1316998369] [quote author=PN-G bamakid link=topic=88772.msg1066266#msg1066266 date=1316998174] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=88772.msg1066197#msg1066197 date=1316994276] [quote author=dawgnut link=topic=88772.msg1065470#msg1065470 date=1316909876] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=88772.msg1065368#msg1065368 date=1316904978] [quote author=dawgnut link=topic=88772.msg1065362#msg1065362 date=1316904703] Kids will do dumb stuff, just wonder were the adults were when this was all taking place? [/quote] Oh please... [/quote] Please What? [/quote] Please quit asking stupid questions...His parents where probably doing the same things OUR parents were when WE did stupid things.  Watching TV at home or whatever normal unsuspecting Moms and Dads do.  My parents were awesome! But, there is no way they could keep up with me or my whereabouts 24/7. [/quote] Which is why we have cell phones with GPS chips. ;D [/quote] LOL...Which is why (if I was a modern day teen) I would accidentally turn my phone off and leave at the place I was "supposed" to be... [/quote] Nah, take the battery out and say the phone was dead. [/quote] Exactly!
  7. [quote name="PN-G bamakid" post="1066266" timestamp="1316998174"] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=88772.msg1066197#msg1066197 date=1316994276] [quote author=dawgnut link=topic=88772.msg1065470#msg1065470 date=1316909876] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=88772.msg1065368#msg1065368 date=1316904978] [quote author=dawgnut link=topic=88772.msg1065362#msg1065362 date=1316904703] Kids will do dumb stuff, just wonder were the adults were when this was all taking place? [/quote] Oh please... [/quote] Please What? [/quote] Please quit asking stupid questions...His parents where probably doing the same things OUR parents were when WE did stupid things.  Watching TV at home or whatever normal unsuspecting Moms and Dads do.  My parents were awesome! But, there is no way they could keep up with me or my whereabouts 24/7. [/quote] Which is why we have cell phones with GPS chips. ;D [/quote] LOL...Which is why (if I was a modern day teen) I would accidentally turn my phone off and leave at the place I was "supposed" to be...
  8. [quote name="dawgnut" post="1065470" timestamp="1316909876"] [quote author=SmashMouth link=topic=88772.msg1065368#msg1065368 date=1316904978] [quote author=dawgnut link=topic=88772.msg1065362#msg1065362 date=1316904703] Kids will do dumb stuff, just wonder were the adults were when this was all taking place? [/quote] Oh please... [/quote] Please What? [/quote] Please quit asking stupid questions...His parents where probably doing the same things OUR parents were when WE did stupid things.  Watching TV at home or whatever normal unsuspecting Moms and Dads do.  My parents were awesome! But, there is no way they could keep up with me or my whereabouts 24/7.
  9. [quote name="Raider88" post="1066063" timestamp="1316984535"] Well that's your opinion WTB! RIGHT? Well other people have their own opinions! The only thing that matters is that W column though!! [/quote] I want the Raiders to win as much as anyone else...believe me!...But the W is not the only thing that matters. Leadership, teamwork, guts and a lot of heart are just as important as the win.  The current staff has taught many of those boys these life skills.  I'm guessing by your name you are somewhere in your early 40's.  I hope your kids (if you have any) learn those traits are just as important.  Winning is supreme, but it's not the ONLY thing that matters.  The kids ARE the only thing that matters.
  10. [quote name="True Blue" post="1065911" timestamp="1316973882"] What our nation is faced with today is a mountain of debt run up mostly by 3 Republican Presidents - Ronald Reagan - and the two Bushes. And now today - that very same Republican Party is saying "no way" to Democrats who just want to pay off that pile of Republican debt. Think about it this way - the Republicans ran up a huge credit card bill, and now they're refusing to pay for it. They took the good times - the stimulation to the economy from all that spending and the political benefits from all those wars - and now they don't want to pay for it. If you or I did that with our credit card - and did it intentionally - we'd be in jail. Here is why we are in debt. Before Reagan took office - our national debt was just under one trillion dollars and our top tax rate was 74%. But Reagan promised the nation good times - so he gave all his rich buddies tax cuts - and then put $2 trillion on the nation's credit card. Reagan borrowed and spent - in just 8 years - more money than every president of the United States from George Washington to Jimmy Carter - COMBINED. And now the Republicans don't want to pay the bill for Reagan's debt. [/quote] Even your beloved Obama would tell you you're NUTS!
  11. [quote name="True Blue" post="1065895" timestamp="1316971433"] [quote author=stevenash link=topic=87540.msg1065849#msg1065849 date=1316967840] [quote author=True Blue link=topic=87540.msg1065809#msg1065809 date=1316964964] On paper, President Bush added a total of $5.07 trillion to the debt and President Obama will add $1.44 trillion. However, approximately $1.14 of the latter figure is as a result of President Bush’s mismanagement of the economy. In other words, the real numbers should be $6.21 trillion of additional spending by President Bush and only $0.3 trillion by President Obama. If you add in the $126 billion in savings that President Obama will make on defense spending, he will only be responsible for about $0.17 trillion of new spending, about 4% of what President Bush was responsible for. As the total national debt is around $14.7 trillion, President Bush singlehandedly created almost half of it! [/quote] Blue, I am imagining that not everybody is going to accept your numbers as the gospel [/quote]President Bush spent almost $1.5 trillion on the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and didn’t count them as a part of his annual budgets. President Obama has shut down the Iraq War, but increased expenditures on the Afghanistan war and may spend around $700 million on the military action in Libya (which is about the cost of four days of the Afghanistan war effort). President Bush gave away over $1.8 trillion in tax cuts for the extremely rich and for corporations. President Obama spent $425 billion on stimulus tax cuts after the recession that the Bush administration caused. In other words, a more correct figure is $2.225 trillion in tax cuts as a result of President Bush’s mismanagement. Non-defense discretionary spending amounted to $608 billion under President Bush, more than twice the $278 billion that President Obama is expected to spend. President Bush spent a total of just under $1 trillion on bailouts and stimulus funding ($224 billion on TARP and $773 billion on the 2008 stimulus attempts). President Obama spent $711 on stimulus funding. Again, the true tally should be $224+773+711, i.e. $1.708 trillion as a result of Bush’s actions and zero as a result of President Obama’s policy changes. President Bush spent $180 billion on unfunded Medicare drug benefit changes that primarily put money into the hands of the Big Pharmas. President Obama spent $152 billion on health care reform and entitlement changes. Incidentally, the Republicans continually lie about the latter figure when they say that “Obamacare”, their deprecatory label for the health care reform bill, will cost $1 trillion. It won’t and they know it. If they were to repeal it the cost over ten years would be around $340 billion. [/quote] That's all very touching...nice creative accounting on your part.  What is the current deficit?  There's the real problem!...
  12. [quote name="Raider88" post="1065869" timestamp="1316969570"] Your partially right SMASHMOUTH!!  ;D [/quote] I'll take "partially right"...even though I'm 100% correct everytime!  ;D
  13. [quote name="pirate68" post="1065858" timestamp="1316968589"] [quote author=CF22 link=topic=88823.msg1065752#msg1065752 date=1316957363] So thats why two of the Vidor Coaches didn't shake hands with us. The timeouts were not to try and score again. We lost our QB a week ago and had to completely restructure. Up until this game we had not had one fumble. We lost 4 fumbles with 2 due to bad handoffs. The second half of the game we played a different QB ever other snap. We were just trying to get the 4 different boys that were playing QB as many snaps as possible so we could decide who we wanted to go with from here on out! If it would have been a blow out the timeouts would not have been called, 12-0 is not a blow out. Sorry if you got your feelings hurt, we were just trying to get ready for next week. Either way you have a good team and it was a very good game. And number 11 is a very special player for you. Good luck with the rest of your season. [/quote]I did not get my feelings hurt....I am not associated with either team. IMO..When the losing team does not wish to stop thw clock with under a minute to play the winning team should not try to tack on another score unless it is the tiebreaker to get his team in the playoffs or for playoff seeding. This is JMO and these things use to be done under the guidelines of sportsmanship.I guess times have changed. [/quote] Look P'68.  I think the coach of the other team explained himself.  No harm, no foul, no unsportsmanlike behavior.  Someone should tell the other team they should use timeouts to try and score at least once.  Learning to struggle and score is good for the kids to learn...don't ever just lay down!
  14. Okay, boys and girls...time to make nice nice again.  It's great to be empassioned about something...but y'all are carrying this crap too far.  These coaches are guys with jobs who must perform...but sometimes you need the right tools to perform your job.  Nobody is standing in line to run off any teachers when kids fail a test or when TACS scores drop.  Sometimes the kids are just not as smart!  Or, maybe their home life is just not conducive to learning!  These coaches may not be the best at their craft, but possibly they may need some updated tools.  I am about to commit blasphemy, but we are talking about high school football, not a life -saving cancer cure.  Relax fellas...it's all gonna be ok.  If he loses 3 more seasons in a row, then start asking for his head.  Until then, give the only coach in school history to win district a break.
  15. [quote name="hipster" post="1065842" timestamp="1316967311"] Well was this as Mcneese or Swt?  4.4 is hard to fathom as i only run 5.6.  Bench press 12oz.  But never on a Sunday. [/quote] Never?????  Gotta try it sometime.
  16. [quote name="football04" post="1065814" timestamp="1316965355"] [quote author=#1stangfan link=topic=88803.msg1065810#msg1065810 date=1316965039] I was and am not calling for his head.  I trust his football knowledge.  I know he was upset but just wish he would have handled the interview differently. [/quote] I think WOS will be fine also, just stating that you can't motivate through the press or take out your frustrations through the press. [/quote] And apparently you can't be human and be a head coach in WOS.  He probably needs to clarify his statements or apologize, though.
  17. [quote name="BrenhamFan" post="1063063" timestamp="1316764797"] [quote author=bambam33 link=topic=88659.msg1063008#msg1063008 date=1316748757] OK. Here I am 40 years old and can't freaking sleep because of Friday night lights. OMG I have had my time under the lights and yet I am more excited and nervous when my kids get out on the field. Anyone else feel me?????????? I know I am NOT alone! LOL [/quote] I don't even have kids and I have this problem. [/quote] YEP!  Me too!
  18. [quote name="NorthoftheBorder" post="1065678" timestamp="1316922976"] [b]NO!!![/b]  Depth is the biggest problem.  Losing two 3 year starters for the season didn't help.  They are scrappy and that showed in last nights game. [/quote] Amen on that one.
  19. [quote name="pirate68" post="1065668" timestamp="1316922081"] I  saw this happen today in a game at Vidor.The score was 12 to 0 with under a minute to play.The losing team was not using timeouts to try and get the ball back but the winning team used all 3 of theirs to try and score again.Since the tie breaker for the playoffs is points allowed I saw no need for this with 8 year olds.JMO [/quote] I can understand your comment, but possibly the coach of the winning team was not aware of the tie-breaker system; however, the losing team's coach SHOULD have been calling time-outs to allow his team a chance to better the score on his kid's behalf.  Hopefully all of the kids had fun.  That is more important than anything.
  20. [quote name="Ochocinco" post="1065628" timestamp="1316919080"] They run a very wicked offense. Very impressive for that age. When I thought they were running it one way, 23, 11,or 3 was taking it another way. [/quote] Lum W has that same style...hard to defend.
  21. [quote name="beaumontballer44" post="1065586" timestamp="1316916597"] Smash mouth I don't know how more ignorant you could be. I saw them play against silsbee and I also have a cousin on the team. So has there been a lack of talent/depth the 2 years prior to this season also? I know the 07 playoff team that went 3 rounds had plenty of seniors on that team and the following year Lumberton still made the playoffs. They even had a new sophmore quarterback. All I'm saying is the raiders have been competitive ,but haven't been above .500 since 08. Also PN-G's coach matt bernatt (sorry for the spelling) won a share of the district title with Lumberton and Dayton in 07, made the playoffs and the next year was gone. Therefore, I don't think it is a dumb topic. [/quote] You don't think it's a dumb topic because you know little or nothing about Lumberton's program, players, coaches, etc. I do, however.  I am not going to say you are stupid, because I don't know you. But you have know idea what you are talking about. The playoff teams had lots of depth and several players that play or played college ball. That is why they were playoff teams (same coaches, by the way).  More talent and depth got them there.  Now stick to something you know about (whatever that may be).  FYI, I have a cousin that's an astronaut, but that doesn't mean I could fly the shuttle to the moon.
  22. [quote name="SmashMouth" post="1065443" timestamp="1316907736"] [quote author=bulldawg64 link=topic=88803.msg1065438#msg1065438 date=1316907613] listen to it on  on gogt.com and surf here [/quote] Score update??? [/quote]
  23. [quote name="bulldawg64" post="1065438" timestamp="1316907613"] listen to it on  on gogt.com and surf here [/quote] Score update???
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