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Everything posted by WH-BackInThaDay

  1. end of story?? End of a fictional fairy tale thought up by a hallucinating Kountze fan..errr.. kid. You're right, it should come to an end. There are some great teams in this area. Kountze is one of them. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Kountze and EC split. HJ beat EC 2 out of 3 times. I don't think its very fair to say there's no way HJ could beat em. I think it would be a fun game to watch, but its hard to talk smack about what if. Especially if you're the only one who see's it that way.
  2. If someone throws a stone at you over the internet..... would it hurt? JJ. Good post Zeek. Good points.
  3. By everyone else, you mean HJ members, right?? I didn't pick anyone. I say we need stats. That's how you pick an POY. That and his ability to help his team win. This is how you pick this player. But everyone has who they think in their mind, and will argue the point, which is great. Shows pride and backing for your school. But remember the POY has to look good on paper, not just a great kid and great athlete, or a kid with great potential. Its the best performer of the year. (and for God's sake, don't think I'm dissing Donahoe. I'd hate to have the whole pack on me)
  4. pete_sampras wrote: woah hold your horses... i was at the WOS and HJ when they played in sour lake and yall did hold donahoe to i think which might have been his season low, BUT HJ still beat WOS because Jarvis stepped and knocked down 30... donahoe is not the whole team but he is a big piece to the HJ puzzle Its whoa, pete. not woah. : 2 can play dis game.
  5. I can remember when McCarter went a little too far on some issues at West Hardin, too. That was a major problem with constantly changing coaches, its like they have to get their bluff in and show everyone who's the boss. Kinda like, "There's a new sheriff in town!!" , ya know.... Some coaches get better after a year or two, and others are constantly trying to proove a point. Guess it'll always be that way.. Good luck West Hardin and West Orange-Stark tonight!! Hope its a great one!
  6. The West Hardin School Board has always been a problem in making decisions the AD should be allowed to make. I went to school there and saw it first hand. Just look at one of the coaches that is now at West Sabine. He wouldn't stay around due to too much pressure by his own relatives to play certain people and a certain way. He would never say that, because he wouldn't want in the middle of it, but it was sad. The program was on its way up and poof!! We went through 4 athletic directors in the 6 years I played organized sports for this school. Rather they won or not, if they didn't play a certain way, they didn't stay. This is a major concern of many people in the area. This was also a major reason why the West Hardin program hasn't been successful when they had lots of potential. No consistency. The kids are taught something different every year. New schemes, new ways, new rules, new tactics. It all changes so much, and a great deal due to the school being centered around a very political community with too much power in the wrong areas... I hope it is turning around up there for the kids' sake.
  7. I don't think anyone has a problem with HJ rollin up in here tryin to represent.... I think the problem comes when the bashing starts on other schools. Especially the childish remarks and the cheap shots. We all have school pride, there's no doubt in that. If we didn't, we wouldn't spend hours on this website talkin noise and arguing our points.... so what's my point??......... All I'm sayin is, if I started talkin too much trash about HJ, my karma would be so low, I'd have to look up to see down, cause there's a lot of you hawk hecklers on here. he he.. So if you talk noise, expect feedback. Probably argumentative. Nobody wants anything bad said about their alma mater.... Just keep that in mind fellers. Good luck in the playoffs.
  8. I think the administrators should be able to extend warnings, suspensions and expulsions to people on this site. This school pride is great, but jeez!! don't give out your numbers on this thing, and expect someone to actually call and the two of you chat over a cup of tea, like old chaps.... That's a little childish. But if you wanna talk some noise, call 1-800-mix-a-lot to kick dem' nasty thoughts... 8)
  9. Just kidding, I'm sure he's great. I have only seen a few of the boys that everyone are mentioning, play thus far. Tomorrow night may give some insight, but this isn't player of the night, its player of the year, so if any of the boys have a great night or a lousy night, then you can't run throwing that in anyones face. That being said, Letsinger is a great athlete and all around person, but, I think we need stats from all year, and in any decision like this in the big leagues, this award usually goes to a team with a competitive record. Does anyone have any REAL yearly totals on any of these players?? We need some facts. I mean, lets face it, theres probably 1 or 2 players on every team around here that someone would nominate for this so we need some real numbers here.
  10. I see Newton pulling it out in the 9th inning... a hat trick followed by an alley-oop touchdown. Unless, its raining. HJ could pull it out by a wickett or snickerdoodle. Play nice ol' chaps, this isn't the queens league....
  11. I have been smitten!! Didn't hurt as bad as I thought. ;D
  12. Thanks guys for this site. This is how I find all of my info when I'm at work. Its great and should be advertised. I propose people make flyers and signs and post them at local intersections. Ya'lls kewl as a fan, man. 8)
  13. WH, you better bring your A-game. I don't care who says what. WO-S is the favorite and rightly so. Don't play scared, get physical and make your shots. Don't be intimidated. If you play like you did the first time against Big Sandy, you'll lose by 40. If you play like you did Tuesday, the seats won't have a butt in them. Everyone will be on their feet. Good luck boys, just play like you can and don't be intimidated. McCarter would love to lay it to ya'll. I don't see him letting up like WH coach would if up by 20 or 25. Its kind of a lose/lose game for him. If he wins, he beats a 1A, right HJ folks. Anyone can beat a 1A. Why you pickin on them boys, anyway!? And if he loses, then well, they shouldn't even be allowed in the same district as them Hawks... eh.... eh!? P.S. and no Lazeek, none of these are aimed at you. I know you don't need my approval, but you have been one of the most respectable participants, and I thank you for that. And just to let you know, I'll be yelling for H-J Friday night.
  14. It was only a few years ago that Brookeland 1A beat the 3A powerhouse kountze in the YMBL tournament and went on to win the thing. Not sure, but I belive kountze may have beaten the all mighty that year too. But Brookeland didn't play anyone that year. :-* This thread should be deleted, or there should be a trash talking area on this forum. Or better yet, an age limit on this thing. What is awful is that I love the Hardin Jefferson team. I'm glad they represent South East Texas. They do consistently have great teams, but don't talk trash off of what-if. And don't be a sore winner, or get mad if the spotlight is occasionally on other teams. Being cocky and arrogant reflects on other things that aren't sufficient in our life. Just think, the majority of the people on here talking trash are older folks talking trash about high school teams or kids that aren't even playing on the team. Do you not have anything else to be proud of in your life?? so much so that if anyone else seems to take a little of that glory, you get offended and start thinking of ways to down them... Come on folks, lets all respect one another. I'm sorry for the degrading things I have said, and I refuse to post on this thread anymore. Even to defend myself or my alma mater. Its just causing problems. Good Luck SETX in the post season and this friday night. Go Oilers!! P.S. That was freakin hilarious, Lazeek.
  15. Olives, are you saying there is nothing in 1A that could compare to WOS??
  16. hey, a friend of mine took a dump in sour lake one time. maybe he can go play for the rockets.
  17. Possibly louder than the H-J gym?? OH no!! dont' say that .... its blasphemy.. Shhhh. the Hawk Hecklers might hear you.....
  18. Yeah, I agree. I thought the WH-Big Sandy game was, but WH came out smokin hot and took control. I think HJ-Newton =Warmup game for HJ but be careful Newton always has athletes WH-WO-S = something to prove game for WH (McCarter coming back to try and whoop up on WH. Not gonna be so easy) and the EC vs. Kountze game = SETX small town game of the year. check that SETX game of the year!!
  19. Thanks for the clarification spinks. I know what you mean. I guess its just that the majority of the talk from everyone takes away from WH. The only reason they don't score 120 to 130 like chireno on teams like High Island (sorry cards) and Burkeville (my bad stangs) is because the coach is very conservative at West Hardin. If he gets up by 20 he sits on it. I've been on West Hardin teams that lost by 50 and 80 points, and it wasn't any fun, but when we won, we always had class. Even in football. If we were up by three scores in the second half, the starters came out. Same way with these boys. They've won all year and haven't degraded anyone. They are much better than the scores against the schools that aren't so good show. Good luck to all in the playoffs. Yes, even the freakin, by-God, Hardin-Jefferson Hawks. ;D
  20. Don't know if I'm more excited about watchin the Oilers and Stangs or this one. Hope its a hard fought game. Both of these teams can give anyone they play all they can handle.
  21. Great job hawks. Love what you're doing and how you're representing South East Texas. Lay the smoke down on Newton friday and then go barrelling into the playoffs like the Juggernauts you are. Just wish some of your fans weren't so arrogant when talking bout' my lil' Oilers. Eat em' up, Hawks!!
  22. Go Oilers. I'm postponing Florida getaway for this one. This will be the most athletic team you have seen all year and it ain't gonna be easy. 8) So shut em' up down 105 once and for all. Beat WO-S and show everyone you are for real. Just give it your all. It might be more than they can handle. Either way, we're with you. Luv Ya' Blue!!
  23. They don't belong on the same floor as H_J???? > West Hardin could win state and everyone would say "aww, those other teams had their junior high playing" I know, right. West Hardin could't keep it within 100 pts. of HJ. HJ could beat Lamar. HJ could be in Las Vegas and beat the NBA all-star team. And since WO-S beat HJ once this year (probably cause all of the hawks had both arms tied behind their back and were only allowed to played three players or something) everyone in Sour Lake is praying that West Hardin gets it taken to them to take away from what they've done. We don't try and take anything away from Hardin Jefferson. Anything!! And its rediculous. All I've seen is great job on your season, too bad you haven't played anyone. Or, great season, for a 1-A. More like you're not bad, but you don't compare with us. Oh, yeah, almost forgot. Donahoe for president, and HJ gym is louder than Kyle Field when A&M plays Texas. Go Hawks..... self righteous buzzards. ;D I feel better.
  24. Only Friday night can tell. No one thinks WH is real. They play WO-S in the Montagne. If its a 20 pt. win by the Mustangs, then okay ya'll can talk smack. : WH shouldn't be allowed to clean the toilets in Kountze, EC and the all mighty God-for-saken HJ or whatever. But if its a legitimate game, or WH actually pulls out a victory (no way right, congrats on the year, but they suck anyway) then how about a lil' respect. They are a good team, regardless of classification.
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