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Everything posted by whsalum

  1. I could live with that
  2. What in the world initiated separate divisions in small school high school basketball?? I can see it in 6A where there may be huge differences in enrollment numbers but this format seems to cheapen the accomplishments of the smaller schools. Also other than the traffic in Austin it was hard to beat the State Championship Tournament weekend. This one day stuff is for the birds. Bring back the championship to its rightful place, Nothing like easing over to the beer garden between sessions. MBGA- Make Basketball Great Again ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€
  3. Good lord. Kirbyville should have just forfeited this one and played horse ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ
  4. Oh no !!!! Quite a character. Condolences go out to his family. Much to young , RIP Dickie V
  5. Congratulations Eagles ๐Ÿฆ… on a great run. Young club, future looks bright for our neighbor to the north.
  6. Never saw this in my trips to HJ
  7. It'll be strange walking in to the HJ gym and not seeing Clay working the sidelines. I wish him well, he'll be a tough one to follow. HJ is a great school district to teach in and the community supports their Hawks. There will be some top notch applicants for this position.
  8. We have been fortunate to get to watch one of the best coaches in the state. Thanks for the memories Coach Foster
  9. Millers size would probably give him the advantage in the 5th spot. What a great dilemma to have, choosing between these 2 guys.
  10. I know the all district selection argument has always been โ€œitโ€™s about recognizing the kidsโ€ which is true. Personally I think it should be recognition of the very best. A reward for hard work and performance. Selection of 20 all district players in a 7 team district waters down the award for the players who are actually deserving. Pick 5 players on 1st team and include them as the superlative players. Pick 5 on the 2nd team and youโ€™ll actually start recognizing kids for their accomplishments again. Under no circumstance would I open the selection process to parents and slide shows and stats. Youโ€™d have lil Johnnys Little Dribbler game winning shot on the projector. JMO for what itโ€™s worth as a fan.
  11. I gotta ask the age old question, is there anyone who doesnโ€™t make all district?
  12. This was a great season for the Lions. They are still young for a team making it to the regional finals. Congratulations to em on an excellent season!!
  13. What time does the first game start and whoโ€™s playing in it?
  14. Congratulations Hawks!!
  15. I think both teams will shoot it well. Turnovers are the key here so Iโ€™ll pick Kountze by 8 at home 78-70
  16. Congratulations Coach!!
  17. They could shoot it last year and were quick but pretty small. This year they are bigger which in turn makes them awful tough on the defensive end. They are going to be much improved.
  18. I left before it was over. Iโ€™d say the officiating was not good. I didnโ€™t see it real one sided , just not very good. In a game where the 2 teams had each won 1 district game they probably werenโ€™t real high on the list. Very entertaining game through 3 quarters .I think Warren finished the season at 5-5 which is a huge improvement over recent seasons.
  19. Another one not listed but one of the best coaches in our area is the gentleman up in Big Sandy. Kevin Foster is the most overlooked basketball coach in the area.
  20. Ryan Donahoe was one of the best high school players I ever saw. He was a completely different kind of player than Zjori Bosha but both of them were great, Bosha probably had the edge as a shooter but Donahoe just refused to lose. Jarvis Bernard was also a great player over there.
  21. Daniel Marsh and several of the Reescano's would be in this conversation
  22. I gotta confess I haven't seen some of the teams on the edge of the coverage area enough to rank them. My rankings were just the teams I saw last year
  23. I think OF and HF are gonna be really close. OF made a really good hire in the off season that I think may give them a little advantage.
  24. No disrespect to any of the kids mentioned but personally Iโ€™d take Bush as the best player Iโ€™ve seen come through Silsbee in the last decade. There all great players but Bush made everyone around him better
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