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  1. I guess the one who takes out the win friday night will be the top dog... but i knw is going to be a war between Central and Lumberton... The winner would be who ever wants it more... I hope both teams play a good clean game cuz i knw i will... And let the best team win... GOOD LUCK TO BOTH TEAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Is going to be a good game... but the winner of the game would be who ever wants it more... I think both teams got a 50 50 chance to win... But anything can happen... Good luck to both teams
  3. Friday at the game Central V.S Lumberton 5:30 P.M at Babe The tie breaker one will overcome the other finishing their perfect record this will be one of our toughest game ,but a good one see you there. 8)
  4. I say that both central and lumberton will be district champs cause we both have good teams and potential and the urge to win. This friday Central VS. Lumberton at BABE 5:30 P.M.
  5. 1.Central/lumberton 2.vidor 3.nederland 4.Png 5.silsbee 6.Lcm 7.hj 8.ozen 9.wos Thats how i see how the list 4 right now today we play silsbee good luck silsbee see you there.
  6. We got all the potential to win this game against lumberton we just got to handle up play are hardest and stick to the game plan and we will overcome anything as for the rest of yall better game next time 8)
  7. Yea foo aver si te da some lol ;D
  8. i dont play cheap ..... what r u talkin about man ???
  9. central 3 vidor 2 central 3 vidor 2 central 3 vidor 2 central 3 vidor 2
  10. lol... yeah but he managed to score 2 goals on yall !!! u still think he plays like a girl ???
  11. Like I said before the keeper wanted to hit the ref because the ref called him a F'n Mexican
  12. Yea that was the coach. This is the whole team`s username. We all stand for one and by one. When one goes down we all reach our hands to get um up. So if you got a prolem with one, you got a problem with everyone of us.
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