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Everything posted by Fastball

  1. I'm on board! I'll pick Nederland
  2. I'm picking Columbus
  3. Brenham Big!
  4. I pick Vidor
  5. Hate to see the Menyard/Dishon era come to a close.  Great job guys!
  6. Congradulation Coach Nelson, loved playing for you at WB.
  7. Bishop Dunne looked horrible.  They were big but very undisciplined.  The game was over once Kelly established themselves, (1st set of downs).  Dunne did nothing from that point. I guess over 200 yards of personel fouls.
  8. Bless his heart.  Players to Family and WB
  9. Congradulations to Matt, Camron, and Jake, go forward and continue to make us proud!
  10. Coach Mathews runs a great program Vidor should be happy to have him.  Congradulations Coach!
  11. Nederland and Newman are always tough!  Good Luck!
  12. Da Butch aint gona pass on makin money.  I bet Vidor and Crosby will pay.
  13. Hope Cupero is OK.  His a little guy with a big leg.
  14. Don't know the real story, I have to beleive the Dad's story of innocience.  However I have a question.  What is the difference between spying vs scouting.  I have attended many sporting events via football, basketball and baseball with opposing coaches watching closely, and taking notes.  Also, coaches exchange previous game tapes weekly. If the Dad was spying, then shame on him and Kelly.  Then again, how many coaches even listen to parents?
  15. 5 on 5, I agree!  I am so happy for Lance!!!
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