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Everything posted by Bulldog92

  1. That was absolutely incredible. Thanks for sharing it.
  2. I was just as excited as anyone there was and even called the radio show after the game, stumbling to find words to describe the pride that I had in what those guys had just accomplished. I guess it's hard to compare the two just because the football program hasn't done it yet, so I'll concede that Jasper could be both a baseball and football town. I guess I grew up in an era when Jasper was in no one's doubt a football town and it's hard to let go of that notion, even with the amazing success of baseball. I'll never believe that football will take a back seat to anything, though.
  3. Please don't overreact to one bad football season. Jasper would go completely nuts if the we won state in football. That's not to slight what just happened in baseball and I know that we're all excited. Coach Mixon and I go back more than twenty years and I can't express how happy I am for him and those kids. They've done an amazing job and I'm so proud of them. Anyway, had we found a way to pull out that Gilmer game a few years ago, you would know exactly what I'm talking about. The only way Jasper isn't a football town is if they shut the program down altogether. Baseball is just getting a much bigger piece of the "Jasper sports pie" than it used to and I'm very pleased to see that... ;D
  4. Football will probably always be king in Jasper, but we love our baseball too. Jasper is very proud of these kids right now and quite frankly, the community needed a reason to pound its proverbial chest. I'm hoping that this success spills over into football and some of the other sports. It happens all the time...
  5. Congratulations, Ryan. You guys have done something very special for not only yourselves, but the entire community. It's great to be a Bulldog, isn't it?
  6. That's quite a question. I'm sure we're not the only ones to roll through the state tournament like this, but I'm very excited that we did. It's a great day to be a Bulldog.
  7. Can't wait to find out. Wish I could be there. RYAN ELLIS wins tournament MVP.
  8. It's a GREAT day to be a BULLDOG!!!!! YOU GOTTA LOVE IT!!!
  9. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STATE CHAMPS ;D
  10. Walk. Bases juiced. 2 outs...
  11. ONE MORE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Fly out to right. Shellhammer throws a BB home and runner holds at third. 1 down...
  13. Suddenly, I'm hungry for Mexican food. ;D Triple for leadoff man. No one out...
  14. Side retired. 14-4 Jasper. 3 more outs...
  15. Hart walks...run scores...14-4 Jasper...
  16. Bradley walks. Hart up with bases juiced....
  17. Grounder to 1st. 2 outs and runners on 2nd and 3rd. Bradley up...
  18. Runners advance to 2nd and third on double-steal. Mixon is being aggressive. Gotta love that....
  19. 2 on, 1 out on fly out to center. Shellhammer up...
  20. BWA walks. 2 on and no outs....
  21. Pooh gets another hit. He's on first with no outs...
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