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Everything posted by cantbeat23

  1. Ive watched all teams play IMO wos 8thA will win and silsbee 7thA they are big and fast #15 and #25 will be hard to contain
  2. im not trying to be slick, it obviously shows my post, just my user name changed. but my comments and my feelings have not changed on the subject.. i have not nor have i ever have bashed anyone, just voiced  my opinon on the matter. this is a public form right?.. its your egos that have your thought process clouded. just because people have opinions on this subject, they are automacticly deemed bmt haters!! get over yourselves, and come back to reality.. i woundnt care who it was that scored 75, i would still have the same opinion....and trust me i sleep just fine at night.  if you think im worried about you or anyone else, is out to get me? LMBO! think again my egotistical friend. have a blessed day
  3. this is not, nor has it ever been about bmt having a stacked team this is about scoring 75 points in a pee wee footbal game period... we all understand and have heard plenty!!! about how good bmt is with their talented players,  thats beside the point. the point is scoring 75 points in a 7&8 yr old pee wee gm is unexceptable and unexcusable and should be adressed by the stjfl, to insure that it doesent happen again. 
  4. First off, in that post I say nothing about its all about fundamentals. That was a response to a post that said they lost a 2-0 game due to their pitching being hamstrung and not giving BC any credit for their pitching and defense. 2-0 not 75-0,  that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. you can try and twist this all you want, but the fact of the matter is, it was not right....
  5. 1stdown you are clueless, this is not about how good bmts 1st, 2nd or 3rd string are. this simply put is a lack of sportsmanship on behalf of Bmt. What did they expect to accomplish scoring 75 on png-g ataboys? I don't think so... I believe they blatantly scored 75 to try and prove a point, and they clearly got their point across. But the reality is, all they proved was their lack of class, integrity and respect for the game. In this case the score showed they won the game, but lost thier focus on the big picture and what the stjfl represents and promotes.
  6. Jag86 i completely understand wanting to develope those kids, but at what cost? To humiliate a team that is obviously less talented, that is no challenge to your extremely talented team? Please  Tell me how that is making your team better and developing 7&8 yr old boys? It's pee wee football!!! The lesson you should be teaching your boys is its ok to be better than the other team/person but be humble in your accomplishments, thankful for the gift you have, set your goals high, but make them understand that it's going to take hard work an dedication to accomplish those goals. And Im not saying that those kids havent worked hard and or not dedicated but  Sportsmanship is part of the game at every level and in saying that your lack of in this paticular game is disturbing. I believe for some reason you and your coaching staff have a chip on your shoulder and are out to prove a point and have no regard for the collateral damage. And if you can hold your head up high and look at these young men on your team and say with a straight face that it was ok to score 75 points on a team that is less talented, than you have issues my friend and need to reevaluate your thought process.
  7. ^ reply from dawgsofgold says it all and forthelove you haven't a clue. You talk about letting them get every stinking bit out of it? Really how about the opposing team? What are they getting out of it? A little bit of humble pie? Give me a break this is about integrity, showing a little class I completely understand Bmt b is very talented, I also was apart of a team just a couple yrs ago that was very talented from top to bottom and we could have scored 75 on on most teams we played, our backups cold have run all over most teams first string including the team from Bmt. But we didn't, because our head coach had enough class and integrity not to do such a thing out respect for the opposing coach and players and FYI we played 10 min quarters. It boggles my mind the lack of understanding on this matter. And your not going to convince me that with a running clock after the score had gotten out of control that you can still put 75 points on the board, and you weren't trying to run up the score, thats ludicrous. It's not happening
  8. Beaumont Peewee Blue Do Not have to cheat- We are tired of coaches and opposing fans/parents trying to humiliate this team. All summer, every weekend and after every game someone has tried to bring them down. Coach Derrick Rivers and staff are getting tired of all this Drama. For now on Do Not ask for a running clock. Teams are throwing the towel in and then after the game they complain about a few (STUDS) playing the entire game or wanting to protest  because they feel like some players aren't getting their 10 plays. FYI, even with a running clock and our Studs, as you call them,  Do Not Play the entire game and ALL our players get their plays.. #1 has 4 carries for 4 touchdowns, #3 has 6 carries for 5 touchdowns and #10 has 8 carries for 6 td's. And thats thru 2 games. We only have 18 offensive plays so far this year. Don't you know that those kids run track and train very hard all summer. They are highly ranked in the Nation in several events. Sorry if we have them and you don't. Everyone knows this team was gonna be special this year. For now on, just ask the score keeper not to keep score because we're not doing the running clock anymore. Thank the complainers and whiners for this future opponents
  9. Also can't compare 39 from Ned to 75 r u kidding me!! That's a 36 point difference, that's 6 Tds like i said they should be ashamed Of their self.
  10. It's obvious y'all just don't get it, I don't care how good Bmt b is you just don't do that at this level.. it's about instructing them on the fundamentals of the game, team concept, and good sportsmanship, they are 7&8 yrs olds.
  11. He obviously don't know any better, explain to me how you call off the dogs and still put up 75, you just don't do it. I have coached against teams that could have put up a 100 against us, but didn't... its called sportsmanship u figure out a way to stop scoring period
  12. 75-0 ever heard of running the clock. You can say what you want but scoring 75 in a pee wee football gm is ridiculous I don't care if you have your 3rd string in. That's classless on behalf the coaches from Bmt coaching staff I have been in this league since the stjfl formed and have never seen a score like that. so that tells me once they got up by 28-0 they couldn't have had a continuous running clock, and they should have. They should be punished for posting a score like that, so much for teaching your kids sportsmanship they should be ashamed of their selfs, the Bmt coaches that is.
  13. Does anyone know if Jasper's JR high teams play at the high school stadium?
  14. bmt pride, your arrogance sickens me. a true leader leads by example, talk is cheap just shut up and play the game if you have the better team it will show up in the end, your setting a bad example for your kids and your community by coming on here and bragging about how your # 1 blah blah blah you havent played anyone yet.. no disrespect to the teams that you have played vidor, kountze, wos-b and lumberton red. but they have a combined record of 3-16. yall have the potential to win it all, but like ive told my son since he's been 5 all potential means is you havent done anything yet. C'MON MAN have a little class cause on any givin sat, you might be the better team, but the better team might win that day... JMO
  15. Just my opinion fella, don't have to get all defensive excuses are for the weak..
  16. Walkoff your close, but wos blue isn't a top five watched them play sat and got beat pretty good by BC red.. got some talent but are poorly coached.. They won't even make the playoffs BC red should be in that mix. JMO Lrg school        Small school Lum-w.              LCM Ned-b                OF-W Bmt-b.                BC-R Ned-w                BC-W Png-w                OF-O
  17. Can anyone tell me where CO Wilson middle school plays their home football games at???
  19. I am all for it Gucci, personally I liked it the way it was everybody plays everybody, but they decided to go small school, large school.  They still could have keep pee wee small school in one division and played 3 or 4 NC games.  my thing is being in the small school division, but playing more NC games than C gms. We play 4 Nc and only 3 C Just don't make since, but like I said we gonna hit the field come aug 25th and play till the last whistle is blown and the clock hits 00:00
  20. yes i do understand and have empathy for those who were involved in the scheduling, i could just imagine it was a nightmare, but in saying that, it would have been a nightmare either way you scheduled it. it just makes more since, being there are only 8 teams in pee wee, in the small school division,  that you would only have one division, each team plays 7 conferece games and one nc game, top four teams make it to the playoffs.  i'm asuming the reason stjfl went to the small school, large school format is the competitive factor, the bigger schools having a larger athletic pool to choose from right? well its kinda defeating the whole purpose, if your team is having to play more games against the larger schools than they do against the smaller schools,  just my opinion. i dont have a dog in the hunt just coaching cause i love the game and love teaching the young men that are playing, either way we will lace them up and compete against who ever lines up across from us. win, loose or draw just ready for some football!!!
  21. Stjfl schedules or wacked!! In the Pee wee's small school division their are only 8 teams and they are split into two divisions? What's up with that? some teams are playing 4 non conference games and only 3 conference games :/ what's the purpose of having a small school and big school division if your going to play more games outside your division. Can someone please answer that one for me?????????????
  22. Oldballcoach dont hate on BC because they took care of business Thursday and rapped up district 32 in a 3 gm sweep, it's not our fault y'all could'nt handle y'alls, it is what it is, play better is all i can tell ya. I watched y'all sat against WE and I have to say, i was very impressed with Jasper's bats, but hamstrung on pitching is not the reason y'all lost tue against BC, it was 2-0 let's give BCs pitching and defense a little credit. Besides last I checked you had to score at least 1 run to win a baseball game. Must of forgot those bats in jasper Tuesday. Good luck to y'all and "God Bless"
  23. Winner of Pasadena red and orwall, I believe orwall was winning 9-2
  24. very well said babs and mjb but i think i want to chime just a bit. these simple minded people, knucklehead said that the coach should tell his boys that is not the way you earn it ha! thats funny.. what our coaches did is teach them a lesson that cheaters never win and winners never cheat. he called them on it and it cost his team a chance at a tournament championship. if you expect us to believe that the coaches didnt have a clue what they were doing, well not a chance..  thier the the ones who should be ashamed,  its just unfortunate for them young men on the gladiators that played there butt off for thier coaches in question, that they had to forfit the game.. what a fine example thier setting for them boys, the parents should be proud NOT!! the sad thing is they didnt have cheat they would have won the game without the illegal player. bottom line is we didnt play good enough to win that game,  but the rules are the rules..  i personally know each parent on the prospects team and i think it safe to say that not anyone of them would ever say they would leave if he didnt forfit over a rules violation.. get your facts straight,  that is far from the truth....we take our lumps and stand tall with our heads held high hoping we get the chance to meet again.. because honestly i believe if we played 10 games against them, the win they got the other night, would be thier only one jus sayin PROUD PROSPECTS DAD "CANTBEAT23"
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