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Everything posted by SPORTSMAN

  1. To all of my Kountze brothers. Please do not, respond to the IrateEagle he is only trying to start trouble. His talk is trash and does not deserve anyones attention!!!
  2. Great job Lionettes on a winning season. Not to early to start getting ready for next year.
  3. maybe 1 minute between third and fourth Quarters ONLY
  4. K-ville must bring their best game to Silsbee Texas to win. I respect the Tigers Coaching Staff but Kirbyville will bring their a-team, cheer leaders, fans, and their crazy fans and will not be stopped Friday night!!!!
  5. Tramain will not get any rest Friday night because Kountze will bring Pain, EC I think coming off of a huge game can be knocked off for the first time this year. Go Kountze Go !!!!!
  6. Bucof2010 You need to ask the Buna football team what kind of team the Kountze Lions are? You maybe surprised Friday night!!!!
  7. Trey has moved back home to take care of his Grandmother, and is going to Lamar. I would love to see him walk on at Lamar!!!
  8. Saw Kirbyville's Football Team and Band last week at HJ, was impressed with the Football Team and entertained by the Band. No dought they will BEAT the same drum this week for Homecoming. K-Town Wins Big!!! Good luck to the Homecoming Court. Good luck to both teams.
  9. As I write this, it is about 3:00pm. 4 1/2 hours till kickoff with 48 minutes of play till the fat lady sings. The song she will sing tonight !! (KOUNTZE BRINGS THE PAIN). 08SOFTBALL was at Hardins Pep Rally and was impressed TODAY. I didnt make it the the Kountze Pep Rally but was about a mile from it through the wood, BUT BOY LET ME TELL YOU THOSES KOUNTZE LIONS ARE FIRED-UP AND HUNGRY FOR THE GAME TONIGHT. Good luck to both. GO KOUNTZE GO !!!!!!!
  10. Sobriquet as for as I know all schools own their own markers, The ones that I have used are 1-inch aluminum pipe with a foam pad around the pipe, older down markers or the flip the number and the newer style you slide a handle to change the down number. (Question to you why do you ask this question?)
  11. Is this a question the will be asked on Friday night tailgate party???? ;D
  12. EagleFan01 as I read your reply sounds like a chip, no, no a big chip on your shoulder. This is not your first negative reply look at your Karma -102. May the football God's bless you.
  14. #21 IS MY BOY TOO !!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D
  15. Saturday News Paper will say Kirbyville WINS!!!! Good luck Boys and Fans.
  16. Looks like a tag team on Kountze in this thread maybe you guy's need to try out for WWF in the future. HA HA !!!!!! And as for basketball Kountze will play a full court press tonight. Here comes the PAIN !!!! Good luck to both teams tonight.
  17. Kountze Lions over Buna. Night Train will carry us to Victory!!!
  18. Wrecken Machine Surgery Good, Day after Good, Hurting Bad!!!! Hang in their Chad. Good Luck.
  19. I think the Kountze Lions are right where they need to be ( under the radar ) for this game. As catch em all said three post ago #44 for Buna is going to hurt people, he may need to go try out for Ultimate Fighter on Spike TV. And two post ago Kville_extreme said #20 for Buna will dance around them, maybe he needs to go try out for dancing with the stars on ABC. Because the Kountze Lions are going to bring PAIN FRIDAY NIGHT!!!!!
  20. I think the Kountze Lions are right where they need to be ( under the radar ) for this game. As catch em all said three post ago #44 for Buna is going to hurt people, he may need to go try out for Ultimate Fighter on Spike TV. And two post ago Kville_extreme said #20 for Buna will dance around them, maybe he needs to go try out for dancing with the stars on ABC. Because the Kountze Lions are going to bring PAIN FRIDAY NIGHT!!!!!
  21. Kountze Lions #74 Good Luck Chad.
  23. KOUNTZE !!!!!!
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