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Everything posted by SmashMouth

  1. Nope he got it right. Humans. Republicans and Independents have abortions too. They just don’t admit it as freely.
  2. So are you saying Lumberton has a legitimate at making it to state? You're right, there are some good ones returning, but they lost some good ones too...
  3. To say you're not really sure what to make of it is fair. If all that was coming across were young men from prisons and insane asylums, then the answer would be easy. Shut off the border 100%. That is simply not the case. Is that part of it? Probably. But using that narrative to garner support is disingenuous. And I like Trump. I just try to open my eyes a little wider when I listen to a person running for office.
  4. You don’t get it. God help you.
  5. Keep digging? I guess you’re a fool if you think people will not go to extreme measures to feed their kids.
  6. You’re silly. I’m telling you what I would do to save my family. I don’t care whose “doorstep” (figuratively speaking) I have to cross. Hence, they probably would too. I’m not saying it’s right. I’m saying it’s wrong. I’m just letting you know that this problem is going to exist ad infinitum until it is addressed. ‘Merica.
  7. I’m just telling it like it is. If I have to break immigration law to feed my child, then that’s what I’ll do. I was born in San Diego and have lived in El Paso. I hunt in Sanderson where I see just as many border patrol as I do deer. Our camp has been broken into countless times by illegals. It has been at my doorstep. I get it. It’s wrong. I’m just telling you that if I had to sneak into the US to find work to feed my family, then that’s what I would do. I’m not making excuses. I would be illegal. But I would still do it. And that’s reality. by the way, we leave a rack with canned goods on it outside at our camp and some old clothes we don’t use anymore. The camp is never broken into anymore.
  8. 1. Would I break the law to help my family rise out of squalor? You’re damn right. 2. Screw the taxpayer how, if I’m working? It’s not that I would feel entitled. It’s that I would do whatever it takes for my wife and kids. If you would read my posts instead of just reacting to a trigger, you would understand that I’m 100% for a legal immigration process. I’m just saying that if it comes to going against an immigration system to provide something other than poverty for my kids, I’m in. You would do the same. I don’t know awesome it is, but I would do it in a heartbeat.
  9. Its easy to do when talking about LCM.
  10. I am all for lawful entry into the U.S. It is the only way. Yes, they are invaders. However, I don’t think they’re coming over for a free ride, necessarily. A HUGE amount of the workforce in border areas are immigrants. The company I work for (industrial construction - refineries, chemical plants, etc) has a workforce that is close to 35% Hispanic. Many of them come from the valley in Texas to seek work to make a better life. I think we have waaay more free ride seekers that are citizens than the illegals that have come to work. In their situation, I would do the same.
  11. I agree, but what point are you making?
  12. I’m not in total disagreement with some of your points. I just think that some are a little harsh, and also it’s more of a wish list because neither side will ever get on board with probably any of the points above. 1. 100% agree 2. Good idea maybe, but not feasible 3. We already discussed. Maybe need to redefine offenses. Also, saying “never” is a difficult stance to take. If a person that just came into the country steals a loaf of bread to feed his wife and kids while he is working his butt off but hasn’t gotten paid yet, I’m not ready to totally cut him off. 4. This would necessitate an extension to the military person’s family, as well. If a person agrees to the 4 year stint in the service, his family would have to be allowed immediate citizenship too. 5. This is good in theory, but many of the people could be a benefit to our country given the chance. By and large, the vast, majority are coming over here for the opportunity to better their lives financially. I’m not saying they should be allowed perpetual welfare (like many current citizens in this country already abuse), but perhaps they could have a limit of benefits. 6. I actually agree. I just think that it will never come to fruition since it would require a constitutional amendment.
  13. I wish that were true. It’s painfully apparent that the search for truth is not as important as ideology and left vs right. Both sides have their heads so far up their asses, it’s hard to see a beacon of truth.
  14. And again…nothing will happen.
  15. You do realize that some of your proposals will require constitutional amendment. For example, “Jus soli” (right of the soil) allows for immediate citizenship in the 14th Amendment. That’s how slaves and slave children were allowed to be citizens and eventually free citizens. It’ll never happen. There’s a couple more on there that seem a little exorbitant. Unless, of course, you think that a simple public intoxication offense should ban one from becoming naturalized for life.
  16. Marked or unmarked? I believe there are several types. I know there are marked ones like you see at an an intersection with lines marking the area to cross. There are some like I have seen near MD Anderson in the Houston Medical district that are in the middle of a street (not relegated to an intersection in other words) and then there are some that may be unmarked, but they are still crosswalks nevertheless. I'm sure there may be others, but I know the ones above exist.
  17. Example: I'll say, "No, it's not" Then you say, "Yes, it is" Ok, I'll start... Two different things? No it's not!
  18. I have a somewhat different take on the situation. I have plenty of sympathy when I put myself and my family in their shoes. As a human race, I even feel some responsibility. However, entry into this country must be lawful. There are boundaries and laws for a reason. So far, neither side has the answer. The current admin's response is the worst one yet...
  19. Nothing will happen.. as usual.
  20. 1. It's a whitewash by politicians to show that they are trying to do something. It won't accomplish a damn thing. 2. A crowded hallway in a school with a short barreled shotgun that can spray a dozen #1 buckshot pellets is more effective over the AR-15 in my opinion, and I agree, the law won't deter these crimes from happening. It may change the weapon of choice or just increase rifle theft. Until the real problem is addressed which I believe is mental health, then none of this goes away.
  21. I would say "no violation" if you already entered the intersection under yellow.
  22. Look... High School football-wise, there is little or nothing to talk about currently. Let 'em go at it! Lol.
  23. Vidor has a nice weight room and an excellent strength and conditioning program. Oldschool2 is just regurgitating things he picked up on the playground, I suppose. Trying to sound cool, but nothing specific to address = silly post.
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