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coach pops

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Everything posted by coach pops

  1. Thanks. That's right. Brings back lots of memories. I believe Andre Ware won the Heisman at UH under Pardee and that offense.
  2. Innovation will win lots of games. I believe the spread offense came from maybe Ennis? The team was trailing by multiple scores so their coach went to his quick strike 2 minute style offense and scored quickly. Defense held and he did it again. Scored again. Won the game that way and started the next game in the spread. The rest is history in high school ball. U of H had lots of success and national recognition with the run and shoot version prior to. As did the Houston Oilers with the same coach. Wish I could remember his name. We used it with middle school kids over twenty years ago to break the monotony at practice and a good deal of the time in games. I just didn't have sense enough to do it all the time. Now it's the norm cause it's so hard to defend. All ages can use that offense in many variations. It's all about the execution.
  3. Thats the article. I was in the wrong state. :) Good job on finding it.
  4. Trying to remember the particulars. It's been a couple years ago but pretty sure it was the Carolinas or Virginias states. My Dad showed me the article. I'll see if he remembers and post a link if found.
  5. I read about a coach in a northeast state winning state championships that never punts and kicks onside every kickoff. His reasoning was that the opposing team would score after a punt or conventional kickoff a high percentage of the time anyway and he usually had a 50% chance of converting on fourth down and his team recovering the onside kick 50% of the time. I thought he was nuts until he started quoting percentages and his logic. If you think about it he has a strong argument. Under the circumstances cited in this thread why not try the unconventional. That would at least give opposing coaches something to think about.
  6. lmao I have seen that baby picture a bunch of times but just now noticed that leaf on his hat.
  7. There wasn't a real loser on the field last night. It'S been nearly 24 hours and my pulse is just getting back to normal. I listened on the radio and probably needed an IV while watching the replay. Those were two really good ball teams with two good coaching staffs. Neumann and Mathews are two fine head guys and first class people. I really think the Vidor community and kids have bought into Mathews philosophies on how to succeed and their doormat days are over. Ned did that awhile back. I think Vidor has and will become a force in the district. I will go see them play when theirs and Neds schedules don't conflict. Congrats to Both teams. I think we'll see them both with strong playoff runs.
  8. Just from what I've read and haven't seen Livingston Ned 24 Liv 10
  9. I don't have a dog in the fight but here is an opinion. To win I have always believed that you must tweak your system around YOUR PLAYERS. I never felt that you go in with a system and come hell or high water stay rigidly with that option. A whole is only as good as the sum of its parts. You must play to your strengths and do whatever is best for your team and gives you the best chance of winning. That dictates that you must have the personnel on the field to accomplish that goal. If some get more playing time to accomplish your goal of winning then that is best for the overall team. If some playing both ways help the team win then so be it. In football and within the rules of the game and fair play, the end justifies the means. You will never make every kid, parent or fan happy, but as a coach you must do what is best for the team and gives the team the best chance of success.
  10. I don't think players would do this. Too much respect for Vidor athletes. Whoever is responsible hasn't been properly raised. The only trash in Vidor that night was a little punk with a paint can. Our apologies.
  11.                                             NO TITLE GAME THIS YEAR The third installment of the Beaumont Bowl city championship series was cancelled last night just prior to game time because of a massive power outage at Da Butch attributed to bad wiring. In emergency session BISD school board voted to declare the series a tie. Steps were also taken in the meeting to contract a local electrican for the necessary wiring repairs. The contractor has assured the board that the repairs will be completed in two days and the do-over another three days thereby being ready for next weeks schedule. A vital clause in the contract stipulates that overcharges totaling less than $3 million will be paid in a prompt and timely manner. Other terms of the contract have not been disclosed. (cover story currently being contrived)
  12. I realize making accusations in my earlier posts in a moment of anger was inappropriate. Those were reactions brought on by my 85 yr old Dad distressed by the realization that we would be unable to get tickets to this game because Vidor refused to send more tickets to NHS. I have no idea why this is happening and have read lots of reasons that frankly don't add up. In 50 plus years this is a first. We have NEVER had problems getting tickets to any game until now. Never problems with MCM, WO-S, Mauriceville, Dayton, Crosby, Livingston, many others, or Vidor until now. I have been a fan of Vidor, PN-G, WO-S and other area teams in the playoffs including Dayton. I feel other circumstances are at work here, especially in light of the fact cheermom from PN-G has expressed similar problems for the PN-G and Vidor game. I do feel somewhat betrayed by this turn of events. I totally enjoyed Vidor playoff games last year where I witnessed many other area fans pulling for the Pirates. So be it. I'll happily listen to the game on the radio and watch the replay. So much for loyalty. GO DOGS. RESPECT IS EARNED.
  13. This comes down to being a totally classless act with the intent to disrespect an entire community for the sake of pissing people off. It is childish and irresponsible behavior and a terrible example of bad sportsmanship. Kudos to the p---k that hatched this crap. This is a hell of an example to set for your community and students. If Nederland did something this sorry to an opponent I would be at the admin. building getting a king sized piece of someones ass. This foolish act has totally overpowered all the positive steps the Vidor community has made in the minds of fair people. The backlash will be tremendous and deserved.
  14. Per NISD Vidor sent ONLY ten tickets for this game. This is unforgiveable on the part of powers to be in Vidor. My Dad is 85 yrs old. I'm 58 with severe neck problems and my brother is 60 with a bad back. We are not capable of standing in line for hours to get tickets for something we look forward to for months. I have personally taken up for Vidor against haters from other areas in defense of the people in the community on this board and outside of sports. We went to Vidor playoff games and supported your team. Now we will be forced to miss this game because of some chicken s--t ploy by the administrators in your school district. To go to these lengths to try to gain any kind of advantage is dismal at the least. Congratulations.
  15. Wow. Thanks.
  16. Shockers on any given night. CONGRATS LCM. Greatest sport in the world.
  17. pa news scores shows Angleton lost last night to a 3A school. Doubt this is correct. Can someone confirm?
  18. This one turned out the way we felt it would. Good win for Crosby. Congrats.
  19. Heavyweight slugfest. Turnovers were the difference. Spot a top 10 team in the state 13 on turnovers and come back to tie or go for win takes a good team. Got to agree with the 2 pt attempt on the road in non district. Really hope Pryor and Hopkins are not too bad. Two weeks to heal and prepare for a good Vidor team. Good game. No shame in losing this game to Angleton. They're the real deal. Hope these two teams can get far enough in the playoffs to give Ned another shot in one that counts for a lot. Congrats to Angleton.
  20. I wouldn't throw dirt on PNG yet. Everyone has down years. No I'm not saying this will be a bad year for PNG. As the season progresses EVERY team will have to overcome adversity on and off the field. Injuries, family tragedies, accidents, illness, and a myriad of other challenges will be faced by players, coaches, and fans. Everyone that has ever coached, played, or participated in activities with young people has at one time or another dealt with these things. You must adapt, overcome, and put less than perfect circumstances behind you. Young people must recognize the freedoms and enjoyment of their high school years and realize that the hard part starts after graduation. That's just the way it is. Life isn't all fairness and pleasure. There is a cold world waiting to gobble up the weak of mind or spirit. I believe PNG will pull it all together and surprise some people. You just have to choose not to lose. If you give your best effort then win, lose, or draw you can look in a mirror and see a winner.
  21. Retired Stang Coach Dan Hooks Officiates His First Game-Gets Mixed Reviews
  22. These things happen. What doesn't kill you makes you better. Turn it into a positive and rally around those still there.
  23. I think Lancaster is in the same district as Ennis. They got 9 def starters back and several on offense. They've beaten 2 really good programs and cracked the AP top ten. 4A track champs last five years. Beside Ennis and Waxahachie not much competition in the district. 15-4A.
  24. In the immortal words of John Madden the team that scores the most points usually wins. I do believe when the dust clears this will have been a really good game between two fairly evenly matched teams. I know Ned will not underestimate Angleton. I also reckon that will work both ways. Both teams have the athletes and ability to win this game. Don't be surprised if it comes down to the wire and maybe the last possession. Got to go with Ned by close.
  25. The home side was what is now the visitors side for many years. It was changed in the seventies because it couldn't be expanded because of Detroit Ave. Showing my age. :(
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